October 21, 2014


There are two types of Professional Development opportunities.  First, there are sessions that make you drool after lunch and doodle all dang day.   Second, there are the classes that light a spark inside that teacher brain.  They fire you up and remind you why you got into teaching in the first place.  Well, I have a few from that second category to tell ya about today :) 

Here's a PD our school hosted at the beginning of this year.
I always love putting my head together with my peers :)

Ron Brown's Intelli-Tunes
If you are looking to energize your math lessons and teach those CCSS standards in an "out of the box" way . . . this is the session for you!  Catch Rock Your Math Class in a city near you (upcoming dates listed below).  I have seen this one (more than once) and it's so worth your time! Click here to learn more about this fun workshop!

  • Portland, OR - 10/27
  • Seattle, WA - 10/29
  • Oklahoma City, OK - 11/12
  • Tulsa, OK - 11/14
  • Anaheim, CA - 12/3
  • San Bernardino, CA - 12/5
  • San Jose, CA - 12/9
  • Sacramento, CA - 12/10

Kim Sutton from Creative Mathematics
I have seen 3-4 of her sessions now and I always leave feeling so excited about my math block.  Those programs can beat the love of math out of you, but Kim knows just how to fill ya right back up.  Click here to check out her various workshop/session opportunities.  (Her amazing CCSS Math Games Class has a large tour coming up in January and February).    

California Conferences
Alright, so I am being a little West Coast friendly over here, but there are a couple of really great conferences coming up in the great state of CA :)  You can catch the following conferences in early 2015.

First, I want to tell ya about the PK-1 Conference - Santa Clara, CA (1/16-1/18).  It's always a blast.  I have been attending for years and will be presenting for my second time this year.  You can catch some amazing sessions this year . . . I already have my schedule card planned out :)

Next, The Southern California Kindergarten Conference is another outstanding event.  I attended and spoke for the first time last year and it was a weekend to remember.  Oodles of bloggers and other amazing education professionals will be dishin' out their wisdom.  I am giving a little talk on CCSS Math :)

Alright my friends.  There you have it -- a mountain of upcoming PD opportunities that you may want to look into for the upcoming months.  All of these have really changed the way I teach . . . and they are SO much fun to attend :)  Thanks for visiting me today.  I'll catch you again soon!!!


  1. Thanks for the info about the one in Santa Clara. It's in my backyard! So fun!

    What I Have Learned

  2. See you in Santa Clara! Can't wait!

  3. I'll be in Santa Clara and presenting in Souther Cal as well, looking forward to it!

    Fantastic First Grade Froggies 
