June 14, 2012


Hello my friends!  Long time no write.  I went to lunch with a teacher buddy, napped, caught up on laundry, and had a great visit with a family pal and . . . POOF . . . yesterday was gone.  It was 10 pm and I was headed to bed before I realized I didn't post.  No rules?  No time constraints?  No "have to" do thats? Summer is officially here.  Whoop!  Whoop!!

Although I didn't pull that bloggy trigger yesterday, I was thinking about what to post as I climbed into bed.  I started thinking about all of those activities that I have done in the past that I didn't do this last year (either I ran out of time or forgot all about it).  So, I peeked through my files of photos and found a gem of language arts ditty that I simply MUST bring back next year.  NEWS TEAM COMPREHENSION.

Okay . . . okay . . . so here's a little back story on this.  Before I became a teacher, I held a journalism/public relations degree and worked in promotions for five years. Where did I work you ask?  Any guesses?  Yup, I labored for the local television affiliates (after a one-year stint trying my hand in the horrid world of high-tech PR at Porter Novelli Public Relations in Portland, OR . . . supply chain management . . . NO THANK YOU).  Wow!  Memory lane here for sure.  I worked at FOX 30 for three years and KRCR, News Channel 7 for a little over a year before deciding to return to Chico State to snag a teaching credential.  At both stations I headed up promotions and special events.  But, at KRCR, I also wrote cheesy local commercials and had my hand in the doings of the news department (i.e. reporters and the news team in general). During this time, I learned the "ins and outs" of the biz and made lots of reporter friends.  I guess this followed me to my teaching career.  I digress . . . 

So, when I saw one of those cheap-o echo microphones in the toy bins at Target a few years ago, all of my previous training came flooding back.  Hence, NEWS REPORTER COMPREHENSION was born.  All you need is an old ugly vest or coat with a class "logo" attached (I had it correspond with my old room number - 25), a microphone of some sort, a great story, and eager minds :)

After reading a story, ask for a volunteer to be the news reporter and another to be the interviewee.  It is the reporter's job to "interview" the student in a way that gets them to retell the story.  They can ask questions like, "What happened in the beginning of the story?" or "What was the setting of the story?"  OR . . . you can have them get more detailed in their questions (i.e. "What happened after the old lady swallowed the rake?") You can feed your reporter questions or you can have them come up with them on their own.  It's your call here, and as we all know, it will largely depend on the type of class you have :).  I usually switch out reporters 2-3 times during the activity to get more people involved. The kids eat this activity up and they don't even know they are practicing their comprehension skills . . . hehehe!

Let's see.  What else do I have for you today?  Oh yes, I am participating in two very special giveaways.  One of my very best bloggy buddies, Christina, over at Mrs. Bainbridge's Class is hosting an UH-MAY-ZING giveaway to help celebrate her one year blogging birthday!  The amount of cool stuff/units you can win is sick! Don't take my word for it . . . you simply must to go check it out (click on her button below)!

I also am honored to take part in my other bloggy pal's giveaway.  Tammy over at 1...2...3...Teach With Me is hosting a giveaway to celebrate 200 followers! She too has OODLES of wonderful items up for grabs from some fab bloggers. Be sure to check this one out too . . . you won't be sorry :)

Well, that's it my dear friends.  Thank you so much for visiting.  I am hoping to work on my unit a bit (no, I am still not finished yet) before heading to the movies with my mom.  It's the last day for the Hunger Games in our area and now that I've read all of the books, I just can't miss out.  Have a fantastic day.  See you tomorrow.  


  1. I love the news team comprehension!! That is such a cute idea :) I saw you one the giveaway to Shaggy Apple from Lindsay... just a bit jealous haha.

    Dirty Hands and Lesson Plans

    1. I just clicked over to check out The Teacher Wife's post and saw my little old name pop up. I started screaming . . . my neighbors might come to check on me :). Thanks for visiting Katie!

  2. Love the news comprehension activity, and thanks for the heads up on the great giveaways! :)
    Fourth and Ten
    Like Fourth and Ten on Facebook!
    Formerly Stories From Second

  3. You are brilliant! How adorable is news team comprehension!?!? I am definitely using this for next year. Thanks for sharing!! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  4. I love the news comprehension idea!

    I found your blog through Mrs. Bainbridge and just became one of your followers! Thank you for sharing your ideas!
    Amy K
    Where Seconds Count

  5. I love this idea! What a great way for ELL kiddos to practice sentence stems too! =)

    Heather's Heart

  6. I love the news team comprehension idea! Writing and videoing a news report is one of our book report options for chapter books, but I love this idea with 2+ kids!!


    Third Grade's A Charm

  7. Hi Kelley! I found your blog through Mrs. Bainbridge's giveaway. Can't believe I haven't seen your blog before! I am going to scavenge through your old posts now :)

    PS: I am a brand new teacher blogger and would love for you to stop by!

    EduKate and Inspire

  8. Hi Kelly! It's Christa from Sweetlifeofsecondgrade. Thanks for becoming a member to my new blog. I was excited to see you were from California. I live in El Dorado Hills and teach in Placerville near Coloma. I too had stomach issues for a while. Probably should go the gluten free route and stop the diet Coke...someday! Happy summer!

    Christa sweetlifeofsecondgrade

    1. You crack me up. Yippee . . . another Cali girl :) I am quite a bit north of you . . . way up between Chico and Redding. So glad we found each other.

      Kelley Dolling
      Teacher Idea Factory

  9. Thanks to all of you for stopping by!

  10. What a great idea!!! I bet my fifth graders would love interviewing each other. I received 2 hand held usb cameras that would be perfect for this too. They are so easy to use and my kids can upload the videos on their own.

    Every New Beginning

    1. Great call to use the camera. We have a flip and it would be perfect to incorporate. The kids LOVE seeing themselves on TV :)

  11. Love the news idea! My students (and I) love ti ham it up whenever we get the chance, and this is a perfect way to incorporate it into learning. Isn't funny how teaching the same thing each year is always different?

    1. Thanks! You nailed it on the different thing. Although you may be in the same grade, it NEVER is the same :)

  12. Your blog is so cute! I'm your newest follower!


  13. Just found your blog via Christina Bainbridge! Love it! I'm your newest follower!
