May 25, 2013


For all you alls still at it, the end is near . . . can you feel it??  As we round "third" and set our sights on crossing home plate, the excitement starts to take over (as does a little panic).  So much to do and so little time!  This week my focus was all about "one day at a time."  I kept reminding myself not to look up and to focus in the moment.  By golly, it worked, and I am still standing after Open House Week . . . holla :)  It's about time I showed the poor neglected Factory a little LOVE.  Therefore, I bring you Five for Friday and a little last minute freebie (fashionably late).  

My Sunday evening was the kick off to the Open House Prep.  It was my first time ever making salt dough.  I swear that junk was going to be the death of me.  All I wanted to do was sit on my bum, chill before the chaos known as Monday, and watch Mad Men (the most random episode ever . . . but, that's just my scatter brain talking this morning).   So, needless to say I was a bit crabby.  After all three ingredients went into first batch, I knew something was terribly wrong . . . which made me even more pleasant. 

frantically texted one of my sweet teammates and sent her this picture.  After talking me off the ledge (thanks Nat), we concluded that I should just add more flour.  Well, with my hands a bit occupied, I called in the hubs to help me add a little more of the white stuff.  This is how he helped . . . . 

All in all, I managed to get all three batches done and squeeze in that episode of Mad Men.  #poutypantsdolling

Early this week, one of my bloggy buddies snapped a picture of an article in Parents Magazine.  It just so happens that I am quoted in this month's issue along with my fantastic friend, Denise from Sunny Days in Second Grade.  I am only attached to one little bitty sentence about the "Summer Slide" that anyone could have uttered, but I was still excited to see my name in print.  A few of my ideas were included too.  

With Open House comes the Annual Art Fair.  I procrastinated a little this year (okay . . . okay . . . I do every year) and I was scrambling to put something together at the last minute.  BLARG!!!!!!!!!!  On Monday I found the coolest art project on Art Projects for Kids.  (If you haven't seen this blog yet, you must find a little time to take a look-see . . . it's wonderful!)  My babes spent the afternoon putting together Kandinsky Trees.  They loved this project and they were able to knock it out in an afternoon.  BOOM . . . bacon saved :)

Our Open House theme was Africa.  It always works as a nice launching point for us to teach all of the habitats as four main biomes are found there (grasslands, rainforest, desert, and ocean).  The kids really dig learning about all the animals and customs too.  We always make rain sticks out of paper towel rolls.  Again, this project finally got finished on Wednesday of this week (thank you mommy helpers).  However, when I went to set these out on the desks a few hours before parents started showing up, I realized I had the kids put their names right where I had my helper tape them closed.  GOOD ONE, Ms. Dolling. Well, this panic infused moment led to an even nicer display of these funny little instruments.  Of course I forgot to snap a picture of the second area that is similar to the one below . . . but you get the idea . . . hehehehehe. #serendipitiydoeshappen

Somehow I managed to crank out Good Morning Work (Math) for June this week.  I was totally hopped up on gallons of home-brewed iced tea and pure adrenaline . . . people thought I was nuts (nothing new here).  I went a little crazy in the last five pages.  I wanted to stretch my own kids a bit and encourage a few more "mathematical connections" before they exit my class in 13 days.  I tried to cover as many standards as possible to help you keep kids workin'.  It's all about the spiral review.  If you are still "at it" and are interested in snagging this new set (it's only $3) or my big bundled pack, click on the links below.  


As always, I am offering up my "Try 'Em Before You Buy 'Em" Deal.  To see how these sheets work with your babes, click on the link below.  If you like what you see unfold in your classroom, come on back and snag the whole pack or the collection for next year!  
CLICK HERE to snag this freebie. 

Alright, my friends.  I am off to finish the June Reading Good Morning Work Set before heading out to  a wedding.  Nufin' like a little pressure . . . right??!!  Ha. Thanks so much for taking the time to visit today.  I will be back tomorrow with another freebie and pictures from Open House.  HUGS!!! 


  1. Love your salt dough picture. At the end of the day I am covered in glitter, paint, chalk, marking pen, and little people germs. Comes with the job! Your blog is very cute. I enjoyed reading your post!

  2. Congrats so much in the magazine quote! Exciting. Thanks for the 'try before you buy'.

    I love the idea of an end of year Open House and I love seeing all projects you great bloggers are posting about. It does seem like so much work during such a hectic time though.

    You Might Be a First Grader….

  3. How exciting to see your name in Parents! That's awesome! I love Art Projects for Kids - I never thought I could get my kids to do such amazing art (since I am THE worst artist ever!).

    Have a blast at the wedding!
    Lucky to Be in First

  4. Thanks for sending me to Art Projects for I need to find the hours to sit down and go through it> Wow!! We only do Open House at the beginning of the year, but I'm loving everything I'm seeing at the end of the year open houses! :)

    First Grade Fairytales

  5. So awesome that you're in Parents magazine! And I love how your salt dough projects turned out! I made salt dough once and it didn't turn out. At all...

    Angela :)
    Hippo Hooray for Second Grade!

  6. Kelley,
    What a great post today! I am a huge fan of Art Projects for Kids and just pinned your Kandinsky Trees for next year! Your name was all the buzz at my grade level team meeting this week! My teaching friend Michelle gave you some great advertisement and says that your Morning Work units are Out-of-this-World awesome! Thank you for the freebies to try. I am excited to check it out with my first graders!
    Have a great weekend!
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

  7. Sounds like you had a crazy week! That is fabulous that you were mentioned in Parent magazine. Loving those Kandinsky trees!


  8. I LOVE this. You definitely sound like you've entered the crazy time of the year. I cannot imagine having open house on top of all the other things that need to be taken care of.........sheesh, makes me tired just thinking about it. Everything looks great!!! Congrats on the magazine article. That is super exciting!!

    Sweet n Sassy in 2nd

  9. Not sure how I've missed your blog up til now, but glad I found it through Doodle Bugs!
    Awesome post!
    Whimsy Workshop 
