June 7, 2012


Hey folks.  I just got home from an awesome pizza dinner with two of my kiddos (they passed their addition flash cards to 20)!  It was so much fun honoring these two little cuties and chatting with their wonderful families.  The moment was priceless.  Needless to say, I am totally bushed and am just sitting down to eat my own dinner (I didn't need to blow up the party by pounding greasy pieces of pepperoni pie).  

The day was super fun too.  It was Play Day and the kids had a ball.  From face painting and scooter boards, to squirt the ducks and bikes, this day was a seven year old's dream come true.  Check out the action . . . 

I finally put together the "I Remember Crafts".  They turned out so stinking cute.  Click back a few blog posts if you want the template.  (I would post the link, but this girl is pooped!)

Finally, I got HUGE news today.  I was accepted to speak at the California PK1 Conference (formerly the California Kindergarten Conference) in mid-January. My hubs called me at work to break the news . . . the custodian came to check on me when I started hollerin' :).  I sent in the paperwork on a whim and never expected to be selected.  Oh boy, are my wheels turning, but I gotta focus . . . focus . . . focus . . . on these next two days.  Are any of you California or Western US bloggy friends going to be at this conference (speaking or attending)?  I would love to meet up with you all.

Here's the official letter I received today.  Whoop . . . whoop!!
That's all folks.  This girl is off to prep for our Annual 1st Grade Awards Night.  I need to get to bed at a decent hour tonight . . . my bum is a draggin'!  I will have new units and ideas for you soon.  This week has left me little time to play with :(.  Thanks so much for visiting.  I'll see you tomorrow.

**NOTE . . . this should have been up last night.  Duh, you have to push "publish," Dolling!  I guess I was more out of it than I thought :)  


  1. Just found your blog. I'm your newest follower. Loving it- VERY cute ideas! Congrats on the conference speaker.

  2. Congrats Kelley. That is awesome :) You will do great and they picked a great person for the job. (I wish I was on that side of the US because I would so want to meet up.)

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  3. That's so nice that you do a pizza dinner for your students & families who pass the math facts!! Congratulations on the news about the conference. What an honor!!

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

    1. Lisa . . . I heart you girl. I always love your visits :)
