September 1, 2014


We are officially charging in to Week 3 and it's time to get real in the math station/center department.  I wasn't really happy with my game/activity selection in relation to our new CCSS math program.  I was doubly unhappy when I thought about the "holes" hiding in our crew's mathematical knowledge. So, I locked myself in my office this weekend and made my own little collection of math centers to pull from this month.  

We run math stations in the afternoon.  Our day is SUPER packed as it only runs from 8:20-2:00.  Therefore, after a quick math warm up and a whole group lesson/activity, we jump head first into our station time.  We usually only get one rotation in per day.  This is a-ok per my standards as I don't have to come up with new stations every day or even every week -- thank the CLASSROOM MATH GODS.  

My teaching partner and I have 10 labeled math bins and we put 2-3 kids in a group (we have 22 kids so far this year).  We only host math stations Monday-Thursday and we miss a day from time to time.  If you quickly do the math here, this is pretty doable in the prep department :)  We load these with new ditties every 2.5-3 weeks.

In addition to games that target current and past standards, we also toss in some "fun" math stations.  These include number tiles, puzzles, pattern blocks, geoboards, etc.  

My September Math Stations + More Packet will carry us through an entire month and will take care of the "business" end of our math stations.  The rest will be those "fun building" activities mentioned above.  

September's Packet covers everything from number sense and place value to addition, word problems, and graphing.  It even comes with a song from Ron Brown's Intelli-Tunes!!!  Oh, and the standard is conveniently located on each write up.  How's that for service ;)

September Math Stations + More Includes:
Number Word Knockout (Dice Game - Math.K.CC.4)
You Can COUNT ON It! (Counting On Game - Math.1.NBT.1)
Number Sandwiches (Before/After - Math.1.NBT.1)
Number Eatin' Alligator by Ron Brown's Intelli-Tunes (MP3)
Play-Doh Gators (Comparing Numbers - Math.1.NBT.3)
Schoolhouse Spin Off (Comparing Numbers - Math.1.NBT.3)
Just One More (One More - Math.1.NBT.1)
Stuff The Chart (Number Sense Game - Math.1.NBT.1)
Climb The Ladder (Addition 5, 6, 7, 8 - Math.1.OA.3 + Math.1.OA.6)
Drive the Bus (Addition Game - Math.1.OA.5)
That's SUM Apple (Addition Game - Math.1.OA.6)
OH... Domino (Addition/Number Bonds - Math.1.OA.1)
Great Graphs (Colors, Shapes, Number Words - Math.1.MD.4)
Draw & Solve (Word Problem Mini-Book - Math.1.OA.2)

I will be putting my head together with my teaching bestie every month to create one of these Math Station Packets.  We will be utilizing them with our own babes throughout the year.  Look for the October collection to pop up at the end of this month.  

Not sure if this packet is for you?  That's okay.  How about if I give you a little FREEBIE to try out??  Our math program hits the ground runnin' with number bonds.  It only seemed fitting to make a little center game to go along with this concept.  CLICK THE PICTURE to snag the file :)  

Alright, I am off to finish up my 3rd Grade Good Morning Work packet.  Nothin' like being a last minute Lucy.  (Sigh . . . story of my life in the GMW department.)  Gotta get going as I also have to sneak in a bit of Fantasy Football draft practice tonight.  Our big event goes down tomorrow at 7pm and I have a title to defend.  Hugs y'all and Merry September!



  1. I've always wanted to try out math bins but was super wary about all the time/prep/explaining that goes into them. I guess if I only put my kiddos through one rotation per day (which is about all we'd have time for, as well) it could be very doable. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Paiges of Learning
