September 13, 2014


Whhhho-Whooooooo!  Happy weekend my friends.  Well, how was it?  Ours was fast and furious, but we are getting there.  I can't believe that we have already tucked WEEK 4 neatly into our pocket.  Um, time . . . would you slow down pretty please :)

As to not waste a moment more of this precious time, I will get on with it already ;)  I am shocked that I am on top of FIVE FOR on an actual Friday.  Maybe I am turning over a new leaf (well . . . for this week any-who).  Classic Dolling.  I didn't finish this last night . . . bwahahahahahahaha.  SO much for that brand new leaf :)

We kicked off our addition introduction this week in good old Room 13.  I never do it the way the book wants me to . . . it's missing that extra spice.  So, every year I break out the cereal.  This ain't nuffin' new to most of you, but just in case you got sucked into your new CCSS math program (we've all been here) and forgot about fun . . . here you be.  The extra bonus this year was playing with the cereal under the new document camera --- the kids had an actual visual of what I wanted them to do.  Yes, you read that right . . . the new doc cam.  We just got one.  

We had been using the trusty light bulb overhead until the second week of school THIS YEAR.  I am slightly embarrassed about being in the Dark Ages . . . so, I am whispering this scary fact (maybe you won't read it).  Thank goodness our tech team finally pulled through and tossed us into the 21st century.  Jeez-o!

Here are a few pictures of the crew in action. They always seem to get the part-part-whole thing when they get to shove the WHOLE into their mouths.  Oh yeah . . . it's not the politest thing in the world, but I do what I can to keep 'em hooked during those LONG afternoons ;)  

We started with just placing Fruit Loops into circles.
They would drag them together to make a WHOLE and they would count the total.  
They got this no problem (thank you Kinder teachers), so we upped the ante.
We began writing the equation under the circles together.

They nailed this too, so I pushed them again. 
I got out the timer and they had 20 seconds to write out the equation.
Hook . . . line . . . sinker.   
I know that I have talked about his before, but writing on the tables is the way to go.
Yes, it is messy.  However, they adore it!
I always sell it BIG TIME and make them pinky promise not to tell on me . . .
Someone always does ;)

Speaking of math, stations have absolutely SAVED us in the afternoon.  I have always been hit or miss with these, but I made a vow to my teaching partner that I was ready to stay on track this year.  Well, holy moly . . . I didn't know what I was missin'.  These are such fun and the kids cheer when I utter the words, "It's station time!"  Here's a quick look-see at a few of the fun games we ran with this week . . . I had a little help from some friends!

Thank you Moffatt Girls for the great paper-pencil practice.
We only have 1-2 of these sorts of ditties in our 10 tubs.
Annie's papers usually make up one or both of them!
This is ALWAYS a beginning of the year favorite.
Thank you Cara Carroll for this fun comparing numbers game.
The giggles were absolutely contagious.
Number Word Knockout is one of my crazy games.
The kids always really get into this one.
I let them punch the air when they knockout a number - anything to keep 'em engaged.
It's part of my September Math Station Packet.
We ran with a football theme theme this week and the kids were all about it.  From teamwork crafts to goal setting and centers . . . every thing had a little pigskin flavor.  We will wrap up out football fun next week before rolling into apples and fall.  
So Much More than a Field Goal
This "begin with the end in mind" craft is always a favorite.
Thanks for helping BIG BUDDIES :)
Our sweet mommy helper read a fun Peanuts Football tale.  
The kids then sequenced their first story. 
I gave them the beginning and the end and they filled in the middle.

Not bad for independent.  We will get there :)
Love this Football Buddy Craft from Ms. Cupcake - I changed it just a bit.
By leaving out the body and changing the writing template,
we worked in a character building lesson.
We had the most wonderful discussion on teamwork.
Our room is looking pretty festive.  
Just gotta get a sign for our football players and we will be golden :)

In addition to football, we launched into our sentence studies this week.  A whole post will be dedicated to this tomorrow, but here's a sneak peak.  The babes learned all about complete sentences . . . with lots of support this week. We constructed some super silly lines together.  Next week I will let out the reins a bit more -- lots of games, guided writing, and shenanigans.  

A bunch of sentence goodness can be found in my latest pack . . . Super Sentence Writers.  I am all about making writing meaningful and fun -- I was a journalism major after all.  I think I managed to create a massive pack does just that . . . :)  I'll be back tomorrow to share and offer up a little freebie.

We are officially rolling into Week 5 come monday and that little "tickle" has turned in to an irritating scratch.  And, as an added bonus, the sinus passages are acting up.  Ha . . . it never fails.  I should have known when one little boy was leaving used Kleenex all over the classroom :)  How many of you already succumbed to kiddie germs??  I am sending GET WELL cyber vibes your way!

Alright, I am off.  See you tomorrow.  I can't wait to share all about building better writers - my FAVORITE thing to teach in the whole wide world.  Big hugs and Merry Saturday to you!


  1. Hey Kelley!

    There are a ton of fun activities going on in your classroom! Loving the cute little football crafts. I am in the football spirit. I hope your scratchy doesn't turn in to a full blown cold. How cute is your little sentence writer with the blond mohawk?!?! Adorable!


    Sheila Jane

    Selfie Land

  2. I love the football activities! I tried doing the dry erase on my tables once and thank GOODNESS I tested it before we actually did it because it did not come off easily! ah!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

  3. Glad to see I am not the only one too pooped on Friday to link least you started... that was farther than I had gotten. Love your teamwork writing craftivity...super cute! When we start addition we will have to do the cereal activity. I often use M & M's, but the cereal would be much more

    Luv My Kinders
