October 2, 2014


Um . . . excuse me??  OCTOBER!!!  How did you get here so quickly??  I think I ramble on about time flying in darn near every post, but this 30-day run seemed to pass by us in warp speed.  Well, a huge welcome to you sweet October.  I say bring on the pumpkins, costumes, scary movies, and an ungodly amount of candy corn . . . it's my absolute favorite month!!!!!  It's my birthday too (we won't mention the ripe old age I will be reaching this round.)

Speaking of a new month, I officially finished my October set of Math Station Activities, Games, & More.  As I stated last month, I am less than thrilled with our school's math program choice and we have been supplementing like crazy to make up for all the mathematical "holes" this program leaves in our kiddos' brains.  (Wow . . . that was harsh.  Sorry y'all.  However, it's so true.)

Here's the skinny on this packet.  We run math stations in the afternoon (see how my partner and I run with these HERE).  Each tub targets current and past standards.  Well, now that September is over, we needed a new collection of themed games and such.  My October Math Stations + More Packet will carry us through an entire month and will take care of most of the standards-based centers!

October's Packet covers everything from subtraction and basic missing addend to tally marks, word problems, and graphing.  It even comes with a fun little song from Ron Brown's Intelli-Tunes.  Oh, and the standards are conveniently located on each write up!  We aim to please around here

October Math Stations & More Includes:
Meet the Count (Counting On Game - Math.NBT.1)
Monster Comparisons (Greater/Less Than - Math.1.NBT.3)
Even & Odd March (MP3 & Lyrics - Math.2.OA.3)
That’s So Odd (Even & Odd Game - Math.2.OA.3)
Exploring Addition (Columbus Themed Addition - Math.1.OA.3 + Math.1.OA.6)
Rakin’ In The Tens (Fall Themed Addition - Math.1.OA.3 + Math.1.OA.6)
That’s Super Corny (Number Bond Game - Math.1.OA.3 + Math.1.OA.6)
Going Batty For Missing Addends (Math.1.OA.8)
Falling Into Subtraction (Math.1.OA.3 + Math.1.OA.6)
Spooktacular” Subtraction (Math.1.OA.3 + Math.1.OA.6)
The Transylvania Tally (Math.1.MD.4)
Great Graphs (Fall Flavored Bar Graphs - Math.1.MD.4 )
Draw and Solve (Word Problem Mini Book - Math.1.OA.2)

We already tried out the EXPLORING ADDITION game (whole class) and the kids loved it. They were so dialed in and everyone was helping each other.  My teacher bucket was overflowing!

I will be putting my head together with my teaching partner every month to create one of these Math Packs.  We will be utilizing them with our own babes throughout the year.  Look for the November collection to pop up at the end of this month.  

Not sure if this packet is for you and your darlings?  That's okay . . . I won't spit in your eye :)  But, how about if I offer up a little FREEBIE for you to try out? This way you can get a feel for how these games roll before you invest!  Our math program is already launching into the Commutative Property of Addition. However, they do it in a really high level way.  In my opinion, our students need to "get it" before they launch into all that tough junk and deeper thinking.  So, I created a quick little activity that helps kiddos see the commutative property in action.  On that note, I bring you . . . All Wrapped Up in Flip Flop Facts.    

CLICK HERE to snag this freebie!

Alright, my friends.  That's it in the new product department.  One more quick note before I leave.  We have been speaking of math oh so much today and there is a great professional development opportunity coming to the grand state of Texas next week.  Below are three different dates that Ron Brown's Intelli-Tunes will be presenting their AMAZING session, Rock Your Math Class.  Trust me . . . you want to try and catch one of these workshops.  The TEXAS dates are outlined below - click here to learn more or to register.

Now I am out of here.  Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me today.  I put my October Math Pack on sale today and tomorrow - it's 20% off!  Big hugs my friends and MERRY OCTOBER . . . swoon :)


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