July 13, 2014


I know all you alls are going to be absolutely inundated with Vegas posts over the next few days, but I just can't help myself - I have to do one.  This past week was inspirational and downright life changing.  My head is still spinning from meeting the TPT crew and presenting to the various special events and hanging with dear friends. On that note, I just have to take a moment to share my experience and . . . let's face it . . . attempt to relive it for at least a quick cyber moment.  

I put together a little picture walk for you down below (alright, it's probably more for me . . . but, here is is just the same).  At the VERY end you will find a look-see at what to expect from The Factory in the near future.  

Vegas kicked off with a Blog Hoppin' lunch!
Swoon . . . I heart ya, ladies.
Steph (my rad roomie) and I with an old online pal!
Stacy (so nice to finally meet you my friend).
Simpson's Superstars
Getting ready for the Blogger Meet-Up.
The free swag was unbelievable . . . so was helping my favorite crew!

I met some fast friends at the meet up for sure.
Oregon people are the best . . . I LOVE MY DUCKS :)
Mrs. P's Special Ed Classroom + Journey of a Substitute Teacher
Finally got to meet my TPT Conference presentation partner in the flesh.
The one and only Ryan Van Meter from TPT :)
We have been planning and prepping online for months.
He's such a smart guy and we have become very dear friends.
Got to hang with Holly from GoNoOdle.
This lady is beautiful inside and out.
She is just as amazing as the Brain Breaks she promotes!
What would a trip be without a creepy selfie.
Didn't think I'd post it . . . did you??
You're welcome you guys!
I heart Molly {Lucky to Be in First} +
Christy and Tammy {Fluttering Through First}
The TPT Conference Keynote had me in tears.  It was so motivating.
Here is a view from the cheap seats!
Moments before our big data/search/goals presentation.  
He is hiding his nerves pretty darn well . . . 
I, on the other hand, look like I just ate some bad fish. 
An after shot . . . I am all smiles and feeling relaxed.
Might be that I am hanging on to one of my favorites.
I heart Sarah from Sarah's First Grade Snippets.  
My favorite part of the trip . . . TPT's Post-Conference Happy Hour and this crew.
These SoCal girls are my people.
So glad to be an honorary member of the group :)
Wish I could have hung more that night.
However, my cute shoes ate a hole in my foot and my old butt went to bed.

Alright, that's it from my trip.  Thanks for humoring me, folks.  I am still in awe over the adventures that were had this past week.  TPT nailed their first conference - a HUGE thank you to TPT's Amy and Karen for putting their heart and souls into this thing.  I will definitely be making the trip out to Sin City again next year . . . let the countdown begin . . . #TpTvegas15!!!

Oh . . . if you weren't able to attend the TPT Conference this year, our handouts are still available for FREE in all of our stores.  Ryan and I put together a great little collection that provides oodles of insider tips on data, search, and goals.  Pop on over and grab it.  

Here's what's on the horizon from Teacher Idea Factory.  Although my store has been fairly quiet as of late, I have been working this summer!  Two are finished and the other two are more than half way there.  Look for these to pop up soon!  
We are running with a Rock Star Student theme this year . . . hence the top two!
I am almost finished updating my Pen Pals/Friendly Letter Writing Packet
And, I am coming out with CCSS 3rd Grade Morning Work.
There will be freebies linked to these too!!!

Also, this year's Pen Pal Pair Up will go live at the end of this week (cough . . . cough . . . Saturday).  Be sure you get in quickly as space is limited to the first 500-600 sign ups. I know that this figure seems large, but it only takes about 6-8 hours to fill.  Watch for more details on the exact time the sign ups will begin later this week.

Okay . . . I am out of here. Thanks again for taking the time to pop in today.  I'll see you very soon with something from above!


  1. LOVED seeing you again!!! Just move down here and share a classroom with me already k??

  2. LOVED hanging with your girl!! You are fab!! I'm loving that 3rd grade morning work!! I might have to grab that for my 3rd graders this year! :) XOXO

    Sailing into Second

  3. Thank you for sharing! I have lived vicariously through all of these posts this week on FB, Instagram, and on blogs! I have a few free items in my TPT store but have not had the time to devote to making items it's like to with being in school. It's my goal this year to at least blog about what I'm doing in my classroom and create some things along the way! All of you are absolutely amazing! Didn't realize that so many of you are here in Southern California. I'd love to meet all of you!

  4. Looks like it was a huge success and so much fun. Congrats on your presentation. I'm off out check out your handout. Thanks

  5. It was so great to meet you. I can't wait to schedule our Chico meetup!! It's nice to have buddies up north!!

  6. Kelley, great presentation and another northern California girl, I love it! Let's chat soon, you can come to Chico and play a little golf.

    Fantastic First Grade Froggies

  7. It looks like you guys had a wonderful time. I hope that there will be a conference next year. Also, I participated in your Pen Pal Program last year. My students LOVED it. They really loved getting letters and talking to other 2nd graders in different parts of the USA. Thank you for all of your work making this possible for us. :)

    Ms Richards's Musings

  8. Absolutely LOVE YOU! That.is.all! .... Get your tail down here!

  9. There is NO way I am missing it next year. I expect you to be my tour guide. Please and Thank you Smelley!

  10. I really enjoyed your presentation with Ryan, very helpful!

    1. Yay! Thank you so much for poppin' over to tell me. I will be sure to pass it on :) You really made my day!!!

  11. I adore you Kelley! You are a natural when it comes to presenting. I love how your bring your wonderful personality so naturally. It made me smile seeing you up there! I am so glad I get to see you again in a couple weeks. Wishing you were a permanent Oregon girl!!
    Sarah's First Grade Snippets

    1. Oh my dear . . . thank you so much. Having you in the audience really helped. I can't wait to hang in a couple weeks. I'll text you. #imayneverleaveoregon

  12. Hi Kelley,
    I LOVED your presentation. I learned so much and you did a stellar job of presenting with Ryan. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us and it was GREAT TO MEET YOU IRL!

    1. Maria . . . thank you so much!!! It was so nice to finally meet you too!! Can't wait for next year :)
