June 11, 2013


Two.  Dos.  Deux.  Zwei.  Mobili.  T-W-O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Yup, you guessed it.  I am down to the final two days.  I hate to see this delightful crew go, but my bum is a draggin' and they are more than ready.  

Sticking with the TWO theme, I have about two seconds to spare tonight. However, I promised that I would be back with something worthwhile in my last post.  Well, here I am with something I hope you think is worth your time :)

I am participating in Miss Kindergarten's Try It FREE Tuesday.  Both Apples and ABCs and I are offering up some serious goods TODAY!  Simply hop on over to Miss Kindergarten's Blog to find out how to get your hands on Number Word Printables from the rad-tastic Miss Griffo and September Good Morning Work (Reading) from me . . . for FREE!!!!  

We aren't talking part of these packs, mind you.  We're talkin' the WHOLE dang thing!  So, pop on over ASAP and check it out.  The deal turns from a shiny new lunchbox into a stinky forgotten sack lunch at midnight tonight (6-11-13)! While you're at it, be sure to take a moment to follow the UH-MAY-ZING Miss Kindergarten (if you don't already) and to tell her that I sent ya . . . you'll be oh so glad you did.  

Alright, I am off to prep for tomorrow and our Annual Awards Night.  I got this, right??!! Thanks so much for visiting.  I'll see you this summer . . . hahahahahaha . . . this weekend!!!


  1. Wow! Try it Free Tuesday is awesome. I'm new to first grade next year. How many weeks into the school year do you begin Good Morning Work? Thanks for the freebie!!

    1. Hi KaSandra . . . in the past, I have started Good Morning Work right after Labor Day (we go back August 19th). However, this year I am going to make a very basic pack for August that hits all the K standards. It will be very basic and it will help me see "holes" right off the bat. Thanks for coming by!

  2. Two more days?!?! I'm jeal!!! Thanks for being a part of TiFT!!! Love you to the moon and back!!!

  3. This packet is AWESOME!!! I have it and LOVE it! Thank you for your hard work and for creating such useful and AMAZING stuff!!! Love you Kelley!!!
    The Moffatt Girls
