January 28, 2015


It took me awhile to circle back around, but I am finally back to tell you about one more amazing resource that I discovered at the PK1 Conference.  This one is going to make your head spin.  I guarantee it.  

Have you ever stumbled across a new teaching resource that actually made your mouth hang open?  Well, one conference booth in particular did just this for little old me.  I was absolutely mesmerized by what I saw unfold at the Alive Studios booth. I knew I needed one of these to use with my students (it's already on order)!  

I got to hang with the Alive Studios gang.
Meet Cynthia (president and creator) and Faith!!
Alive Studios has created supplemental reading and curriculums infused with augmented reality for the classroom.  I'm talkin' 3-D reading and math programs that don't require glasses.  Yup . . . you heard me right, 3-D! This company has embedded high-tech graphics, sounds, and other highly-engaging elements into amazing software programs that provide kids with different ways to experience and interact with both math and reading.  

I must admit that this is SO difficult to put into words and I just can't do it justice.  Seriously folks . . . I was able to be a part of a handful of different software demonstrations for both Reading alive and Math alive and my wheels were turning so fast they nearly broke free.  Seeing is believing.  With this said, here is a quick video showing kiddos in action with their augmented reality programs.  Their reactions are priceless and the level of engagement absolutely takes my breath away. 

I had the opportunity to sit and chat with Cynthia (ceo and mastermind behind this amazing idea).  Her story just makes sense.  With access to just the right people and technology, she came up with a way to drive attention, capture imagination, and foster long-term learning in our youngsters in a very powerful way.  She is on a mission to provide young learners with the tools to become proficient in math and reading by the end of 3rd grade. 

I know what you are thinking . . . I thought the same thing.  Uh, how expensive is this program?  It's not as bad as you think.  This program is totally doable. Oh, AND . . . Alive Studios has thought of their teachers' pocketbooks. They provide support in the grant writing department.  They even offer up a ready-made letter (just needs your info) and support during the process.  Now, that's what I call a proactive company.  Also, I know our school has been given OODLES of cash from the state to implement CCSS programs and curriculum.  One of our focuses has been technology.  Well, you can bet that I shipped off the info on this software as soon as I got home from the conference.  Low and behold, the principals returned my email and want to sit down and chat more about these programs.  Snag the grant information HERE.

As soon as I get this in my classroom, I will be sharing success stories with you. I know there will be many.  If you are interested in learning more, click the image below to hit up the Alive Studios web site, where they share a bunch of other videos and tutorials on their software.  The possibilities with this product are ENDLESS and I cannot wait to get my hands on one.    

Thanks for taking the time to visit me today as I gushed about my favorite PK1 Conference find.  I hope you take a moment to check this company out. It's definitely worth your time.  Merry Wednesday, y'all.

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