August 13, 2013


We start tomorrow (sans kids) and I just didn't get my act together yesterday to rock out the first installment for Teacher Week over at Blog Hoppin'.  Well, I am here today (barely) and figured I'd give 'em both to you.  Why not . . . kill two birds with one stone (that sounds icky) . . . mmmmm . . .  kiss two dogs with one mouth (again, not what I was going for) . . . uh, eh . . . play piano with two fingers??!!  **Sigh**  Teacher brain is killing my funny bone today, but you get what I was going for, right??!!

Anywho, I am super stoked about this linky.  Loved it last year.  LOVE it this year.  It's a fun one for sure.  Here goes nufin'. 

Let's start with Monday's MEET THE TEACHER post.  Here are 10 things you probably won't ever need to know about me or even care to know . . . but, in the name of teacher week I am going to force feed 'em to you just the same!

I love me some alt music.  My flavors of the week are St. Lucia, Bastille, American Authors, and MS MR.   

If you follow me, you already know that I create best when I haven't showered. Most of the time that means I haven't brushed my teeth either.  I am still going strong at 5:11 out here in Cali . . . you know what that means . . . .

OMG . . . did I really just include this??  
The mister makes my world go round. We dink around a ton . . . if the neighbors peeked through the binds they would likely see us having sock races across the hardwood floor, a water fight of some sort, or a series of bad jokes from either party.  Never a dull moment in Casa de Dolling.

He looks normal . . . it's a front I tell ya!
We have a 10 year old black cat who thinks she owns the joint.  

Meet Lou!
We also have a 3.5 year old lab-mix who is the apple of our both our eyes. She's our baby.  
Meet Tilly!
We live in a dump of a town way up in NorCal, but it's home.  If we could move our jobs and our families, we'd scoot our bums up to Portland, Oregon in a heartbeat.  
The view from the roof of the Nines.
Someday, sweet PDX, someday.  
Sunday is our TV night.  All of our favorite shows are on packed into this one little night.  From Dexter, Newsroom, Bar Rescue, and Restaurant Impossible to Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Boardwalk Empire, and The Killing, our poor DVR is working overtime.  

I am an only child.  I talked to my stuffed animals a lot as a kid.

Teaching ain't my first gig.  I have a degree in Journalism/PR and I worked in the Television Station Promotion biz for 5 years right after college.  One of my duties was writing cruddy local commercials.  

And, just for the record, I took Spanish in high school NOT French ;)  

Moving on . . . here's my second part of the deal today - CLASSROOM DIGS. Okay, so you didn't really "win" anything other than only having to click once, but it just sounds better when I slant it this way (that PR degree comes in handy from time to time . . . hehehehehe).

Here's a quick look-see at my classroom.  I will take better pictures (with the kids' work hanging).  Look for it in an upcoming Five for Friday post.

Alright, the hubs is almost home and I have to at least put my hair into a nicer pony, re-apply deodorant, and brush the chompers.  See you soon my friends. I have a freebie up my sleeve . . . just have to tie it up with a "purdy bow."  Be sure to check the rest of Teacher Week.  Hugs y'all and good luck this week.


  1. I am the same way and didn't take a shower some days this summer until 5 p.m.! But, boy was I productive!

    Fluent in Fourth

  2. LOVED your post! I laughed my way through it!

  3. I would like you to be in Portland also! Your room is super cute!

    Chickadee Jubilee

  4. Love your Meet the Teacher list. Classroom looks great! :)

    Mrs. Thigpen's Kindergarten

  5. We need to come visit your lil dump up in NorCal! The room looks fab and those kiddos are beyond lucky to have you!

    ~Christy & Tammy
    Fluttering Through First Grade

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I live and teach in Portland. You would love it here!

  8. Love your room and I too think I work the best unshowered! What's up with that? :)
    -Michaela Peterson
    We Heart Edu

  9. I adore you Kelley Dolling! I love that picture of you, I think your dog Tilly is totally spoiled with all those blankets, your classroom looks AMAZING and I love that you and the hubs have sock races! I couldn't adore you more!

  10. Sugar pie you NEED to add Homeland to your Sunday night TV schedule!!! I caught up recently and I'm right behind you with Dexter, Bar Rescue, and The Killing... what did you think of that ending?!?!
    A Cupcake for the Teacher
