January 24, 2014


Are you looking for a little something different this 100th Day?  I came up with a little wearable work ditty last year that just might be right up your alley.  My goal was to create a project that aligned to that all-mighty common core, but that still tied into all the silly fun that just goes along with the 100th Day.

Well . . . here's what my wacky little brain came up with . . . Ten Frame Party Hats.  Kinder is all about the ten frame these days and I know my little firsties have been working on making tens like crazy.  With this said, I slammed these two ideas together to create a different kind of 100th Day hat!

Okay  . . . so I promised to get a picture of a cute kid sporting this last year, but alas, I failed at this endeavor.  You know how things just get away from you and the activity ends before you even think to dig in your pocket for your phone??!! Yup, that was me last February.  So, please excuse my dippy personal pict on this . . . YIKES!  

The 100th Day link still may be a little fuzzy, so let me explain my thought process on this one.  I tend to connect dots in obscure ways, so stick with me for just a moment.  Alright, so . . . 10 tens equals 100.  Therefore, if we use the 10 main facts to ten (10+0, 9+1, 8+2, 7+3, 6+4, 5+5, 4+6, 3+7, 2+8, and 1+9), we hit that magnificent 100 mark!

This craftivity is available in my Ten Frame Party Hat Packet!  It includes a handful of follow-up activities as well as a very special 100th Day song from Ron Brown's Intelli-Tunes (MP3 and Lyrics).  Yup, the song is part of the package . . . BOOM!  Click here to take a little listen or to just snag the song without the packet :) 

I know I talked about these silly as all get out 100th Day bullhorns last year too, but I had to bring 'em back just in case you missed the post.  We always run with these in our class during the 100th Day and the kids L-O-V-E these!  It's so much fun to skip count by hundreds and march around the classroom/campus with these . . . it's a HUGE hit :)  This quick and easy template is available for free download HERE.

We write -ay words on our horns, but you can run with these in oodles of ways!
Alright friends . . . I am out of here.  Have a wonderful weekend and I will see you soon with a little Olympic fun and some 2nd Grade Good Morning Work.  


  1. Ohmigdoodness, those hats!! I remember those from last year! Your kids must love them! LOVE you and your ridiculousness :)

    1. Thanx Suz! You know I love to act like a total dip pretty much every day of my life :)

  2. I love those horns and it just so turns out that next week we learn /ai/ and /ay/ and celebrate our 100th Day!!

    You Might Be a First Grader….

  3. My firsties loved these last year!! You are amazing, girlie!

  4. Unbelievably adorable-you and the hats! Such a great way to get them excited about 10 frames and solidifying the skill! Fabulous!
    ~Christy & Tammy
    Fluttering Through First Grade

    1. Unbelievably weird is more like it, but that's my style ;) Thanks for swinging in you two!!

  5. Shout for joy on the 100th Day!! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Love, love, love these hats! Can't wait to create them with my firsties!
