October 5, 2013


I can't believe it, but I am actually getting a Five for Friday in on the CORRECT day.  Boom!!!  Ha, ha, ha . . . that's as far as I got last night.  Sad Sack Dolling was in her jammers by 4:48 with a glass of something white and adult . . . planted FIRMLY on on the couch.  The Mister surprised me by having a foot massage bath ready - silly sweet boy.  When I was all set up and cozy, I tried so very hard to blog on my laptop, but I am a desktop writin' kind of a gal (well, that's my story anyway).  It is NOT in any way Season Two of American Horror Story's fault . . . just sayin' ;)

I also decided that typing in this position wasn't good for my neck or back.
Sure, Bloody Face kept distracting me, but my heath was at stake :)
Enough nonsense, here is a look-see at my week.  Thanks for keeping the link up on Saturdays, Doodle.  As a distinct pattern is emerging (week after week), it is evident that I would never get to be a part of the party if you didn't give us slackers an extra day to join.

We continued our crazy exploration of the 3 Kinds of Sentences this week.  The kids were having an absolute BLAST with all of the movements/sounds and they are really "getting" the whole concept.  I was pleased as punch!!!

Pocket Chart Sort - whole class carpet style!
Volunteers added the punctuation mark in white board marker and sorted it for u
Reading sentences and punctuating them.
Here's the crazy question mark move in action!!!
The little guy cracking up is CLASSIC . . . I did my job for the day :)
The kids met Captain Question Mark this week.
When the hook came out for a second appearance one babe yelled . . .
"Who gets to be the hooker?"  Gosh, I love my job.
Read more about implementing Captain Question Mark HERE . . . it's easy and free!
Oral Sentence Practice.
I'd tell 'em a sentence and they would decide how to punctuate it.
Follow Up Shared Writing.
Our topic was Halloween and they SO identified with this one.
When finished, we read them with body spelling + punctuation movements + sounds.
Learn more about this fun packet . . . HERE.
It's loaded with meaningful learning and common core-aligned goodness.

Kim Sutton makes an appearance in our room multiple times each week and this one was NO different.  The kids LOVE the Random Numbers Exercises.  Fact fluency is essential and she has found the most engaging way to slip it into the daily mix!  My babes actually beg to do these.

We worked on Plus 1 this week.
They listen to the Random Numbers CD. . .
Write the number they hear and +1 before the next number comes!

We also learned all about the commutative property in addition this week - otherwise known as ADD IN ANY ORDER.  Kim has an absolutely BRILLIANT idea for this one.  Linker cubes on fingers . . . it's mind blowing.  The whole video is great and worth a little watch . . . the commutative property ditty is about 5 minutes into the mathematics goodness.  

They were so stinkin' engaged!
Thank you Kim :)
We followed up by writing the related facts on our mini white boards.

Short vowel practice (particularly short a) was the name of the game this week. It was easy for most, but I bumped it up for my higher babes . . . blends and the short a sound hiding in multisyllabic words.  We brainstormed word families and completed a fun and ZERO prep craft this week - Short A Fans!  They loved fanning themselves all the way to the busses on Thursday afternoon :)  For more short a ideas and activities . . . check out my pack HERE.

Speaking of Short a . . . we ran with A Cupcake for the Teacher's amazing Going Batty Freebie on Friday.  I made a little short a word family activity to go with and my babes ate it up.  Now we have the cutest new classroom skywire display.  Thanks Ms. Cupcake!!!

First, they picked 3 short a word families to focus on and wrote them in the boxes.
Then, they wrote five words in each column.
Finally, they wrote a sentence with at least one short a word. 

I love how some of the wings are upside down - kid art is the best!!!

Pick up Cupcake's Freebie HERE.
Snag the FREE Going Batty for Short A Word Family Template HERE.
Thanks MelonHeadz and Teaching in a Small Town for the graphic support!

A particular set of song lyrics definitely comes to mind this week . . . getting by with a little help from my friends.  In addition to the eva-fab Ms. Cupcake and Ms. Sutton, the amazing Ms. Moffat and Ms. King also made an invaluable appearances in my room this week. 

Following a guided reading lesson, my groups completed these amazing word family sheets.
Now that they know what I expect, these will start poppin' up in their independent folders!
Check these out HERE . . . she has oodles of different versions.
Thanks Moffatt Girls :)
The October Busy Teacher Packet was out in full force this week.
This Halloween flavored Making 10 Worksheet was perfect in rotations!
Check out this life-saving packet HERE . . . she has one for every month of the year.
Thanks Queen of the First Grade Jungle :)

OH my heavens . . . that wasn't a blog post.  I wrote more of a dissertation on our week.  Thanks for stickin' with me.  Ha!  Well, I am off to shower, hit up Starbucks, and then head to Sierra Nevada's Octoberfest.  Should be a nice little Saturday.  I'll see you tomorrow with some spooky ideas, freebies, and more. Thanks for stoppin' in today :)


  1. Great post. I'm off to watch the video now. Love the bats and the fun punctuation packet.

  2. Thank you for the love, Mrs. Dolling! I'm grabbing your freebie ASAP! :)
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  3. Loved your post! Thanks for sharing the freebies and for introducing me to Kim Sutton. LOVE her unifix cube idea!! Genius!

    Found your blog on the Five for Friday Linky and I am your newest follower! Can't wait to read more!

    Beth :)
    A Kindergarten Life For Me

  4. I sooo love your posts, Kel! Late??? Fashionable!!!!
    What a sweet husband! :)
    Hugs - Lisa
    Growing Firsties

  5. I enjoyed reading about your week. I also am a huge Kim Sutton fan. She "is in our room" at least 3 times per week too!


  6. I just ordered Kim Sutton's Drills to Thrill and will be using your short a word families sheet with our bats soon! Thanks for a great post. :)

    Mrs. Lirette's Learning Detectives

  7. You were right, there were oodles of ideas in this post! I love the idea of the small art activities to go with the phonics lesson. This will be perfect for my class, because we are currently w/o an art teacher so I can accomplish two things in one! Thanks for sharing.
    I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher

  8. You're just too cute over there, Dolling! Miss you to bits and pieces!!!!! Any plans on visiting Michigan?

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
