May 23, 2015


What a week.  What a week!  It was absolutely wild I tell ya.  It's late May, so I know you get where I am coming from.  Let's see . . . it was Open House Week. Assessments were (and still are) in full swing.  And, we had some very special visitors rock our little campus.  Yep.  It was a week to remember my friends . . . busy, high energy, and beyond fun.

With this soft intro lobbed up for you this morning, I will get to it already. Here's my EPIC Five For Friday post . . . with numbers one-four being one of the BEST experiences of my teaching career.

1, 2, 3, & 4 - KOO KOO IN THE FLESH
You read that right.  Bryan and Neil from KOO KOO KANGA ROO actually came to our school as part of their West Coast School Tour.  

It was like winning the lottery in the assembly department.  They put on the best show and our kids were beside themselves.  People have been asking . . . how did this happen?  Well, I was one of the very first bloggers to really help spread the word about GoNoodle (last year).  Since they were/are sponsoring this tour, they contacted me when they had an opening in the NorCal area due to a cancellation. Told you it was like winning the lottery. 

A handful of teachers worked to spread the hype big time on campus . . . a few of my besties and I bought shirts.  We also hung posters around campus. A Kinder class even made welcome posters to hang on the gym.  We also KOO KOO-ed like crazy the week leading up to the BIG SHOW (classes even teamed up to Pop See Ko and Get Loose together). 

Okay, so this idea came to me the morning of and my sign is cruddy.
I was so excited that I forgot to put in the 2nd Koo . . . :P
Isn't this so K and wonderful?  Way to go Mrs. Barnes.

When show time rolled around, the bleachers were packed and the excitement was contagious. Kids had KOO signs and photos of Bryan and Neil on sticks.  It was awesome. Bryan worked the crowd and the kids were beside themselves.  

Then, there was the moment that your regular old assembly changed into an EPIC assembly.  

Here's the exact second when my principal probably had a slight coronary.
It was decided that the kids should come out of the stands to the gym floor.

Then, the show got underway.  It started like this . . . 

It got to this . . . 

And this . . . 

 And even this . . . #doyouwanttobeaninja

It was like a killer cool rock and roll concert with kids.  And, the best part was that our K-4th graders handled themselves beautifully.  I was so proud of our kids.  Teachers were dispersed throughout the gym enough to deal with any of the minor "fires" that popped up. However, despite the intense energy in the room, there were very few incidences.  Bryan and Neil really know how to command a kid audience.  

As for me and my experience, well, it was awesome. Mrs. Dolling danced her butt off with the mob kids for 30 straight minutes.  I managed to not pee my pants as I was flailing about (yes, I was very aware of this possibility and took precautions - just what you wanted to know).  By the time the boys hit that final song I was covered in sweat and grinning from ear to ear. But, that isn't the best part . . . I got to help lead an encore performance of Pop See Ko - I choose the sprinkler as my special move.  Needless to say, I skipped the gym Tuesday night and woke up sore on Wednesday morning.  #dollingisgettingold

Please know that I didn't write all of this to rub it in . . . PROMISE.  I just can't help but share my love for the KOO KOO boys and GoNoodle.  If you still don't know about this amazing brain break site or haven't taken the time to try it out with your class . . . do not wait a moment more. Sign up and start using this with your kids. It's FREE and I guarantee that you and your babes will absolutely LOVE it.     

How in the world do I follow that . . . ha!  Well, in addition to the concert of the century, it was open house on Thursday.  We were right on target with all of our projects this year and there was NO last minute scrambling.  (It's because my teaching partner is a rock star . . . just sayin'.)  We ran with a pond theme and the room looked lovely.  It was a nice evening and it was well attended. I didn't manage to get my projects into a completed pack this year. However, look for a Pond Unit to pop up next spring.   

Alright, so that's my Five For Friday.  I don't have it in me to recap much more. I need another cup of coffee :)  

Oh and  . . . don't forget that you still have two days to get yourself entered for A Modern Teacher's amazing personal planner giveaway. Just click the photo below to magically transport yourself to this post.    


  1. OMG! I cannot believe that they got to come to your school! My kids would have been absolutely beside themselves!
    Southern Fried Teachin’

  2. So jealous that you got to meet the Koo Koo boys! They are my favorite!

  3. Completely and utterly jealous of that!! LOL So much fun!!!!! That is such an awesome kinders would've fallen out! :)

    Mrs. Thigpen's Kindergarten

  4. My students love Koo Koo Kanagaroo. You are sooooooo lucky.
