December 1, 2013


I cannot believe that it's here!!!  {No, I'm not referencing the end of Turkey Break here, although this does bring a little tear to my eye.}  I am talkin'  about December and CHRISTMAS.  There always seems to be a buffer week between turkeys and trees, but maybe I'm just dreaming.  The next three weeks are gonna be intense, but I say, "BRING IT."  Teaching this time of year is always my favorite - the crafts, games, and Christmas Around the World activities make my heart flutter!!  

Despite my love for this time of year, I haven't cracked my plan book this break **gulp**.  Since it's Sunday, I felt the overwhelming need to start planning, but I wanted to blog too.  Such a conundrum . . . my blood pressure was through the roof this AM.  However, thanks to Mrs. Wills Kindergarten, I remembered that I can do both at the SAME TIME!  I am super jazzed to be participating in her Peek at My Week Linky again.  Thanks friend :)

So, without further ado, here's what's on tap for my sweet little unsuspecting crew this week.  Click on any image below and download to find any and all of the links to  the packets and freebies :)

Good Morning Work is a great way to get 'em started!
My Sweet Story FREEBIE was featured in this week's TPT Newsletter :)
My kids are gonna flip over this stuff.
Can't wait to have them help me decorate my walls with standards-based crafts :)
Two FREEBIES hiding in this one :)
Both of these packs blow my mind.
They are the perfect Around the World teaching guides!!

So . . . that's my week in a nutshell.  There are a few more things that I will toss in during reading groups, but I need bigger templates (hehehehehehe).  Be sure to check out all of the other great posts in this week's party!  

Did you see anything that you liked in them there plans??!!  Well, don't forget to mark your calendars for the upcoming TPT Cyber Sale!  My cart is already full with the likes of The Moffatt Girls, Melonheadz, Across the Hall in 2nd Grade, Sarah Paul, and more.  I am all ready to click PURCHASE bright and early tomorrow morning.  How proactive is that??!  

Thanks for the sweet Blog Hoppin' sale button, Ms. Lemons!
You got mad skillz :)
In other news, I am a part of Katie King's Super Fast Holiday Giveaway.  It's a doozie of a contest that you just don't want to miss.  You can snag oodles of great packs . . . just in time for December.  My Common Core Christmas Pack is up for grabs :)  Take a moment, click on over, and get yo sweet self entered!!! But, HURRY . . . this one ends sooner rather than later! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Have a wonderful Sunday my friends.  I'll catch you again soon :)


  1. Looks like you're going to have a busy week! Great newsletter spot, I need to make sure I get it! That giveaway looks awesome!
    :o) V.
    Special Teacher for Special Kids

    1. Thanks for stopping by . . . I always dig your visits :) Have a great week my dear!
