February 20, 2015


I don't know if you ever get this way, but I felt the overwhelming need to "freshen" up the place.  Spring is knocking on our door and I wanted to brighten a few areas in my classroom.  I am tired of looking at the same stuff. Do you ever get this way?  Well, the perfect timing of our February Break allowed me to do a little something about my ho-hum feeling . . . just wait until you see what I stumbled across.

Have you guys heard of Teacher Created Resources?  I was introduced to them for the first time last year at the SoCal Kinder Conference.  I FINALLY decided to go and look them up.  Boy, am I sure glad that I did.  They have the cutest Chalkboard Brights collection. 

Now, I know what you are thinking.  Um . . . Kelley . . . that's great.  Good for you for finding a set like this, but I've seen chalkboard collections before. 

BUT WAIT!!!  Don't give up on me just yet.  Maybe you don't quite understand what this particular chalkboard set has to offer.  Can you say, "AN AWNING?" Yessiree . . . an AWNING.  (Yes, I am shouting a bit here . . . I just can't contain my excitement.)  Just look at this thing . . . 

I'll be honest here.  I ordered it just for giggles.  I didn't really get the whole concept or how it would play out.  Well, it came.  And, it BLEW MY MIND.  I just hung it a few hours ago and my mind is still racing.  Right now it is covering our coveted supply area, but I am so going to set up something extra special under this sweet display.  The company has a handful of different awnings to choose from -- red/white stripes, polka dots, and even a dreamy Parisian version.  But, don't take my word for it. Check these out HERE :)    

Okay, now that I have slobbered all over myself, I can tell you a bit more.  As you can tell, the awning is definitely my favorite part of this order.  However, the matching letters and border just complete the whole package.  Yes, I picked these up as well.  (What can I say??  I like being all "matchy-matchy.") I must say that these elements look super fabulous around Stephanie Stewart's Walrus/Toothbrush Craft

I didn't stop there.  I also picked up matching stickers, sticker charts, and cut outs.  These are going to be great for AR tracking, sight word games, and grading.  I can't help myself when it comes to stickers.  I just LOVE to slap them on my kiddos' writing.  

I think it is safe to say that Chalkboard Brights have captured this teacher's heart.  If you are interested in awnings or this set, click on over to Teacher Created Resources.  It's worth a little look-see . . . trust me :)  It was just what this educator needed to brighten up those mid-year walls!  

Thanks for visiting today my friends.  I will see you Sunday with something special.  It's being edited as I type . . . :)

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