May 26, 2013


Okay, so let me start by apologizing for being a bit tardy with today's post.  I think my brain finally reached it's AT CAPACITY point and I made a major soggy misstep this morning.  

Here's how the saga unfolded . . . I was washing out some of my unmentionables in the laundry room when a friend drove up.  I switched off the HOT water and went outside to greet her.  After hanging out for a bit, I saw her off.  When I came back in, I noticed that the floor in the kitchen was moving. Then it dawned on me that it was covered in water.  My brain exploded and I went into full on panic mode.  I ran into the laundry room to discover two inches of water, an overflowing sink, and undies all over the floor.  It seems that I spaced turning off the COLD water handle when my friend arrived.  Let me note that I was home alone when this major "brain toot" occurred (the hubs was golfing) . . . I called my dad in a panic and he and my mama rushed over.  My sweet mommy and I used every towel in the house to mop up my mess and my amazing pop was a shop vac fool. We managed to get it all up in just over an hour and WELL before the mister returned home, but it put me way off my game today.  BLARG!!!  However, I am finally back on track tonight and the hubs knows a portion of my crazy tale (what he doesn't know won't kill him, right . . . hehehehehe)!!??!!  Oh, and no pictures were taken.  I didn't have a moment to stop moppin' and I didn't want any evidence ;)

With my drama out of the way, I can get down to business this evening.  I promised a little look-see at our Open House display. Our first grade team always rolls with a mega Africa Unit in April and May.  We have found it to be a great launching point to help us teach all of the habitats as many of the major biomes are found on this continent.  Here's a peek at what my students put together . . . 
African Flags - each kiddo picked a different country.
Grassland Predator Craft 
Silly Monkeys + Poetry (on the banana)
The monkey craft is from Kerri B's Rainforest Fun
King Tut Directed Draw + Watercolor
Gotta heart Art Projects for Kids!
Their desks were jam-packed with notes, writing pieces, crafts, and such.
Zulu Warrior Shields . . . They loved this one (above).
Swahili Story Problems (below).  

Craft From My Creative Life
We added a "Looking Ahead" Writing Piece

Verdi Retell + Snake Craft
Those beloved salt dough maps and rain sticks!!!
Finally tonight, in between flooding the house, chattin' with a friend, recovering from a wedding, and lesson planning, I managed to finish my June Good Morning Work (Reading) Packet.  This one is jam-packed with oodles of common core standards that your babes need to know before making that big ole jump to second.  


As I always do, I am offerin' up the "Try 'Em Before You Buy 'Em" Deal.  Try these sheets with your babes.  If you like what you see, come on back and treat yourself to the whole pack or pick up the bundled collection for next year! 
CLICK HERE to download these tester pages.

Alright, I am O-U-T.  Mad Men is calling from the DVR.  I'll be back soon with a look-see at my Father's Day Pack, Summer Fun, and a couple of fun freebies! Thanks so much for visiting.  Hang on tight, friends . . . we got this :)


  1. Oh wow! I would call my parents too! Glad everything was cleaned up and things are okay! Love all the activities from your Africa study! Also, thank you for June! I have the bundle, so I am going to re-download:)

  2. Oh........this made me laugh AND reassured me that I'm not crazy. I left my car running the other day at school. From 7-5 my car was running in our school parking lot all day long. FREE TO A GOOD HOME :) Seriously, I think this time of year makes us all a little crazy. Your open house stuff looks great! Thanks for sharing all your ideas.

    Sweet n Sassy in 2nd

  3. YIKES, your soggy story stinks. . .it actually sounds like something that I would TOTALLY do. Your open house pictures look awesome. I really like the looking ahead writing on your door. BTW I was going through my "end of the year" board on pinterest and found your ring pops picture from last year. I'm heading to the store this week to stock up for my kids ~ thanks for yet another great idea from your factory.
    ✰ Stacy

    Simpson Superstars

  4. Hi Kelly! You know how to tell a good story! Your open house looks amazing! I hope things are calming down for you! :) Melissa

  5. You can always trust life to interfere!!! One of my sweet students did this in her bathroom this year. On the second floor. Over their kitchen. They now have a completely remodeled kitchen.

    Your salt dough maps are beautiful!

    I Teach. What's Your Super Power?

  6. Wow! Wow! Wow! Your open house looks absolutely stellar, Kelley. Awesome job :)

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

  7. Kelley - love those giraffes - super cute. Looks great there my friend.
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  8. Your room looks incredible! I hope your parents appreciated all you put into creating such an amazing environment for their kiddos! Our Open House is tonight so in just a few short hours we'll be able to breath again!!! Fabulous job girl!!
    ~Christy & Tammy
    Fluttering Through First Grade
