August 17, 2014


Um . . . really??  I cannot believe it . . . a post about that all-mighty first week lesson plan.  Where in the world did the summer go?  I can't complain though. It was a magical 8 weeks, but today marks its final hurrah.  At 8:20 tomorrow I begin a new journey with a sea of 24 fresh little faces.  It will be my 8th year in primary (1st to be exact) and I am co-teaching with one of my dearest friends. I am so excited and nervous all wrapped up into one.  I cannot wait to see what adventures await us :)

On that note, here is a little peek at our plans for the week.  If you are interested in any of the resources shown, click the picture to access the clickable links for each pack, paper, or whatever it may be!  

We will be running with a Rock Star Student theme to help us kick things off.  I think the kids are gonna eat it up . . . 

Math is pretty mellow in the afternoons.  Those little guys get oh so sleepy after lunch during this first week.  We will be doing a lot of number sense review and practice (1-5) as well as a handful of fun themed graphing activities.  We also will be hosting tub time every afternoon.  The babes will have to opportunity to explore our various classroom math manipulatives in a handful of laid-back collaborative math rotations.   

Beginning of the year writing is always a crap shoot.  You never know what they will be able to do.  We have three main writes planned for specific days, but as you know, these are subject to move throughout the week.  Primary is all about reading the "crowd," right??!!  Hehehehe.  I am so looking forward to the Lunchbox Manners Craft & Write.  I so want our crew to be the best they can be in the lunchroom this year -- I think this reflective write and the awesome manners song that goes with it will be just the ticket.  In addition, we will be hittin' that quality handwriting right out of the gate.  We are using a fun themed pack to help us "sell the sizzle" of rockin' printing!  

Alright . . . so there it is in a nutshell . . . our first week.  I'll be back soon with a little something new.  I am off to actually write this in the plan book.  It has been on a legal pad for two weeks now, but I just couldn't put it in the official planner.  Enough waiting . . . it's time.  Big hugs gang.  


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Renee . . . it's like riding a bike, right??!! Hehehehehe. Thanks for taking the time to say hello!

  2. Have a great year! We meet our kiddos this week but they don't start until next week (kindergarten).

    A Very Curious Class

  3. ho hum... I wish I knew what i was doing - haha!!
    ♥ Jen
    Teacher by the Beach
    A Splash of Life Blog

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