February 12, 2015


Alright folks . . . now that Valentine's Day is nearly here, we gotta look toward that next chapter.  We will be jumpin' into presidents and national symbols . . . how about you?  Well, If you happen to be walkin' down this same road road in the near future, keep on reading.  I have a few things up my sleeve for you.  Here is a little throw back post to show ya some things that will definitely get "penned" into my schedule this year!


I made a new mini book collection for Presidents Day.  Similar to my Olympics Readers, this pack contains three different little books.  Two are more biography based (Washington + Lincoln) and interactive.  By interactive I mean that they contain writing and drawing prompts throughout . . . one even has a math problem.  The third reader (U.S. Symbols) is just a straight reader - the corresponding writing prompts are included separately.  

I won't lie, these were tough to write.  Not only did I want to make the material readable for fluent 1st and 2nd graders, but I also had to dig deep to remember all of those style/grammar rules.  Yup, I had to dig out my old college handbooks from my journalism degree days.  I learned that you don't capitalize national anthem.  Stick that one in your back pocket . . . you never know when you might need it :)

Speaking of Presidents, we did do some really fun stuff last year that I can draw on.  My favorite write of the year is the "I Cannot Tell A Lie" ditty that we roll with every February.  You learn SO much about your little sweeties.  One angel last year was pretty savvy . . . realizing that she has parents that peruse all of her work as soon as it's hung, she took a different approach.  She wrote, "One time I told a lie, but it was a very, very, very big lie.  I will never ever tell anyone.  Hahahahahaha!"  Her parents laughed like crazy when they saw this, but I did notice a little "look" creep into their eyes!

The kids took the time to read these too . . . they were so funny.
The class keeps going "uuuuuummmmmmmm!"
We had everything from lying about brushing teeth to punching brothers.

If you like this activity, be sure to check out my President Pack.  It's has all kinds of fun crafts and a few killer cool games!   

Changing gears a bit . . . are you interested in a fun interactive math ditty to keep your kiddos engaged?  Try out Flag Math.  It's free.  This one delights my kids year after year -- there is just something about those mini flags that keeps 'em hooked and working hard.  This activity not only leads to great dialogue regarding Old Glory and other national symbols, but it also ties in nicely to the CORE.  Add this activity to your files . . . CLICK HERE :)

Alright my friends . . . I am out of here.  Thank you so much for taking the time to pop in today.  Enjoy your V-Day fun tomorrow.  I can't wait to witness all the giggles, grins, and hugs.

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