March 2, 2013


I have one more section to go on my main idea packet so I am up early out here in Cali to try and wrap things up.  However, when I noticed that Farley's March Currently made its appearance I just had to take a break and join in the monthly fun.
Thanks for the cute font, Ms. Cupcake!
LISTENING - have you heard Mat Kearney?  He is a little "poppy" for me (I am more of an alt rock kind of gal), but this is just the upbeat pick me up I need right now :)

LOVING - seriously . . . spring has sprung in Nor Cal.  The trees are blooming, the birds are chirping, the weather is gorgeous, and my heart is full.

THINKING - I need to take a break so the Mr. and I can go on a date tonight. We haven't seen a movie in months and I so want to see Side Effects or Django Unchained (I have a "thing" for Christoph Waltz . . . I know . . . it's an odd one, but I just can't help myself).  However, if I know my baby like I think I do, he will be pushing for A Good Day to Die Hard :) If the fool takes me to dinner too, he can make the call.

WANTING - just a minute . . . I'll be right back.  

NEEDING - when I was a kid, I loved me some Pollyanna.  I played the glad game every day at the dinner table.  I am holding on to this forgotten memory this weekend.  When life gives you lemons (no matter what age), it's time to play the glad game. 

LIKE/LOVE/HATE - first and foremost, the letter K was H-A-R-D and not funny whatsoever (I never wanted to be called Jennifer more in my life).  My responses are no-brainers . . . except for the Kool-Aid one.  I hate it when kids get those cruddy plastic Kool-Aid twist tops in their lunches.  It always makes for the best afternoon!

Alright, y'all no more messing around.  Must. Finish. NOW.  See you tomorrow with the skinny and a freebie.  XOXOXOXOXO.  Merry March!  



  1. K was hard! I googled k words and still didn't come up with much! You did great on yours! I would be loving your 70 degree temps too!

  2. So jealous of your Cali weather! Here in NJ we're still in our winter coats!

    Can't wait to see your Main Idea packet!

    Across the Hall in 2nd Grade

  3. I wish I were in Cali with you (I'd actually love to move there)!! My hubby and I saw Side Effects a few weekends ago. It definitely keeps you on the edge of your seat. Oh, and I'm liking the "Pollyanna attitude"!


  4. I had the letter J and I thought it was hard. I had to definitely think for this Currently. I love Kit-Kats, too! I'm waiting for Spring to arrive here in South Carolina. It's coming...just slowly. Glad I found you through Farley's Currently.

    The 2nd Grade Surprise

  5. Aw, 70... Our high today is 43! Gotta love some Mississippi weather. Yesterday it was 56. Pollyanna is one of my all time faves! Sending good vibes for your lemons to be lemonade! Enjoy your coffee and keep playing the Glad Game, my friend! Good things are coming your way!
    Peace, Love, and First Grade

  6. Enjoy your coffee and movie with the hubs. 70 degrees?! That sounds lovely. Kit Kats please...anyday of the week. Love them.
    My Second Sense

  7. Hope you are enjoying that coffee and the warm weather...70'! It will be awhile before it's that warm here!
    Teacher Gone Digital

  8. I'm loving our California weather, too! Nicely done on your Ks!

    Happy Weekend!
    Lucky to Be in First

  9. Love Kit Kats!
    Texas is having beautiful weather...
    I will have to checkout this Matt Kearney!
    Fabulous Fifth Grade Fun

  10. I wonder how many of us googled words!! I had the letter A and I was stuck for a long time, too. I'm so jealous of your gorgeous weather! We're still buried under 2 feet of snow here in Kansas!! I'm ready for Spring!! :)

    Happy Teacher Heaven

  11. Texas weather was beautiful today... a little chilly right before darkness... I was walking and kept it short because I needed more layers... I was COLD LOL

    thanks so much for linking up and the Kool aid reference made me laugh... you are so right

  12. As a Jennifer, I disagree! J is not any easier than K! I love your "thinking." My husband has the next movie pick and I'm sure that will be it!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    Suntans and Lesson Plans
