March 3, 2013


I don't know about you, but Main Idea is a tough one to teach to kiddos.  My file on this concept has remained super skinny and I have always had a hard time wrapping my brain around how I want to deliver this to my babes.  Well, last Monday had a "ah-ha" moment while driving to school (I took feverish notes on the back of my checkbook) and was able to create something that finally made sense to me.  

I thought this would be a quick little pack, but it ended up being 70 pages.  It shocked me because I am much more of a "short story" writer :)  However, once I started, one thing marched on to another . . . 

As I created this pack, I tried to put my myself in my kiddos' shoes.  Will this make sense to them?  Is it meaningful?  Is challenging, but not too hard?  Will they enjoy this?  Yes, my brain pretty much chatted with itself throughout the entire creation process!

I tried very hard to offer multiple versions of each activity so that it was beneficial for grades 1-3.  They all come with dotted and non-dotted lines and many offer multiple ways to run with the activity or game.  (The photo below shows only a handful of the pages in the pack.) 

Oh, and yes, that is another silly hat.  If you have followed me long enough you know that I LOVE me some crazy "wearable work!"  My friends were teasing me and asked if my hubby takes all of the modeling photos.  Yup, he finds his inner photog and shoots away! I need to add the fool to the bankroll . . . 

I couldn't let you get all the way down here without offering up a little goodie  (especially after having to look at my dippy as all get out mug). So, here's a little practice page that I created for this pack.  If you like what you see, check out all the deets on my new Main Idea Packet.  

CLICK HERE to snag this page!
On a final note today . . . don't forget that my mega Good Morning Work Bundles are on deep discount for the next few weeks.  If you buy in now, you save $13/pack and get yo-self a years worth of warm-up work (August-June). 


Thanks so much for stopping by today.  I have a four hour meeting at school later this morning (barf-a-roon-ee) and I better get to lesson planning before I have to jet on out of here.  Have a great Sunday y'all . . . I'll see you soon.  


  1. So cute !!

  2. this is awesome!! very cute idea!

  3. Love ya, girl. This pack is JUST what I need. Love, love, love!
    :) Lisa
    Growing Firsties

  4. This looks wonderful!

  5. The Main Ideas packet looks SUPER! We have also had trouble teaching this strategy to our kiddos....especially since our curriculum has us teaching it at the beginning of the year (when they are just out of Kindergarten)! We're checking this out for next year!

    :) Tamra and Sarah

  6. This looks great for main idea!

  7. Wow Kelley this is fantastic and as usual you make just what I need!!! We love, love all your hats and this one will be fun to make and wear too!!! I've got a week's worth of your wonderful March Math and Literacy printed and ready to go! Thank you for all you do to help us!!

  8. Now that my friend is a BRIGHT idea indeed!!! :)

  9. Awesome! I just made your 100 Day hats with my firsties. I think I am going to head on over and get this item too. It looks great.

  10. You and your hats! LOVE! haha! Great ideas! :)


  11. Kelley - I had to swing by! I saw this on pinterest and thought how smart is this teacher -- Hello it's you! Great job. So creative and I bet they had so much fun.
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

    1. Vicky . . . you truly made my night. Thanks my dear!!!

  12. That is a great pack. Where can I find printables for my kiddos? I have two weeks of review with my kids before their big test and this would be perfect.
