August 11, 2013


Looking for a little something to lure those babes in right off the bat this year?? Well, do I have the perfect ditty for all you alls.  I have blogged about this before (many, many moons ago), but I just had to bring it back.  It's too fun not to share again!  I also wanted to update the templates.  I needed something fresh to look at this year :)

When I moved into first grade many years ago, I had müber talented dad write me a rules rap.  My goal with this ditty was/is to present the rules to my new crew of kiddos in a fun and very memorable way.  

Here's how this one typically plays out.  After they finish their "About Me" work on the first day of school, I have my kiddos come to the carpet for our first class meeting.  We discuss classroom behaviors and I introduce them to our Fantastic First Grader Rules Chart.  Then, to really "bring it on home," I morph into a rap star before their eyes . . . Queen La Teacha!  I put on my shades, grab my plastic microphone, put on my bling (see necklace print out below), and hang up large chart paper with the lyrics of the rap written out.  The kids' mouths always drop open and they really don't know what to make of their new teacher . . . that's when I know I have 'em :).  We go through the rap together once and then I invite some brave kiddos to come up and be rap stars with me.  Oh yes, I have shades for them too.  We sing this every morning throughout the week . . . new rap stars come up . . . and by Friday, they have the rules down pat.  

Here's our first day rappin' last year . . . man, I miss this crew.
CLICK HERE to download a copy of the Rules Rap!  Ron Brown's Intelli-Tunes has it up for FREE for the month of August as a back to school treat!  Oh, and it comes with a copy of the lyrics too . . . so if you are rolling with Song Binders this year, you just got yo-self another page :) 

If you want to take this one "all the way," you are going to need some serious teacher bling.  Click on the link below to get a copy of my new necklace!!  Pay NO attention to my choice of yarn color (it was all I had at home . . . it looks so icky and I will be changing it as soon as I get to school).

CLICK HERE to download this.
Thank you KG FontsAshley Hughes, and Fonts for Teachers!!
See . . . UG to the LEE yarn choice :(
Finally, I always follow the rap up on the second or third day with a little writing activity.  It has proven to be a great way to get my kiddos to think about and personalize the rules even more.  I have made this writing template available for FREE below.  There are templates for Kinder, 1st, and 2nd Grade.  I re-designed these puppies too . . . snag them HERE!  

Moving on today . . . I wanted to give all you alls a pen pal update.  I am FINALLY finished sending out all of the emails.  If you didn't receive a match it's because your email bounced back or you haven't checked your email in far too long :)  Check out the matches I made (excuse the ratty teacher bags photo bombing my shot) . . . 

More than 750 teachers matched this year!
I do still have two wonderful teachers who need a match.  SO, if you are interested in a pen pal check out the two potential matches below.  Email me ASAP ( if you want to pair up with one of these sweet educators - be sure to tell me which state you live in, the grade you teach, and how many kids you have.  It's first come, first serve, so get on it quick if you're interested. 

2nd Grade Teacher - MI (30 kids) Matched :)
K-2 SPED - GA (6-8 kids)  Matched :)
Thank you for the help!!

After these two, the Pen Pal Pair Up is officially closed.  I am so sorry, but I will not be able to make any more matches this year.  I am helping Primary Graffiti with her annual postcard exchange and I start back to work on Wednesday **gulp**.  However, if you missed out, don't worry.  Check back next July to get in on the action. 

Finally today, you have only a few more hours to score an amazing ALL STAR SCHOOL YEAR BUNDLE at 85% off.  We are talking 24 fabulous items that are perfect for 2-3rd grade teachers.  Click on the button below to learn more!!

Alright, I am off to work on my Baseball/Teamwork pack.  This thing is going to be the death of my hygiene today and tomorrow, but it's my team's new B2S theme and I just can't let 'em down.  Hugs y'all . . . we can do this :)


  1. I am one of the pen pal match ups and I wanted to thank you for all of your hard work and time spent on this fun project! This is my first ever attempt and I think it will be so exciting and rewarding! Thanks again!


    1. YAY!! Thanks so much Lindsey. I hope your year goes well . . . let me know how it unfolds :)

  2. I'm a second grade teacher and can be the match up for that one!!!! Pretty please :)
    Randi from Teach It With Class

    1. RANDI . . . I love you!!!!!!!! Official email coming in just a second.

  3. Still laughing at the Ug to the Lee it. haha

  4. You are so hilarious! I LOVE reading your posts! And thanks for the pen pal hook up. I'm super excited to get it rollin'!

  5. I am so excited to be a part of the pen pal pair up this year! Thanks so much for setting it all up!!

  6. OH MY GOODNESS. The rap idea is FANTASTIC! I also love how you have them write about it after a few days!!!! Thank you so much for sharing!

    Mr. First Grade

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Queen La Teacha! So funny! I'm sure your kids love it and I'm sure it's a memorable moment too. Love the creativity.

    Polka Dots & Teaching Tots

  9. Thanks again for all the work that goes into making these pen pal matches! I'm excited for another year of letter writing fun with my new pal. Love the Queen La Teacha!! :)

  10. I love your ideas and your blog! I am a new follower!

    Rockin' in Resource Room

  11. I missed out on the pen pal fun this year, but hope to join next year!

    Ms. Chae Charges In

  12. Great ideas, help and blog! Thanks for caring and sharing with everyone.
    Mrs. Jackson's Classroom-Pre-K-12 Themes, Lesson Plans, Resources, Activities, Crafts, Ideas

    Teacher classroom website of resources to plan themes, lessons, holidays, projects, activities, parties, and to give the best links, ideas, and info for students, teachers, parents, and homeschoolers. Great ideas for learning! Tons of themes and fun for all! I have a blog with teaching activities, too.

    Mrs. Charlotte Jackson

  13. I love this Kelley! I can just picture you rapping with your bling. :) Most fun teacher ever! Way to spice up the first day! Hope you're doing well my friend. :)
    Sarah's First Grade Snippets

  14. Kelly, I just wanted you to know that last year you matched me with Kara Dietrich. Our classes had a blast together and some are continuing thru the summer. It worked so well that we are continuing this year also. Thank you for your was well worth it!
    First Grade by the Sea

  15. What a fun way to introduce your rules! Thanks for sharing!

  16. Thanks for the match up! Our classes and schools have so many similarities!
