December 27, 2014


This year has absolutely flown by.  I cannot believe that in a few short days we will be saying farewell to good old 2014.  With this said, I couldn't let this awesome linky party sneak by me without jumping in on the action.  And, well, I am going to be honest here too.  I just am not ready to do a school related post yet ;)  So, on that note, I bring you my Fourteen in '14 :)

Determined.  It kinda surprised me that this was the word that immediately popped into my head, but after sitting with it for a moment, I completely understand now.  I am feeling determined to stay healthy, play the "Glad Game" more, and reach for the stars.  This is going to be a great run.  I can feel it. #chooseyourattitude

My goal this year is to make a couple of tough decisions that I have been putting off for much too long. I have two big ones looming this year and it's time to move forward.  This is all I am saying on these at the moment (more as they come into play later) . . . but, I am excited to see what my ultimate choices bring my way.

I was able to travel to Europe for the first time this year.  It has been on my bucket list for years and it became a reality in 2014.  England and France absolutely stole my heart and we are already plotting our next adventure - either Germany/Prague or Spain/Portugal.    

NO explanation needed :)
Speaking at the TPT conference was by far my favorite accomplishment this year.  The whole day was an absolute dream come true.  I kept waiting for someone to pinch me.  Working with Ryan, meeting both Paul and Adam, and hanging with my bloggy besties kept me sittin' on cloud nine the whole time.  

My favorite blog post was published way back in May.  It was my EPIC Open House Story.  Read about my fiasco HERE.  Who knew a classroom drying rack could come in so handy?

I'll be honest . . . I was a HORRIBLE pinner this year.  My efforts consisted of a few packets, ideas, and recipes.  I must climb back on the "horse" in 2015.  

This gift didn't cost a dime, but it filled my bucket more than any material present.  I walked out to my car after a long day in the classroom and found this note on my back window :)

I was lucky enough to land a job share with one of my best friends this year.  It has been an absolute blast and I am so very thankful to have a amazing partner by my side (two peas we are).  I am so excited to see what the second half of the school year brings.  

Loved working with Court at our Polar Express Party :)
She is SO good at her craft.

My favorite NEW restaurant this year was Dishoom in London.  This place dished up plate after plate of Indian goodness.  I ate more than I ever thought I could stuff inside my belly.  My favorite go-to restaurant is Yank Sing in San Francisco.  We hit this place up for mouth watering dim sum every time we make it to the city. 

Another no brainer.  Uh, Downton . . . you captured my heart four seasons ago. I am counting the seconds until Season 5 airs in the US.  I will say that House of Cards is a very close second, but it just can't top the Lords and Ladies :)

I made the hubby take me to see the estate while vacationing in Europe.
It was closed, but I got as close as I could. 
We even went to see Mrs. Crawley's house and a few other show settings.
Yup . . . I think this scores me super fan status :)

I don't watch many movies . . . I am more of a TV series kind of a gal. However, if I had to pick a flick that I caught this year, I have to go with Edge of Tomorrow.  The better half would be so proud of me :)

I am all about the collared shirt this year . . . it is the perfect layering or stand alone piece.  JCrew continues to feed my addiction.  

Alright . . . there you be my friends.  My Fourteen in '14.  I definitely can't complain.  It was a good run.  I can't wait to see what 20-15 has hiding up its sleeve :)  Thanks for hosting ladies . . . it was fun.


  1. Ohmy goodness, what a fabulous year!! Can't wait for TpTConf2015!!!

  2. I am so jealous of your wonderful trip to Europe! It sounds like you have some difficult decisions to make this year, but I'm a firm believer in that saying "everything happens for a reason" and bet that no matter what you will be happy with your decisions! I hope that you'll do another pen pal match this year! My students LOVE their pen pals and we are having an amazing experience. Thanks again for making that a wonderful part of the year! Have a wonderful 2015!

    Mrs O Knows

  3. Kelley, I loved reading this! I have some notes of my own in no particular order:
    1. You were awesome as a presenter at the TPT conference. Nailed it.
    2. You have me on the edge of my seat with #2. You might need to call me. :)
    3. Europe= so jealous. We were going to go for our 10 year anniversary, but that is already this summer, so it might be our 12 or 13 year anniversary. I loved living vicariously through your picture though.
    4. Might have a favorite new quote now. Love that.
    I would comment on everything but that would be crazy and stalkerish. Can't wait to see you in a month my friend!

  4. Love you to pieces! Your goal, one little word and quote could not be more perfect!! Can't wait to hang out in February!
