October 26, 2013


What a week.  What a week.  The first one back in the saddle after a week off is always interesting to say the least.  You never quite know what you're gonna get.  Well, I feel like I got hit by a bus, but my babes didn't miss a beat. Seriously, I fell in deep love with my crew during this past 5 day run.  Don't get me wrong here . . . I already loved them to pieces, but something just fell into place this week.  We found our stride . . . TOGETHER :) **SWOON**

On that note, this week zipped by (fastest one yet) and it was stuffed full of learning.  Here's a little glimpse . . . Five for Friday style!

We played oodles of spelling games this week.  I noticed that a handful of the kids were not picking up the spelling patterns that I have been dishing out in reading groups . . . usually by this time most are starting to use those chunks independently or I can say "A in the middle" or "O as in boat" and a light goes on for them.  Well, this year is a little different   I use the one liners with the movement and I am getting way too many blank stares.  YIKES.  Let's just say that whole group phonics was quickly introduced into our already jam-packed schedule.  We started in short vowel land - I always begin in an easy place {for most} to build confidence and train 'em on how my "games" work.  We will be moving on to bossy e and digraphs after Halloween.  Then, it will be on to vowel teams (usually after Christmas).  My goal here is to create better spellers and word masters!

Here's a little taste of what we got mixed up in this week.  The wilder the better in our room I say. Yes, I am known as the "crazy teacher" around campus and I really dig my label :) 

Pen It In - a fun short e spelling/listening game with smelly markers.  There was even a massive pen trade (set to rockin' tunes) that went down every 4-5 words - just to keep things lively.  When we turned our papers in, I noticed that one little girl's nostrils were rainbow colored from huffin' all those Mr. Sketch markers.  **snicker . . . snicker**    

We used our "yes, please" and "no, thank you" manners!
It was so fun to sit back and watch.  

Sit On It - an active short i word game.  It's like musical chairs with word cards. I couldn't help myself and we put on a electronic tune from my jump rope club mix and they boogied their hearts out while we played. They liked it so much we had to go multiple rounds!

Boogying to the sick beats!
It was a perfect game for a Friday afternoon!
Winner . . . winner . . . pumpkin dinner!
This cutie found, sat on, and read a short i card!

Gettin' Wiggy With It - we couldn't end our short i week without a little wearable word work.  Our big buddies came up the hill and helped us make word wigs (complete with oodles of short i words).  They wore these silly little things ALL day . . . even the cutie who NEVER wears hats sported his mohawk all day!  

It's blurry . . . whaaaaaaa.  Good one, Dolling!
However,  the delight in her face makes my heart happy just the same.  
Mowhawks truly ROCK!
We had everything from curls and ponytails to buzz cuts and crowns!
All of these "out of the box" spelling and word work activities can be found in my short found in my All About Short Vowel Packs (specifically E and I this week). Each one also comes with a different song from Ron Brown's Intelli-Tunes. How's that for a package??  


If you read my post last week, you know I offered up a new freebie.  Well, it was just in the idea stage at that point and I promised I would return with an update once I tried it out.  Well . . . I indeed tried this one out and it was better than I ever could have imagined.  The kids were working together, running around the classroom (oh my), and yelling for their teammates.  The best part?? They were learning and working together the whole time.  No one fought. No one cried.  Everyone supported each other.  Everyone was engaged.  If you don't mind a little controlled chaos, this one is a classic.  

Check out the dude running from another group!
He's trying to stick his word up on the correct chart.
Work work in action!!!
This guy played in his hood . . . it helped him run faster.
Gosh, I love this kid :)
Each group had a different colored sticky note so we could check our work!
We all had so much much fun with this afternoon game!!
If you can handle a little extra liveliness . . . you simply have to try this one!!!!

Snag this editable freebie HERE!

Our classroom is looking quite spooky these days thanks to a little help from my blogging friends {okay . . . make that a lot of help}.  We even won the door decorating contest for 1st grade!  (YAY . . . thank you parent club for validating my 6 pm exit from campus on Wednesday!!!!) 

Red Ribbon Craftivities Pack (Julie Shope)
Proof is in the pudding - this is a great little pack!
Here's my winning door . . . Thanks Julie
Adjective Pumpkins Pack (one of mine)
YAY . . . I finally got this one hung!
I don't like the sign or the border, but alas, I have bigger fish to fry.  
Monster Madness (Miss Kindergarten)
One of my favorite crafts all year long.  The kids crack up the whole time!!!
Forgot to take a picture of these hanging . . . go figure :)

To continue with our punctuation studies, the kids completed Picture Perfect Sentences in reading groups on Tuesday.  The kiddos were expected to write three sentences (telling, exclamation, and question) about a picture they found. All of my babes were so successful with this one and their work was spectacular.  There is just something about getting to cut pictures out of magazines that "hooks" babes in each and every time.  If you want to try this freebie out with your kids, snatch it up HERE.

"But, it's so hard to choose just one picture, Mrs. Dolling!!!"
This one is my favorite.  Who knew shrimp could be such a big draw??
My babes did this with very little support and were expected to tap and spell!
Our window looks great . . . thanks kids!

I found my old play tunnel from way back when I was a first grader.  It was hiding in my middle storage room at school.  Do you remember these cool little things?? Well, thank goodness my mother was a childhood memory hoarder of sorts . . . cuz, this thing made a comeback with a bunch of new first graders yesterday. The kids earned a lunch date party with me and extra recess.  So, it only seemed natural that I broke out something new.  The tunnel was a HUGE hit :) Life was simply perfect on a Friday afternoon.

Alright, I am off to work on 2nd Grade Good Morning work for November.  Don't give up on me yet - sorry friends.  Watch for the reading set to pop up tomorrow by noon around 1:30 Cali Time (Sunday) and the math by Tuesday or Wednesday.  November 1st Grade Good Morning Work (Reading and Math) is all ready to go . . . it's an oh so meaningful way to start your day off.  

I've got a hot birthday date with the hubs tonight as the big THREE-FOUR (gulp) goes down on Wednesday.  On that note, I better get to gettin'!  Hugs y'all and I'll see you soon.  


  1. Love this whole post. Looks like you had a fantastic week of learning - makes you feel awesome doesn't it?

    1. Thanks so much, Brooke. It does indeed feel like a huge race was just won :) Can't wait to go after next week. Hope you have a stellar weekend.

  2. Holy smokes - you had a very busy week! Thanks for all of the goodies & great spelling ideas!

    Lucky to Be in First

  3. I really really really wish I taught next door to you.
    You are AMAZING!

  4. I love the Stick em activity! Such a cute idea! Thanks for sharing. :)

    PS. I sent you an email a few days ago, but my email has been sending me "Failure to send" messages a lot. I wasn't sure if you got my email or not, so I just thought I'd check. Not sure what's going on with my crazy email!
