May 20, 2015


Okay, so I kinda fell of the face of the Earth.  However, I know you get me when I utter . . . more like g-a-s-p . . . two little words . . . late May.  Things have been nuts (I am sure they have been for you as well) but I am FINALLY poppin' in with a fun little post tonight.  If you read my last page of ramblings, you know that I am moving to a new school this year. Well, I am pretty excited about all of the changes and I am already planning and plotting with teammates and on my own.  With all the information flying about, I wanted something special to house all of my school and personal stuff.  Well, I treated myself to just such a thing a few weeks ago.  

Just look at this thing . . . it makes me feel all squishy inside.  Not only is it pretty as all get out, but this personal planner allows me to organize BOTH my home and school life.  This beauty comes from A Modern Teacher and it was worth every penny.  

My excitement for the upcoming school year came spilling out onto these pages and I already started using my rad-tastic Flair Pens to write in some important information.  I began with all of the days school is not in session.  I don't know why I ALWAYS do this with a new calendar, but I can't help it.  (If you work at my new school or are a parent at my new school, I promise that I am not a total slacker . . . it just seems logical place to start and a little day to "refresh" is always good idea . . . hehehe.)  

Love that they already have the new district calendar posted.
Way to go new school :)
Next, I logged all of the birthdays that I want to remember this year . . . in a new color of course.  Facebook is good at helping me stay on track with most special days, but there are a few that I MUST remember on me own as they require pre-planning and a little extra thought :) 

Days Off in lime . . . Birthdays in pink :)
Then, I added all of my beloved community events . . . yes, in another new color.  Rodeo Week, Beef & Brew, and the county fair all made the cut.  

Finally, I changed colors yet again to pen in a few themes that I KNOW I will be running with in September.  Football, Fall, and Apples always hit in this particular month and they are logged on the book and ready to go.  This will help me think about special things I will want to do during these weeks and keep me on the ball with anything I may need to pick up at a store or prep :)

Events in purple and Themes in orange.
Oh . . . and added blue clouds and hearts to the birthdays.
And these calendar pages are just the tip of the iceberg.  This planner also includes oodles of teacher essentials -- curriculum overview, admin/sub info, student birthday sheet, parent contact info, and a class schedule.  In addition it has a notes section as well as weekly calendars for the school year (August -July).  I have died and gone to organizational heaven.  School and home all in one place.  Yes, please!!!

With all this said, are you interested in winning one of these mind blowing personal planners?  Yep.  April over at A Modern Teacher is letting me give one of these away -- the blue gingham version.  It's DAR to the LING and you can't even order them yet.  These amazing personal planners sold out in just a few weeks . . . but, they will be back in July.

To enter, simply complete the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win :)  I will announce the random winner on Monday.  So don't wait a moment more . . . get to entering STAT!

Thanks so much for taking the time to pop in to visit me.  I will see you in a few days with a Five For post.  Some AMAZING things happened in the classroom this week and I can't wait to share.  Big hugs.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Aww! Thanks so much Kelley! I LOVE how you already put in all the important dates! I girl after my own heart. You are THE BEST!!! xo ~April
