November 27, 2013


I have been pounding away on my Common Core Christmas Pack and lost all track of time this week.  It's been so fun to sit and work again, but I defintely forgot about my little old Bloggy-Blog for moment (I think I forgot that I had a husband as well, but he's getting used to that when I'm working . . . poor boy). Well, since I am on my last activity write up before I get down to the final edit, I figured I'd pop on over and jump in on Hope's wonderful Linky - Take Me Back Tuesday.  I have been wanting to join this one since it popped up a few weeks ago, but I am such a weekend or vacation blogger these days and I always miss it (sniff . . . sniff).  I may be a day late, but I just couldn't take not being a part of the par-tay again!  So, here I am.   

With Turkey Day rapidly approaching, Christmas has already taken over.  I'm already bugging the boy about getting the lights up on the house and we have grand plans to snag a tree on Saturday!  I am determined to not let this one slip by on me this year.  All this said, I figured I'd bring back a little holiday post from last year.  


I know.  I know!!!  Three little letters sum up everything that needs to be said about K Dolling and Teacher Idea Factory . . . MIA!  Sorry guys, but between multiple house guests, a whirlwind weekend trip to Mexico for an amazing wedding, Christmas time at school, and my everyday tummy issues, this girl has been trying to regain her "footing" for what seems like weeks.  

However, I am back (and oh so tan in December . . . hehehehehe) with a little update on the latest haps in my classroom and little old me.  

First, I had been kicking around the idea of a Christmas fact family craft.  And what fits better with fact fams than houses??  Well . . . let's take this a step further.  Slam it all together and you get gingerbread fact family hiz-ou-ses! BOOM!!!  My kids ate this one up.  

This activity proved to be a great follow up to our fact family introduction and they look so stinkin' cute up on the walls.  It is a GREAT listening/following directions project as well . . . very telling :)  If you are interested in this one, I just listed in my TPT shop.  I am also throwing in a little freebie fact family page down there . . . just cuz :)

CLICK HERE to get this freebie!
Thanks to Ashley Hughes of The School Supply Addict for the cute graphics :)

We also went to town in the compound word department.  We played Compound Connection and made a cute peppermint craft.  The kids giggled their way through this concept :)

CLICK HERE to read more about this packet.
We also made a classroom Christmas tree.  This is one of my favorite projects all year.  I got this idea from my rockin' auntie (a kinder teacher for more than 25 years).  I used this ditty my very first year of teaching and I have been rollin' with it ever since.  The thing that is so special about this one is that each child makes their own individual tree out of a basic triangle.  These trees are then assembled to make one BIG classroom family tree.  It is a heart warmer for sure!  Oh and the kids love that the glitter comes out . . . yup . . . you read me right . . . GLITTER :)

If you want to roll with this (probably for next year since I am getting this info out so late), all you need is to create an equilateral triangle template on cardstock.  Use this puppy to trace a class set of triangles.  You or your kiddos can cut {carefully} these out and then you let your babes go to town.  When the kids have decorated until their hearts are content and the glue has dried, hang these together by lining them up in an alternating fashion (point up, then point down - see photo above).  Any trees that don't fit in the class collection get their own tree trunk and line the bottom of the bulletin board.  I typically hang some sort of Christmas write around the tree.  


Alright friends, back to business I go.  I gotta finish up that pack so I can move on to 2nd Grade Good Morning Work (oh, and the report cards that are waiting for me too).  Yikes . . . the pressure is on!  Be sure to check out all of the other wonderful links in Hope's Take Me Back Tuesday post . . . that's my post-pack treat this evening.  Hugs y'all and have a very Merry Turkey tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello. I am #436 Ms.Laurie E. and won the Naughty or Nice packet. I'm thrilled! Now, how do I claim it? lol! Thanks again! It looks adorable and is quite unique to what I already have for Christmas activities, so I'm excited about using it!
