August 18, 2013


I am a little stressed that my copies are not yet made for Monday (and the new babes are a commin'), but I got 'er done yesterday.  Okay so this pack isn't the only thing to blame.  I may have gotten my toes done too, but I'm taking the 5th on that one.  Oh, I should probably tell you what I actually finished.  Duh, Dolling.  (Forgive me . . . I haven't had coffee yet and I am just about in fright/flight mode over tomorrow.  Yup, it's year seven and I still get that horrid tummy ache and urge to run until we get going that first day.  Blahhhhhh!!!)  

Back to business . . . what have I made you ask??  It's 2nd Grade Good Morning Work . . . September Style!  Like always, this baby has 25 pages to more than get you through the month and it's common core aligned.  

I tossed some new stuff in this collection.  My goal here was to create a packet the builds as it goes.  Nuffin' too fast mind you.  I don't want to hit kiddos with standards they haven't seen (my biggest beef with the old DOL/DOM booklets). This pack gives the teachers time to teach the material and adds new 2nd grade skills in at an even pace.  Although I have taught a year of second, I chatted with oodles of current 2nd grade teachers to see where they were headed in September and this ditty is a compilation of their suggestions.  

September Concepts Targeted:
3-Digit Addition
Double Digit Addition/Subtraction
Word Problems
Fact Families
Number Bonds
Missing Addend
What's My Sign
Comparing + Ordering Numbers
Place Value (tens and ones)
Expanded Notation
10 More/10 Less/1 More/1 Less
Tally Marks
Counting (120)
Number Patterns
Skip Counting
Odd + Even
Days of the Week

Months of the Year
Date Writing
Solid Figures
Plane Shapes

There are lots of great choices out there when it comes to Morning Work.  With this said, it only seems right to give you a few pages to snag for free today.  A "Take and Try" kind of a deal. CLICK HERE to snag these free pages. 

Changing gears a bit . . . I'm sure you've heard about the big TPT B2S Sale that is today and tomorrow (Sunday/Monday).  My shop is discounted to the max choice (20%) and you can get up to 28% off on TPT's dime by entering BTS13 at checkout.  My cart is loaded and ready for an afternoon shopping break.  It's gonna be my treat :)

Thanks for the button Krista @ The Creative Chalkboard.  
Alright, I am off to get coffee and hopefully get my heart to slow down a bit. Then . . . it's off to make copies at the hubby's office (take that copy count).  
Hugs y'a'll and good luck if you start this week.  We can do this.


  1. Looks Amazing! You are so talented!

  2. Are you going to also create Reading morning work for 2nd grade? I bought all of your morning work for 1st grade, but this school year I am teaching 2nd. Loved your morning work!!

  3. Are you going to also create Reading morning work for 2nd grade? I bought all of your morning work for 1st grade, but this school year I am teaching 2nd. Loved your morning work!!

    1. I am . . . thanks for asking!!!! Email me and we can rock out a deal if you are interested.

  4. Kelley, I know this will sound stupid and I'm sure I would have heard from you if I had won, but with school starting and all this is the first chance I have had to ask you, when you announced the winners of Ron Brown's music you said one of the winners was Maria G., I happen to probably be one of many but I just had to ask, was it me? Thanks for all of your wonderful ideas. I am definitely doing the music bit this year.

    1. I am glad that you checked Maria . . . it was a different Maria G. I already send her the goods. Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for taking the time to ask.
