January 12, 2013


It's that wonderful time where Mrs. Stanford's good old Magical Product Swap makes its fan-tab-u-lis appearance in posts across blog land!  I am so excited I can barely type . . . okay I may be exaggerating just a bit, but I truly am jonesin' to see what's gonna pop up out there.  
CLICK HERE and....
Check out all of the other wonderful bloggers being showcased today!
I am NOT exaggerating when I tell you that I did a little fist pump when I found out who my partner was going to be.  I have been matched up with the one and only Gladys from Teaching in High Heels.  If you follow me, you already know that she is one of my favorites and that I froth at the mouth when she posts something new.  I have NEVER been disappointed by one of her products and my students know her as that "High Heeled Lady."  (Yup . . . we use her stuff that much!)

Today I have the honor of reviewing her Chinese New Year Packet!  I have always wanted to teach this, but never could find the time as it falls right around the 100th Day and Valentine's (2/10/13).  Well, after seeing this collection of goods, Gladys has inspired me to MAKE the time this year.  We will be having a Chinese New Year celebration on Friday, February 9th!

This packet is jam packed with oodles of fantastic ideas to keep you babes engaged, learning, and smiling while learning about Chinese New Year.  Below you will find an up close and a bit more personal sneak peek at some of the activities included!

Ohhhhh yessssss . . . Vocab Cards!
Compare + Contrast Heaven!
Despite all of these treats.  One thing in particular really caught my eye!  I absolutely adore her little book.  This will be perfect for small reading groups. You can NEVER get enough non-fiction materials and did she ever answer a NEED with this ditty.  My kids are going to eat this one up.  

If you are interested in learning more or wanna snag this amazing packet, click on the picture below.  I added a direct link for ya :)

Alright my friends.  I am off to set out all of our "healthy" snacks for tonight's football game.  Please take a moment to visit Gladys and let her know I sent ya.  I guarantee that it will be one of the best bloggy moves you'll ever make! 



  1. This makes me want to teach it this year, too! Thanks for the post! I am your newest follower, and I look forward to reading many more posts from you!


  2. I will head on over and check it out. I am glad you included the date of the Chinese New Year, I was wondering but didn't make the time to find out!

    The Resourceful Apple

  3. Wow, this product looks great! Wish I had time to fit it in. Maybe I will...

    Heather at TeachItToday!
