January 27, 2014


Chinese New Year is always such a fun holiday to do up right in the classroom.  I worked this holiday into the mix for the first time last year and I had the kids eating out of the palm of my hand all week. There's just something about animal birth signs, dragons, and a mysterious far away land that draws babes in immediately :)

With this said, I decided to step up my game in the Chinese New Year department and create some materials that would help supplement our new math program {all I seem to do as of late . . . I'll shut my fat mouth right about now}.  Anyway, my goal with this pack was to create something that would help kids review those Common Core standards while keeping the interest level meter pegged!  Here's what I came up with (a packet of printables and a fun FREEBIE math game).

I tried to think of all of the standards that my kids currently needed to review and ones that I have heard 2nd grade teachers talking about in the lunch room (I share a wall . . . I hear EVERYTHING).  Here's a look-see at what I ran with this time.  Oh, and I have had requests in the past to include the CCSS numbers, so I added this feature into this packet.  I specifically targeted 1st and 2nd Grade for this collection.  

These printables require no prep {thank the Laminating Gods} and can be used for independent classwork, math warm ups, and/or homework.  Click here for a closer look at this one. 

Well, I just couldn't seem to stop here.  I thought it would be fun to include a BONUS Partner Math Game Freebie - FIRECRACKER!  Alright, I'll be honest.  I couldn't sleep and laid there thinking about this game while my hubs snored in my ear.  It was only logical to get my wide awake bum out of bed.  So, I made the most of my time . . . I typed up the game directions and wrote this post between the hours of 1:43 and 4:12 am.  But I digress . . . {as usual}.  

All you need for this ditty is decks of regular old playing cards!  (No colored ink required - hooray!!)  Firecracker is pretty much the game WAR with a couple of CCSS/Chinese New Year twists tossed into the mix.  You can use this partner game to review addition, subtraction, or multiplication facts.  CLICK HERE to snag this freebie :)  

Before I try to go back to sleep, I wanted to show you a great couple of units that I used last year that really helped me dive into Chinese New Year.

Teaching In High Heels has the best packet.
This is my staple  during our Chinese New Year studies! 
Teacher To the Core has two cuter than cute crafts in this packet.
The dragon hats were a HUGE hit last year and they loved making the lanterns :)
This year I picked up this mini reader all about China from Emily Nutt.  I can't wait to open the week with this little guy.  It's perfect for small groups :)  

Alright gang.  It's official.  MUST.  GO.  BACK.  TO.  BED.  Thanks so much for visiting me today.  I hope you found a little something you could use.  I'll see you very soon with 2nd Grade Good Morning Work (Feb) and a few goodies for the Olympics.  

Oh wait . . . before I go, be sure to check out this cute Valentine's Giveaway.  A whole Lotta Love is happening over at A Burst of First!  Pop on over and get yourself entered!!!


  1. Thank you! And now because we are about to change math programs, which program is it for which you are constantly creating? :(

    1. You bet Melissa. I'm happy to share! I won't point fingers, but it has a popular state in it's name. Email me if you want the exact name :) kelleydolling@gmail.com
