August 24, 2013


OH.  MY.  WORD!  Cross surviving the first week back in the saddle off of my list (barely).  My class is full of sweet little loves and in about a month we are going to be absolutely mind-blowing (dare I say it . . . this class has the potential to go down as the best crew yet . . . yup, it's that good).  

With all this said, I am absolutely beat (I know y'all are right there with me). For some cockamamie reason our school alway does a FULL first week back and those poor babes (and their aging teacher) are SO tired by the time Thursday and Friday roll around.  However, we went slower than slow, took extra time to get to know one another, and enjoyed the ride.  Here's a little random look at our wonderful first week together.  

We had a blast getting to know each other that first day.  We ran with a baseball/teamwork theme and the kids ate it up.  Unfortunately, I didn't get my act together and get it into a completed packet (it's about 90% there), but it will be fine tuned and teacher tested by B2S 2014!!!

Our Good Morning Work for the day was Abby's wonderful First Grade Survey.
Look . . . this cutie asked if she could LABEL her picture.  Hehehe!!

The kids completed a name scramble/number line craftivity.
These bats look so cute on our classroom sky wire.
Our local Dollar Store had ball caps (great find Court)!
We snatched them up for first day "team" fun.
The kids decorated their hats and so many of them wore them proudly all week long.  

On that first afternoon, my new "players" hooked up with my teaching bestie's team for a little baseball-themed mystery box fun.  The kids asked questions as to what could be hiding inside that black box sitting under her smile sign.  It was a great way to intro/review those question words.  The kids were delighted to discover that Cracker Jacks were waiting inside.      

Rockin' Coach Haedrich leading our teams!
As soon as she started unwrapping, the kids swarmed her.
They cheered when the goods were revealed.
It was so stinkin' cute!
We had our "teams" find a partner and each pair received a box of treats to share.
It was a great teamwork lesson :)

Since we ran our Mystery Box together and at the end of the day, we didn't use the corresponding writing activity.  However, if you want to roll with this in your class, I am putting the page up as a freebie down below.  I have used it in years past and it's always great fun.

Mystery Box Freebie . . . CLICK HERE!

A week or so ago, I blogged about Ron Brown's Rules Rap (click here to read all about it).  Well . . . it was a huge success again this year and my new babes ate it up.  I had lots of kiddos eager to be RULES RAP STARS!!!!  

All smiles . . . makes a teacher oh so happy!

Coming from a family of teachers, my parents both love to come in and meet my new crew.  They are also a wonderful help when it comes to keeping the "lid on" those first few days - THANKS GUYS.  I couldn't help but snap these pictures during Free Time Friday . . . Mrs. B had a tea party!!!    

My kiddos met their 7th Grade Big Buddies on Friday.  I absolutely love having the older kids come up the hill (our middle school is just a short walk away)! They always help us complete projects that would add dozens of extra winkles if I attempted them alone.  This week we completed our tear art self-portratis. They turned out darling and they look amazing in our windows.  If you are interested in trying this project with your crew, you are in luck . . . it's a FREEBIE in my TPT Shop.  Click here to check it out!

How can I not smile when I walk up to my door??
These make my heart happy :)

Alright all you alls, I am out.  Gotta plan for next week and work on two packs that have been calling my name for weeks - 2nd Grade GMW (Sept-Read) and Number Sense.  I also have a nap planned . . . sweet Saturday . . . how I've missed you.  Oh . . . and don't forget to check out all the fun Five For Friday posts as well as the Freebies you can snag on TBA.  Hugs y'all!  I'll see you tomorrow with something fun.



  1. Looks like you had a great first week...that's a LONG one for sure, but so great that you've got some sweeties to share it with!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  2. I wish we had windows so we could show off our work like that - so cute!! your kids are so lucky to have you as their teacher!!

  3. Seriously, how could any child not love to be in your class? You are the most fun teacher ever! Those tear art portraits are priceless! Love the baseball/teamwork idea! Such a great motivator to use in the classroom. Your co-worker is so lucky to work with someone so fabulous as you (and I'm sure you are so thankful for her too)! I am super excited for the first week of school but I know that I will be more tired than ever at the end of the week - and it's only 2 days! I bet it feels so good to have that under your belt! I can't believe you do a full week back! Crazy exhausting for everyone! Enjoy every minute of your weekend! Can't wait to see what you are up to next!


  4. Looks like you had a fun week! I love how your parents come in to meet the children. How adorable is that?!
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  5. Your kiddos look like they are having a great first week!!
    Kiddos started with me on Thursday--and I'm pooped!! My feet hurt, my back hurts, my eyes hurt---MY HAIR HURTS (okay, maybe not so much that one--) but there's no tired like beginning of the year teacher tired! :)
    First Grade and Fabulous

  6. Looks like you and your kiddos had a great first week with LOTS of fun!! Yay for a super group of kiddos last year...we're feeling pretty confident we'll have a great group this year too! Have a great weekend!

    :) Tamra and Sarah
    First Grade Buddies

  7. Lots of great activities to get them back in the swing of things! I also love that your parents come help you out. It definitely should be against the law to start school on a Monday! :)


  8. So fun! I would love to be in your room! I can imagine you being super animated!

    Mrs. Wheeler’s First Grade
    Mrs. Wheeler TpT

  9. Oh wait, we've met and you are! Hahaha!

  10. Love it! The self-portrait art turned out super adorable!

