October 27, 2013


Word!  Here you be y'all . . . 2nd Grade Good Morning Work for November. Okay, so it's only the Reading set {for now} . . . but, I promise that the math collection is coming VERY soon.  It always takes me so much longer than I think to finish up a pack for some reason.  {Sometimes the "Internets" just gets oh so distracting . . . hehehehehe!}  

With this said, I am going to make this short and sweet as I need to start prepping for my real job (whoops)!   I have the Waylon Jennings pumpin' so I should be able to dig deep and get 'er done.  

I chatted with oodles of 2nd grade teaching buddies as to what should be added this go-around and I am happy with the outcome.  I really tried to include lots of higher-level thinking prompts in this one.  We are talking everything from main idea, predictions, and cause + effect to skills practice.  It's chock-full of common core standards I tell ya.  One of these days I will get around to adding a list of them all (I've had a few requests) but this month it just ain't gonna happen.  However, if you know your standards, you know that this pack goes after 'em good!!!!  

I hate sounding like a commercial and there's just something deep down inside of me that can't let you walk away without something.  So, I bring you some free "tester" pages.  This way you can try before you buy!  If you like what you see unfold with your crew, come on back and treat yo-self to the whole collection (they are priced for a teacher's salary . . . PROMISE)!  

CLICK HERE to snag these freebie pages!

Remember . . . you can't tell from these freebies . . . but, I do CHUNK my standards.  That means that your students will see the same 6-7 common core standards for 5 days in a row.  By repeating the same standards, I am able to keep the rigor level way up while enabling your students to be highly independent.   In turn, this allows you the freedom to get all of those morning "teacher chores" completed without too much interruption (lunch count, attendance, reading folders, parent chats, etc.)

I am sorry but the 2nd Grade November MATH version is still 1/2 completed. Look for this collection to pop up on Tuesday!  Look for this collection to pop up on Saturday.  I am SO sorry for the delay . . . my birthday and Halloween mixed with not feeling so hot has me way behind this week.  I promise to get it up this weekend . . . and I will be puttin' it on SALE due to my tardiness.  

On a positive note, if you teach first grade, these bad boys are all ready to go for November.  I have run with these collections for years and they are just what the doctor ordered for my babes.  Both the math and reading sets also have FREE tester pages to try out. 


Alright, I am done. Have a wonderful rest of your Sunday my friends.  The cat is rubbing against my leg.  It's either because I stink and I smell a little like a fellow feline (no . . . I haven't showered) or she is out of food.  Better go figure this one out.  Hugs y'all.  I'll see you soon.    


  1. Thanks for the free tester pages. I can't wait for the math.

  2. Can't figure out how to see the tester page. I must not have the app to open.

  3. Just wondering if I buy the package whether you can send it editable? I am from Australia and many words are different BUT i love the pack! I understand that there are copyright issues and such.
    Meg :)
    PS LOVE your blog!

    1. Thanks Meg!!! I am willing to edit and send it to you . . . I just need a weekend! Let me know :) kelleydolling@gmail.com

  4. These are my go to Morning Work review packs! Year two underway and they are the best I have ever found! :) Love the Spiral Review! Thanks Kelley!

    Mrs. Shipley
    Mrs. Shipley's Fabulous Firsties
