October 1, 2013


It's a miracle.  I finally uploaded my punctuation packet.  The poor thing had been patiently waiting by the side of my computer . . . just longing to be edited since I printed out the last page of my "sloppy copy" back in late July.  I guess this means I am finally "finding my footing" in the school department, huh??  I sure hope so ;)

Okay, so Punctuation Has Personality is a doozie and is probably one of my craziest collections yet.  This rather large packet (weighing in at 97 pages of goodness) is right up there in "out of the box land" with my Wow vs. Blah Sentences Packet!  It seems that I am all about having my babes really "experience" writing!!  #apatternisemerging

Yes, I make another stupid appearance in this pack - duck face and all.
I left my pride in some forgotten drawer AGES AGO :)
I need to have babies stat so I can use their cute faces instead of my ugly mug!!

There is a method to my madness in all of these . . . and I swear that it really works.  I have been rolling with a version of this packet for years and it has saved my hiney in the punctuation and sentence writing department.  Bear with me . . . if you dare . . . hehehehehe!

Let's be honest . . . Punctation isn't the most thrilling concept when taken at face value.  Kids (especially the little ones) just don't connect with all those silly dots, lines, and curvy things.  In turn, I found that this "kid disconnect" can lead to a teacher putting the phrase, "How do you end a sentence?" on auto repeat. After a few years of beating MY head against the wall, I realized that I needed a "hook" that would generate excitement and start creating some long-term learning for my babes!

One day about 5 years ago, I caught myself saying, "What does my face look like when I read this sentence?"  Sure, I totally played it up (an Oscar-worthy performance for sure).  However, my little sweetie "got it."  From here on in, Punctuation Had Personality and I began to introduce it to new classes this way (with even more spice).  All of the three basic punctuation marks (period, exclamation point, and question mark) have movements, sound effects, and facial expressions.  (I told you it was "different" . . . but what's new??)  

This method has been extremely successful for me over the years and it has drastically reduced the amount of times I have to remind children to check the end of their sentence!

With all this said, this packet is stuffed with ideas, team activities, and interactive practice that will keep your sweeties engaged and "hooked" into punctuation.  We're talking everything from movement cards, punctuation posters, and bulletin board templates to pocket chart sorts, table games, and meaningful independent practice.  This puppy even comes with a song from Ron Brown's Intelli-Tunes.  His 3 Kinds of Sentences song just works evah so nicely with this pack . . . so we included it in the download!  

My current crew was introduced to this outlandish way of thinking last week and they are so bought in to what I am "dishing."  They already know all of the high level names of the three kinds of sentences and punctuation marks, they have the movements down pat, and they are really rockin' everything I am tossin' their way.  I am one proud teacher.  

Our topic was pumpkins today!
I had them eating out of the palm of my hand . . .
Thank you October!
Oh, and is it silly that I took utter delight in a comment that a co-worker made to me today . . . "You guys were having such fun today . . . what were you doing?"  (My room shares a wall with the teacher's lounge - those poor people NEVER get to eat a meal in peace with Dolling and her little darlings hootin' and hollerin' or causing some sort of trouble next door!)  Here's why we were causing a just bit of a ruckus today . . .

Before we got down to business with the paper shown above, the kids were introduced to "Captain Question Mark!"  I pulled this one out of my bum two years ago after going rounds with those frustrating backward hooks that UG-LIF-I even the prettiest of papers.  All you need is pirate hook (they are SO easy to find right now), something for "Peter" to fight with, and two brave kiddos.  Here's how I use this one . . .
  1. Pick one person to be Captain Question Mark (give him/her) the toy hook. Select another student to be Peter Pan (give him/her something to fight with . . . I used a lightsaber this year). 
  2. Point out that the hook looks a lot like a question mark!
  3. Invite your two babes to pretend fight in front of the class . . . you can hear a pin drop and you will have each and every one of them in the palm of your hand . . . it's glorious.  
  4. Point out how the HOOK is facing the action!  
  5. Then, instruct the Captain to turn his/her back on Peter.  Point out how the hook is NOT facing the action.  
  6. Let Peter safely "take down" the Captain.  My sweet little gal got poked in the back and put on the performance of her life.  Seriously . . . she flopped on the ground, rolled around, and played dead.  Everyone started yellin' and laughing like crazy.  CLASSIC kid moment for sure.  
  7. Once you "put the lid back on," follow this up by saying that Captain Question Mark ALWAYS has to face the action (i.e. the words or sentence)!!  Use the play hook to help punctuate a question you wrote on the white board . . . this solidifies it!  
It's dippy, but I NEVER EVER (yes, I said NEVER EVER) get backward question marks on papers.  The kids just get it.  

If all or any of this silliness is right up your ally, I suggest you take a peek at my Punctuation Has Personality Packet.  I put my heart and soul into this one.  It's on sale tonight and all day tomorrow (Tuesday/Wednesday - 20% off). 

Alright, I am off to make Quinoa Meatloaf.  I bet you are drooling over all the wheat-free, dairy-free, and beef-free goodness going on in our home, huh??  My poor husband.  Anyway,  thanks for taking the time to read all about my crazy punctuation theory today.  I'll catch you soon.  Merry October my friends.  


  1. O...M...G...!!!!! I seriously love you!!!

  2. I love EVERYTHING you do! If I worked next to you, I would totally steal EVERYTHING you did :) I just love you!

    1. Oh sis . . . I'm blushing. Thanks so much. I heart you right back :)

  3. LOVE this Dolling! The Captain Hook, the pics. I wish you lived closer...like in the same state! You just rock Cali <3
    Journey Of A Substitute Teacher

  4. Such fun...it will surely make a lasting impression! It is is half as good as your Wow vs Blah Sentences it is sure to be a winner:)

    The Resourceful Apple

  5. You are AMAZING!!!! Your kids are SO blessed to have you!! I just love you to pieces!!

  6. I love this post and I always did the sound effects but not the drama. The drama brings it home so I am all over this great idea. Love you,

  7. This has Kelley Dolling written all over it! I. love. it. So original and fun and memorable for kids. You have such fabulous ideas!
    Sarah's First Grade Snippets

  8. Ditto what Sarah just said!!! Love it!!!! :)

  9. You are hilarious! We LOVE this. What a spectacular way to get kiddos excited about punctuation! Simply fab!
    ~Christy & Tammy
    Fluttering Through First Grade

  10. This is a unit that my boys would love to do. Anything to get them up and excited about writing. Also something fun to get them to REMEMBER PUNCTUATION!

    :o) V.
    Special Teacher for Special Kids

  11. So, we would be able to to teach our students about the various prospects regarding 'reading' & 'writing'. It will help them to gain skills and to improve in the same way. rewrite my paragraph
