March 9, 2013


I have been Jonesin' to link up with Doodle Bugs for ages and it's finally becoming a reality!  With this said, I bring you Five for Friday . . . a little late and Teacher Idea Factory style!

Random Moment #1
It was our monthly "lunch date" yesterday and the weather couldn't have been more spring-like and wonderful.  We took our trays outside and stuffed our bellies in the grass. We laughed.  We ate.  We watched the clouds.  It's moments like these that stay with you forever.  

Random Moment #2
We ran with Reagan Tunstall's {Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits} Acrostic Rainbow Name-Bow project.  Instead of sending it home with parents, our 7th Grade Big Buddies helped us with these.  It was such a whimsical project and they brighten up our little classroom so much.  And . . . you wouldn't believe the number of big kids who asked to make one too :)

Random Moment #3
I taught my kids the "Tens Cheer" this week.  I always use this as my intro to adding three numbers - you gotta start by making that 10, kiddos!!!  And, what is a cheer without pom-poms and megaphones??  Uh, not a good one in my book!  Sooooo, we busted out the props and showed off our mad cheerleading skills.  The kids bought in immediately and we chanted until our throats hurt. The poor sweet kinder teacher who shares a wall with us is used to such shenanigans now :)  

If you want to try this cheer in your room, I have attached a freebie print out of this ditty below (just click the image).  I don't bother with 9+1 because all the kids already know this easy one.  Also, be sure to really draw those second addends out . . . eight plus twwwwwwwooooo, seven plus thrrrrrrrrrreeeeeee, six plus fouuuurrrrrr are ten!  Toe touches are optional.

Thank you Cara Carroll and Teaching in a Small Town.
The frame and font are delightful!

Random Moment #4
We have been learning all about weather this week.  We went on a couple of cloud walks (the weather has been all over the place out here) and made our cloud posters yesterday afternoon.  They were so focused and wonderful throughout this project . . . we had to follow up their hard work with a couple of rounds of their new favorite game - silent ball.  Little did they know that it was a teacher's dream come true . . . hehehehehe :)

I figured I might as well share the cloud note pages I made for this too.  You can download it for free below.  Thanks to CC Fonts and Fonts for Teachers for the design support!!!!

There are notes for cumulus, stratus, and cirrus clouds :)
Click the image to snag them!

Random Moment #5
I just finished my Adjective Bunny Craftivity/Writing Packet.  It is in the final editing stage and I should have it posted tonight.  It's up - click the picture to see what it's all about.  Oh, and check back tomorrow for the full 4-1-1 and a little freebie!  As soon as I hit upload, I will be moving on to my Rockin' Retell packet (although I should probably be doing report cards instead). Eh . . . I still have time :)


Alright all you alls, I am off to finish that little packet above and freshin' up my cold cup of coffee!  Thanks for taking the time to visit - see you tomorrow.


  1. Looks like some fun happenings in your classroom. Love the tens cheer!! Thanks for sharing your great ideas :)

    Surfin' Through Second

    1. Aloha Corinna . . . thanks for coming by. You making any new frames soon?? They are my FAVORITE!!!!!

  2. An outside lunch in the sun sounds divine right about now. I also share a wall (and communal bathroom entry door) with a kindergarten class and in think we have gotten used to songs rhymes and chants.

    Thanks for sharing.

    You Might Be a First Grader...

    1. It was truly a magical picnic on Friday . . .w e were all smiles. Thanks for taking the time to say hello!

  3. I love the rainbows :) I also love the green grass and that you can tell it is sunny in the picture!!! We are lucky to get outdoor recess some days :)

    Literacy Without Worksheets

    1. Aren't those Name-Bows to die for?? Reagan truly outdid herself with this one. So simple. So cute. And so perfect for adjective practice!

  4. Fun! Your new packets look great!!!!

    1. Well, hello Sarah!!! Thanks so much for poppin' in :) It means a ton to see your name pop up!!!

  5. Why do I have no problem seeing you in the thick of that cheer?!?

    Love ya!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

    1. Oh girl . . . do you know me or do you KNOW me??!! I was all over this one ;) Love ya to Pluto and back!!!

  6. Thanks so much for all the fun freebies! I will definitely be picking up some pom-poms at the dollar store this week!

    Lucky to Be in First

    1. Nice . . . so happy to share! Thanks for following!!!

  7. I LOVE those moments like you talked about while on your "lunch date." Makes me so happy inside! Love ya girl!!!!!

  8. Silent ball is an *amazing* game! Haha!
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

    1. Riiiggggghhhhttt??? It's my new favorite game too . . . hehehehehehe :) Love ya girl!

  9. I love your cloud freebie & the cute project! I'm your newest follower!
    Science for Kids Blog

    1. Thanks for poppin' in, Sue! I am happy to share :)

    2. I am dying with love over here for your Adjective Bunnies. We will have to do this. My bunny might have to come to school when we do. My kiddos think the Easter Bunny is his uncle! Ha!


      Heather's Heart

    3. Hahahahahaha . . . I love it. Thanks Heather :)
