November 28, 2013


Word!  I hope ya'all had a magical Turkey Day.  I know I sure did :)  Family, friends, and tons of fun was the name of the game and I soaked up every minute of it. How about y'all?  Was it a wonderful day??  How was your meal??? I can't wait to get my hands on leftovers . . . yup, it was that good (you rock, MOM).  And, although the gluten-free stuffing I shoveled into myself didn't hold a candle next to grandma's moist goodness, it was just what I needed to bring the meal home!    

Well, now that Thanksgiving zipped by, today is officially Black Friday. {How it's already here I will never know, but I digress . . .}  I personally won't be taking part of the in-store shopping chaos today as I have fallen in love with online shopping over the last few years.  I believe I am turning into a hermit in my old age . . . and shopping in your jammers with a cup of hot coffee is just so much better in my humble opinion.  With this said, it only seemed right that I open up my own Online sale {my favorite form of shopping} on Black Friday.  You can snag ANY of my units for 20% off today.   How 'bout them holy berries??!!

On a final note today, I did manage to finish up my Common Core Christmas Math Pack.  It's packed full of "out of the box" games and activities that tackle those new standards {all of 'em are EDITABLE too}.  I have been needing some serious support in the math department, so I created this to carry me through the next few weeks. 

Alright, I am off to bed.  Thanks so much for poppin' in.  I'll catch ya soon with an in depth look at my Christmas goods, 2nd Grade Good Morning Work, and a little sight word freebie!  Night my friends.


  1. I had the same stuffing issue! Good to know I'm not alone...but you're right...hard to achieve the perfect level of moist-ness! Looking forward to leftovers!

  2. Kelley, This is so cute, love the little present shape too! I can't wait to get a peak at your Good Morning Work too!

    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
    :o) V.
    Special Teacher for Special Kids
