September 7, 2013


Oh my friends . . . getting the final states filled in the Annual Postcard Exchange has been like pulling teeth.  Multiple posts, countless Facebook updates, and emails to friends still have me begging to fill spots.  Can you help me spread the word via . . . ANY MEANS NECESSARY?  I am tired, I have yellow snot, and I just can't let all those wonderful teachers who signed up down.  I beg of you . . . . pretty please??!!

I am still looking to fill the states listed down below (some of them need more than one teacher).  Are you interested??  Do you have a friend who might be??  Send them my way stat!  If you state isn't listed, all three exchanges are full.  Sorry friends . . . mark your calendars for next year (late July 2014).    

Alaska - 2 teachers
Delaware - 1 teacher 
North Dakota - 1 teacher
Rhode Island - 2 teachers
South Dakota - 3 teachers
Wyoming - 1 teacher

If you want in, PLEASE email me ASAP.
It's first come, first serve!!!!!!

To learn more about the amazing exchange, CLICK HERE to read all about it.   Cheryl over at Primary Graffiti started this awesome exchange years ago and I am helping keep the tradition alive . . . yup, it's that good.  The kids just love getting actual mail and you can hear a pen drop when you're reading each card. The social studies, geography, and writing lessons you can attach to this are endless too!!!    

If you signed up, only the first exchange has been notified.  SO, you may or may not have an email waiting in your inbox.  If you don't have one, don't panic yet.  I am waiting to fill up the exchanges as best as I can before sending out the rest of the official "you're in" emails.  Exchanges 2 and 3 still have too many holes for me to "pull the trigger" so to speak.

Alright, that's it from this chick.  I am off to take a nap and use that icky water up your nose contraption . . . but, not in that order.  I'll be back tomorrow with something fun and a little freebie.  Until then . . . merry weekend my friends.   


  1. I really want to be involved in this next year when I teach the 50 states. When do you start making your lists?

    1. We got started late this year . . . look for us at the end of July in 2014. Thanks for asking!

  2. Oh I was going to sign up - but I live in Australia - that is not going to help!!!!!

    Teaching Maths with Meaning

  3. I am looking for you, friend!!!!!! You are amazing for doing this!


  4. I live in Florida (sad sigh!) but just posted on Facebook since I am from Rhode Island. Hoping someone from Rhode Island signs up:)

  5. I am so sad Ohio is all taken! However, I do have a suggestion for the Alaska teachers. Try posting on the Iditarod Facebook page. There are tons of teachers who use the Iditarod in their classrooms - and can hook you up with some Alaska teachers. If that doesn't work - email me. I know several that live there or can give you some contacts.

  6. I can do the last Delaware spot. I teach third grade here :)

    Lauren Kassner

    1. Lauren . . . are you still available?? EMAIL ME STAT pretty please . . .
