November 2, 2013


Hey friends!  I am finally getting around to getting a post out this weekend.  I haven't been slacking . . . I SWEAR!!!!!  I got so behind this week, but I have been working my tail off.  With the Halloween excitement in full force, celebrating my 34th year on this planet, and trying to keep up with the common core curriculum changes . . . I just couldn't get it all done.  Please tell me y'all have been feeling this way too.  **SIGH**  Despite all of this, I am rollin' with the "better late than never" attitude :)  On that note, I bring you a VERY TARDY Five for Friday.  

In an effort to even out the Halloween excitement just a smidgen, I worked in a few neutral topics this week (my kids gave me the candy/costume countdown each and every day . . . typically while clapping their hands or jumping up and down . . . I knew I was in for it).  So, the kids and I continued our crazy as all get out study of WOW vs. BLAH Sentences this week.  This is one of my favorite units all year and the kids always get WAY into it.  

We completed a couple of whole class writes where we took BLAH sentences (basic) and turned them into WOW sentences (detailed).  We did the first two sentences together on the overhead. (Yes, I just typed the word overhead -  we are a little behind in the technology department in our neck of the woods). Then, I let 'em go on the last one.  We shared out when everyone was finished.  And, you better believe that we were making the BLAH and/or WOW faces and sound effects the whole stinkin' time.  One of the Kinder teachers in my wing even stuck her head in to see what in the world we were doing . . . hehehehe!

He fell "bawna" cliff . . . I helped him turn that b into a d :)
Tappin' and spellin' their hearts out.
Told you there were movements.  
Tootie noises and tongues always keep 'em engaged!

I took their pictures on Monday and they turned their own BLAH sentence into a WOW sentence on Wednesday . . . with very little hand-holding.  The writing is attached under their best WOW FACE photo.  This project always makes the best window display . . . everyone stops to read 'em :)  
Hehehehehehehe . . . they love seeing all their funny faces!
I ran out of time on Friday to hang this one :(
(Someone gets to go in tomorrow to catch up - BOO).
To give you the full effect, here's last year's crew in all their glory!

Click here to learn more about WOW vs. BLAH.

Bats were all the rage in our room this week.  I had LOTS of help from Kristin Smith from A Day in First Grade on this one.  {Man, do I love my genius cyber friends!!!}  They absolutely loved her vocab books!!!

Working hard independently . . . thanks Kristin!!!
Now this is what I call quality work!
Thank you AGAIN, Kristin :)
We also played an echolocation game that my brilliant teaching partner found on Scholastic.   Seriously, y'all . . . you have to make a note to roll with this one next year.  You blindfold a student "bat" and pick 3-4 student "bugs."  It's a call and response thing . . . an absolute classic I tell you.  They kept begging to play it again and again and AGAIN!!!

My goal was to stay ahead of them all week . . . that meant creating games that kept them working, but distracted.  We played Beat The Clock from my All About Short O Pack and it was just what the doctor ordered.  The kids had a ball and I scored some serious blend spelling practice out of the deal!  I'd call out a word and my babes would have 8-12 second to sort it into the correct column and spell it correctly.  When they finished or the timer sounded they had to stick their pencils up in the air.  It was great fun!

Love this teamwork shot.
He was helping out his buddy who struggles.
Hold 'em up kids . . . they were crackin' me up!
Little did they know they were in the midst of some serious spelling practice!

Halloween was off the hook this year.  It kinda just came and went with my crew last year, but this gang was ALL ABOUT IT.  We definitely lived it up . . . here's a little picture walk through our day.

We made super cool hats to round out our bat unit!
Thank you Art Projects for Kids . . . it was the perfect Halloween afternoon activity.
Great transition from lunch into our PAR-TAY!!!!

Wild vs. Calm Side Portraits
This one was AMAZING!
Such a little artist :)
We doctored up carmel apple slices and watched a movie.
It was kid heaven I tell ya!
The dreaded day after Halloween was interesting.  I tell ya what . . . if you can survive this one . . . you can survive anything {especially when it falls on a Friday}.  It was everything I could do to keep the lid on, but we made it without a hiccup.  They were oh so tired, but I took it easy on 'em and we fared just fine.  Here's a little look-see at our mellow day.  

Our big buddies came up the hill (thank goodness).
We started our Veterans Day discussions.
This fun little craft was a huge hit and they look great on the sky-wire!
I even managed to get one quality sentence out of them!
It was a miracle for sure ;)

We will be rolling with oodles of other freedom/Vets activities next week. 
In the afternoon we did a little tear art/painting job.  We talked about art being all about "happy accidents."  (I have learned over the years to head off tear art sobbing at the pass . . . frontloading is the name of the game for sure)!!!  One child even yelled out, "I just had an accident, but that's okay and I am so happy about it."  There were no tears this year and you could have heard a pin drop. This is my kind of lesson!

We painted after share/store time on Friday.
First time all year . . . I know . . . SO BAD.
Tempra and I are NOT friends, but they always love it so!
Kid art always amazes me.
Everyone gets the same directions and they all turn out so differently.

Alright, I am off to bed.  My eyes are drooping and I am not quite sure what my name is anymore.  I managed to finish 2nd Grade Good Morning Work for November (Math).  I will be back tomorrow afternoon with tester pages and a few other goodies in the afternoon.  I have to lesson plan and actually go into my room tomorrow as I need to try and catch up after last week's chaos.  


Hugs y'all and happy Saturday night.  Hope you are doing something splendid. Catch ya soon . . . extra hour of sleep here I come!  


  1. Hi Kelley,
    Love this post- there are some seriously awesome ideas but I am still stuck on 'overhead'. We were talking about overhead projectors last week in the staffroom and one of our graduate teachers had never heard of or seen one! Love the portraits they are very cute .
    Bec :)

    1. Right??!!! An overhead. I mean, really . . . come on now. Hehehehehehe :)

  2. Great post! So many good ideas. I'd like to try the echolocation game!

    1. That one was a keeper for sure. You have to try it next year. My babes loved it. Thanks for stoppin' in :)

  3. You guys got a lot accomplished for Halloween week! I love the Wow! pics-they will never forget that lesson, I'm sure! I also love the Veteran's Day activities-I may have to steal that one! :)


    1. Thank you!!! I don't know how we got it all in . . . I think my 7:45 bed time on Friday night says it all ;)

  4. The "Blah vs. Wow" sentences is just crackin me up! I love it (and all of the adorbs photos to go along!)

    The Second Grade Superkids

    1. Thanks Krista . . . my poor kids . . . their nutty teacher is corrupting them :)

  5. I'm sorry I don't get over here enough to see your blog and comment because every time I do, I always love reading about the wildly creative things you do with your students! I love the idea of the visuals along with the Wow and Blah sentences :) :)

  6. Love the wow and blah sentences. I loved them last year when you talked about them. Love ya girl!

    Journey Of A Substitute Teacher

  7. Wowie!! How did you manage to get all of this done!! And it's all great stuff!!! Very inspiring!

  8. Kelly I put your WOW sentences right onto my wishlist. I am going to use that baby in December when we come back on track!!!
