July 7, 2014


Howdy friends.  It has been a whirlwind over here.  How is it already July 7th? Hey, SUMMER . . . slow down!  Anyway, I have been a huge slacker in the bloggy department as of late, but I will be better after Vegas.  I just felt like I haven't had much to say . . . SHOCKING, I know.  I have been working my tail off and finished three packets in the past week and a handful of freebies.  Things are really shaping up nicely for a late-summer run on the Factory.  Stick with me folks . . . it will heat up here soon :)

With this said, I wanted to quickly check in and let you know that I will indeed be hosting the Pen Pal Pair Up again this year.  I have received quite a few emails asking if I will be rolling with it again and we aim to please over here at The Factory :) Hopefully my temperamental wrists will cooperate . . . the left has been acting up as of late and I'm giving it the evil eye as I type! 

I soooo love the new Miss Kindergarten font from KG!

Look for sign ups to open late next week - I am starting the process a little earlier this year to keep it separate from the back to school chaos that will hit in August.  It will also allow me to spread the typing out a bit in an effort to keep the rotten no-good tendonitis at bay!!! 

The slots fill quickly (I take the first 500-700 teachers . . . we shall see how many I am game for), so be ready to jump on board!  I promise to give you a little notice before I post the sign up doc.  This will give a fair "heads up" to all who might be interested.

For those of you who don't know what the Pen Pal Pair Up is all about, I find another classroom/teacher to match you up with for the year.  In essence, I take the "finding" and "connecting" part out of the process for you . . . your class just has to take the time to write :)  It's a great way to work in geography and friendly letter writing.  Oh, and you don't have to be a blogger to participate.  I mostly pair up teachers K-6 (although I have found matches for some 7th and 8th in the past two rounds).

In the meantime, I am working on updating my Pen Pals/Friendly Letter Writing Packet.  It needs a little face-lift {my skills have developed over the years . . . hehehe}.  If you already bought it, the new version will be ready for you to re-download by early August.    

Alright, that's it from me.  I am off to pack for Vegas.  I went a little crazy in the shopping department . . . shhhhh . . . don't tell my husband.  But, in my defense, I needed a new dress for presenting at the TPT Conference (okay . . . so I bought two . . . but, I just left the plural part out).  Can't wait to see all of my friends, make some new ones, and hang with my super rad roommie . . . 

It's a tradition for the two of us to cause trouble in Vegas!
I HEART FALLING INTO FIRST . . . see you very soon, Steph :)


  1. I can't wait for you to post the sign ups! I've always wanted to do pen pals!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Have a great time in Vegas, and I will be looking forward to the Pen Pal sign up.
    The Traveling Teacher

  4. Hi. My friend got her match last week. She teaches k. I haven't heard anything yet, are you going by grade level? Thank you very much!

  5. Duh! I just found where you are working on 3rd this week. Thank you again! Really - thank you!!!!!! :-)
