November 2, 2014


It has been a while my friends and it feels good to be pounding away on these keys again.  I was super MIA there for a bit.  Okay, so I will be honest with ya. I was in Europe for our October Break (my amazing teaching partner even picked up a few extra days so the hubs and I could extend our trip -- love you, Court). Ironically, I managed to schedule quite a few blog posts while I was gone. Many of you may not have known I was away - that was the goal anyway. However, the jet lag last week absolutely threw me for a loop and led to an absence that was actually noticeable last week. #somuchforkeepingupappearances

It was a grand trip and I was misty-eyed the WHOLE time in Paris, but our trip ate up what was known as the month of October.  What was left of the month when we returned flew by and it was time to get to gettin' on my November Math Pack.  Well, I buckled down yesterday and today (yup . . . that means no showers) and got 'er done.  Boy, am I just under the wire, or what?

This is what one look like after pullin' an intense creation session.
Sigh . . . something smells funny.
With all that said, here is a peek at the November CCSS Math Games & More set.  It has everything a teacher could want to help get them through the month of November . . . well, at least in our classroom :)

As always, these packets come with 13 games and/or activities that directly align to the first grade CCSS.  Although many other standards are covered, this month's main focus is Math.1.OA.6 - we are all about mastering those addition and subtraction facts.  This round also introduces fact families and contains multiple games that will ease your babes into the whole related fact concept.  This collection even includes a sweet little Fact Family song from Ron Brown's Intelli-Tunes!  

Here is this month's line up:
Counting Crows (10 More - Math.1.NBT.4 + Math.1.NBT.1)
Pilgrim Place Value (Tens/Ones - Math.1.NBT.2)
Stuff The Bird (Addition - Math.1.OA.6)
Don't Be A Turkey - Know Your Tens Facts (Math.1.OA.6)
The Great Feather Flip (Addition - Math.1.OA.6)
Sailing Through Subtraction (Math.1.OA.6)
Dining On Differences (Subtraction - Math.1.OA.6)
A Fact Family Feast (Pocket Chart Intro - Math.1.OA.6)
Fact Family Song By Intelli-Tunes (Math.1.OA.6)
Family Gathering (Fact Family Game - Math.1.OA.6)
Who's In the Tribe (Fact Family Game - Math.1.OA.6)
Great Graphs (Thanksgiving Flavored Bar Graphs - Math.1.MD.4 )
Draw and Solve (Word Problem Mini Book - Math.1.OA.2)

I am printing these as I type so I can laminate like a crazy woman during tonight's episode of The Walking Dead.  

But wait . . . don't go yet.  I hate offering up a paid product without giving you a little taste of what's inside.  It's just too commercial for me.  Here is a little corresponding freebie - Let's Talk Turkey About Equal Sums.  This fun small group game will surely delight your firsties and provide great practice on an essential first grade skill.  If you like what you see, come on back and treat yourself and your babes to the whole math collection :)

CLICK HERE to snag this file!

Alright, I am out of here.  Time to laminate and cut out math goodies :) Thanks so much for taking the time to visit.  I'll leave you with a few quick favorites from our amazing adventures in England and France.  I will spare you from sitting through all 756 photos . . . 


  1. Wow! So excited for you and your husband! What a wonderful trip. I've never been out of the day....

  2. What a fun time you must have had!

    Thanks for the freebie!!

    First Grade and Fabulous
