September 28, 2014


Well, hello!!!  It has been what seems like ages since I have been on this page of mine.  So glad to FINALLY be sittin' down for a little cyber time this evening.

I wanted to take a moment to share something that has been working in our class as of late.  So, here are a few tricks that we learned this past week when it comes to introducing tally marks.  

Let's be honest.  Tally marks can be super abstract for some babes (when to add that dang line can get confusing), but they are a powerful introduction to organizing data, counting on, and skip counting by 5s.  I guess they aren't noted as a specific common core standard, but I think tallies fit or play into a handful of different standards.  They are oh so valid to teach!

With this said, I pulled a new idea out of my bum this week that proved to be super powerful.  It all sparked from a lonely orange pool noodle that I spied hiding in the clearance bin at my local grocery store.  The notion of "HUMAN TALLY MARKS" immediately popped into my noggin.  I envisioned a knockout of a lesson that not only had the kiddos engaged and learning, but also giggling their way through our LONG afternoon math block.  Well, guess what?  It was even better than I expected!  You have to try this my friends.  

Following a pocket chart lesson introducing tally marks (complete with Let's Tally Man . . . my absolute favorite math song from Ron Brown's Intelli-Tunes), we ran with this whole class demonstration.  All you need is four brave kiddos and a pool noodle.  I suggest using the noodle to tap each kiddo on the head as the class counts them (it just sells the sizzle that much more).  The kids ate it up.  Oh, and immediately after this demonstration, the majority of our babes remembered how to make a group of five tally marks!  What do ya know??

As a follow up activity, my brilliant team teacher came up with the notion of making tally marks with snacks.  Um . . . hello TASTY TALLIES!  We called out numbers and the babes built them on the desk with pretzel sticks.  Next week we are going to hit tallies again with mini gummy worms . . . it just goes so nicely with Halloween.  

I made a new Tally Mark Packet to go along with teaching tallies.  Now, you SO DO NOT have to use this collection to run with tally marks and the ideas outlined above in your class.  However, if you are looking to round out your tally studies, this ditty comes with that amazing song from Ron Brown (Let's Tally Man), a handful of small group games, the pocket chart lesson we used in our classroom, and some independent practice pages.  It's only $3 (20% off today + Monday) and it's EDITABLE.  Not too shabby.  

Alright, there you be . . . a few tally mark ideas to take with you today and the presentation of a pretty fun little packet.  I am off to make dinner and catch late football game.  I won't mention my fantasy score today . . . let's just say that Foles was not the correct choice.  Dolling is officially 2-1.  **tear**  Night friends.  Talk to you soon :)

Oh, and one more thing.  A few people have asked about the collection below. The October Math Center packet is nearly finished - we're talkin' 13 activities and a fun little song too.  Look for it to pop up on Wednesday!  Sorry for the delay my friends :)