June 8, 2013


Alright you guys . . . I am finally coming up for air.  F-O-U-R more days.  I think I can.  I think I can.  I HOPE I can :)  I am taking a break from the end of the year chaos to partake in Doodle's Weekly Linky.  

Random Moment #1
Assessments.  Assessments. And, more assessments.  My poor kids.  As soon as they finished one test I slapped another in front of them.  However, I couldn't be more pleased with their scores.  #allmybuttonspopped

Random Moment #2
We had our final field trip this week.  The kids were so excited to get to go to Turtle Bay Exploration Park and so was I until the weather man uttered three little numbers . . . 107.  Oh lordy!!  The kids still had a blast catching all the indoor and OUTDOOR sights despite the heat (and I managed to as well), but our shirts were wet with sweat stains and our hair was plastered to our heads by the time we boarded that bus home.

Random Moment #3
We said goodbye to my wonderful teaching partner yesterday.  I don't know if y'all knew this, but I moved to part-time in January to accommodate my physical therapy schedule and help me deal with some heath issues.  Ms. Cahoon was an amazing teacher who poured herself into my precious babes while I was out.  She saved my bacon again this year and I am so lucky to call her friend.  

I rounded up all the kids on the playground before school started on Friday (a day I was supposed to be out)!  They each had a red rose and a letter they had written.  The plan was foiled (marching up to the classroom in a big old mob when the bell rang) when one of my cuties told her she was needed on the playground . . . ah, kids and secrets.  However, she was still totally floored as he didn't tell her why she was needed (phew).  She rounded the corner to the playground to be greeted with 22 smiling faces.  We finished out the morning with sticky sweet cinnamon rolls and milk!  I don't know if you'll see this post, Tiff . . . but, thank you . . . from the bottom of my heart! The kids love you.  The parents love you.  And, I love you.  

Random Moment #4
The dreaded report cards . . . . BLARG!  I have been working on them off and on all week and finally got serious this morning.  I locked myself out of Facebook, turned on some tunes, and sat at the kitchen table with my laptop.  The last three comments were harder than pullin' teeth, but I finished!!!  

Random Moment #5
I have a stellar afternoon planned.  With the temperature forecasted to be right around 115 today, I am headed out to the Chamber of Commerce's Annual Crawdad Festival to serve up some ice cold beverages from the Rotary booth (thanks for signing me up dear).  It's always a good time, but I just hope I don't melt!!
Ok, so I stole this picture off of the festival site and I have NO idea who these people are.
However, I am hoping to replace it with a pic of me and this mighty crawdad!!!

Alright, friends.  I am off to shower (finally).  Gotta get my bum to the fairgrounds.  I will see you soon with something that you can actually use . . . I promise!  Thanks for visiting :)



  1. Hoping that 115 degree heat doesn't come with the humididty like it does here...if so, you can manage! Hope your last 4 days next week are great!

    For the Love of First Grade

    1. We don't have the humidity . . . thank goodness!!!

  2. I found your blog through Five for Friday! I am your newest follower :) I hope your next four days go quickly! I love your blog's name :)

    Have a great weekend!
    Three Cheers for First Grade!

  3. I am just amazed at how many teachers are still teaching. We finished on May 23. When do you all start your school year? That maybe where the difference is. I enjoyed reading your post.

    Mrs. Flickinger's Butterfly Oasis

    1. May 23rd?? Holy flip flops Tammy! We do start on August 19th, but we get a week off in October and one in February (in addition to Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter). Thanks for taking the time to write!!!

  4. Holy Moly ! 115 degrees??? Here in GA, we're right at 90 & I'm already about to keel over! Have fun at the Crawdad Festival!! :)

    First Grade Fairytales

  5. Congrats on finishing your report cards! I had assessments in my Five for Friday too....as for the report card part.....haven't started them yet!

    Hope you had fun at the festival!

    Crayons and Whimsy

  6. Oh boy...I don't miss doing report cards at all!! So glad you are done :) You are almost there Kelley!! Hang in there sweet friend!!

  7. You will make it through those last 4 days!

    Everyone is making these report cards seem like extreme torture! What am I in store for next year!

    115 degrees! Yikes! I will never live anywhere where the temps get that high! I like it in the 70's! Enjoy the festival! Can't wait to see your pic with the crawdad!

    The Polished Teacher

  8. The crawdad thing sounds like fun!

    I sooooo can't wait to meet you in real life this summer. Ahhh!

    Journey Of A Substitute Teacher

  9. Oh my goodness. I would surely melt...or turn into the awful cranky version of myself that comes out when I'm hot. It does sound fun though--hopefully a breeze will come through?

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