August 18, 2014


I cannot believe that I am actually sitting down to draft a post after completing the first day of school.  I have no idea why I am still standing (the 15 power nap may have a little something to do with it), but I think the excitement from our stellar day is still surging through my veins.  What a crew.  Seriously, folks. This is gonna be one of those extra special years . . . the vibe was evident the moment we got rollin' today.  

Alright, so I didn't want to miss out on all the fun over at Blog Hoppin' . . . so, here I be with Monday and Tuesday's topics.  Who the h-e-double licorice sticks is this crazy blogger and where does she work??  Well, here you be . . . just in case you were pondering such thoughts.

This is my 8th year of teaching.  For those of you who follow me, you may already know that education was NOT my first gig (that's why my wrinkles are becoming much more noticeable in shots that I post - I've been around the block).  My first career was actually in marketing/public relations.  I worked in the field for 5 years before realizing that I had really missed the boat.  I went back to school and snagged a multiple subjects credential.  This is my first year co-teaching or job sharing with one of my dearest friends.  The boss man allowed us to take a year to work as a team . . . I am beyond thrilled!  We are working the first two weeks together so the babes get to know both of us.  After Labor Day, we will split the week :)

We had such a wonderful first day together on Monday!
We are going to be one heck of a twosome.
Let's see . . . more about me.  I am a wife to the sweetest man around and a loving mother of two fur babies.  I am an endometriosis fighter.  I am loud.  I am all about finding the humor in life.  And, I come from a family of teachers. My pop is actually Ron Brown from Intelli-Tunes.  I guess it is safe to say that education is in me blood!   

Here are two of my sweet "family" members. 
Love when my dad gives special concerts in my room!

Enough yammering on about my little life.  Let's get to the good stuff already - where does Kelley work?

I landed a job at the greatest school in Northern California.  It's a magical place were the whole school functions like a family.  We are our own little community and I am lucky to call a room on campus my home away from home. 

Yup . . . a rainbow leading right to MY door!
It truly is a magical place.

Although it may be magical, I work in one of the older rooms on campus.  It smells funny when it's closed up too long and it's somewhat pieced together, but I managed to make it pretty cozy over the years.  Here's a look-see inside our four walls.  Bright and cheery has always been the name of my game.

Made cubby tags this year.
Thank you Power Point skills!
Our group chart! 
Main bulletin board . . . we are lucky that it's painted and LARGE!
This was our welcome board . . . made by last year's kids.
Love our Wall of Fame area.
Court and I have all our pictures up here - swoon!
Another XL bulletin board.  It's our writing display area.
It ties into our Rock Star theme perfectly.  Thanks for the help Melonheadz!
We will jump into kinds of sentences and punctuation after Labor Day.
This one is up and ready to reference!
It's part of my Punctuation Has Personality pack.  
Another student work area :)
Can you tell I am all about displaying kid stuff??!!
Alright, so there are a few more areas in the room, but I forgot to take pictures today . . . back to school brain got the best of me after all.  Way to go, Dolling! Oh well.  You get the idea and I gotta get my bum to bed.  Thanks so much for taking the time to visit today.  Be sure to pop over to Blog Hoppin' to check out the rest of the posts and what's in store for the rest of the week!  Hugs y'all . . . see you soon!


  1. I love the idea of the Love Wall. What a perfect way to share your experience and love for previous kiddos. AND I would much rather have the faces of my students than the degrees of my past!

  2. I just love it! And your "love wall" dang stickin' cute!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  3. What a fun and colorful room! It is great to blog hop and look at what everyone is doing to get ready for the new school year. Love the love wall!

    Renee from The Science School Yard

  4. I had no idea Ron Brown was your dad. He is great! He came to our school when I taught in Red Bluff. I hope your week is continuing to be great.

    Fantastic First Grade Froggies

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