January 25, 2015


Alright, all you alls . . . I did it.  Oodles of people asked, and well . . . we aim to please over here at the Factory.  Yup.  I created a Growing Bundle for the Sentence Writing Warm-Ups.  They were such a hit in January, I just couldn't sit on these and not create a package deal.  


I have blogged about these on more than one occasion, so I will give you the abridged version of how these LEVELIZED sets work.  My crew is really struggling with writing this year.  More than 50% can't draft a quality sentence.  We aren't talking multiple sentence problems . . . I'm talking a SINGLE sentence.  I knew something had to change in the writing department as we just weren't reaching many these babes, but finding the time was easier said than done.  That's when the idea of Sentence Warm-Ups was born.    

Now, at this time, 50% of my class could draft a simple sentence.  However, their sentences lacked substance.  This is were the LEVELIZED part came into play.  Each monthly set comes with three different levels of daily sentence practice. Check out the breakdown below . . . 

These can be used as a morning job, transition after recess, or as a "ticket to lunch."  It takes my babes about 10 minutes (max) to complete these.  Oh, and there is always an "Early Finisher" challenge at the bottom of each page. The levelized aspect makes it perfect for the K or 1st grade classroom . . . and it also works oh so well for 2nd grade intervention.  

After doing these with my own crew for nearly a month now, I am a believer. This quick and easy daily practice has made a WORLD of difference already. Not only are our sweeties drafting better sentences, but their handwriting and finger spacing has improved hand over fist (another daily battle we face).  

So much for the "abridged" version, huh?  Well, I just can't help myself.  This is by far my favorite product that I have created and watching it lead to some serious academic growth has me on cloud nine.  BUT . . . you don't have to take my word for it.  How about a FREE TESTER PACK?  I have included three sheets for each level so you can try it over a series of days.  I suggest teaching the process once in small group and then transitioning it into whole class independent work the following day.  (Kinder may need a few more days.) What do you have to lose??  It's free . . . why not give it a try?

Alright, I will be quiet now.  Check out the GROWING BUNDLE or the FEBRUARY PACKET if you get a moment.  Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me.  I am working away on my February Math Games packet today . . . it should be up no later than Wednesday (fingers and toes crossed).  Enjoy your Sunday my friends.  It's going to be 76 here today.  I can't wait to open those windows and soak up this little pause in our winter!!!


  1. Yay! Totally going to try this with my littles. They really need to work on writing conventions. Love the differentiated options!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for writing this.

  4. These are even the better facts described in view of the writing warm ups, so indeed these are the better values to be discussed. paraphrase for me
