October 17, 2012


Now that my October Break is in full swing, I am all rested up and have settled ever so nicely into a creative mode (I credit much of this to my daily cat naps). With this said, I was finally able to finish up my most recent packet . . . WOW vs. BLAH Sentences. 

I came up with this random and rather "out of the box" way of teaching detailed sentence writing to my kiddos my first year of teaching.  It was such a success in my room, that I have built upon it year after year.  And now, 6 years later, it has grown and morphed into this . . .

Aren't these just delightful . . . these are two of my extra special kiddos!!

BOOM!  How's that for a writing project??  You can't help but giggle when you see these and the kids totally got what I was "sellin'!"  Let me explain.

WOW vs. BLAH is a way for me to create a "hook" to help my kiddos remember to add details when they are constructing sentences.  By showing the kids the differences between a BLAH or basic sentence and a WOW or detailed sentences in a silly way, they always seem to remember it more.  These sentence "labels" also come with movements.  Oh, yeah baby . . . we're going after all of those wonderful modalities!

BLAH SENTENCES:  A BLAH sentence is your basic sentence (ex: The cat sat). When we read one of these in my class, the kids give two thumbs up and swoop 'em down to the thumbs down sign while making a crazy crashing sound.    

Yes, Mrs. Dolling is a total freak!
WOW SENTENCES:  A WOW sentence is your quality detailed sentence (ex: The hungry cat sat on the green mat outside the butcher shop).  It paints a picture for our readers.  When we read one of these sentences in class, the kids put their hand on their cheeks and gasp, "WOW!"  

LOVE THIS KID . . . she is such a cutie pie both inside and out!
Now that you have a little background on the whole WOW v. BLAH concept, let me outline what I do in my little roomy-room.  First, we analyze and categorize basic and detailed sentences pocket chart style.  Then, we move onto rewriting BLAH sentences as more of a shared writing experience.  Finally, when my kids are ready to fly solo with this, I launch them into re-working sentences on their own via sorts, sentence games, and the craftivity you see below.  

Another couple of amazing kids from my room.
They went the extra mile on their sentences and completed them independently!
Now, I get that this method might not be for everyone, but I wanted to share.  I have had WONDERFUL success with this delivery and my kiddos always seem to step up to the writing challenges I dish their way following this little mini-unit. Interested in learning more about what this packet has to offer?  Click on the image below to read more about it in my TPT Store.  

These are just a few of the pages/activities offered! 
24 Different Craftivity Writing Templates provided as well as multiple practice sheets :)
Alright sweet friends, I am off to finish up my Patriotic Unit and start on those November Good Morning Work Packets.  Yup . . . I am rollin' in the creative mojo department this week.  Thanks so much for visiting sweet friends.  Check back on Friday as I will have a super awesome Halloween freebie up for grabs!!  

Peace out.


  1. Crackin' me up the entire time! I can verify that yes, THIS WRITING WORKS! It's really good stuff! Lookin' good Dolling!
    Amy Howbert

    Little Miss Organized

    1. Awwwww . . . good to know, friend. But, the best thing is . . . when I pass my babes on, I know that they are going to continue to be challenged and encouraged in the writing department ;)

  2. Adorable!! I love the idea of posting a picture of the kids with their wow faces and wow sentences!! Love it!

    Across the Hall in 2nd Grade

  3. Replies
    1. I am all about acting like a total dork in class . . . the kids dig it :) Thanks so much for poppin' in!

  4. I just LOVE all those faces!! hehe!!

  5. I seriously love this! We've been doing it a little bit with your morning work! Can't wait to get my hands on this pack :)
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  6. Replies
    1. Oh, Lovely Nina . . . I always look forward to your visits. Thank you!

  7. I love their pictures! It's such a great touch!

    1. Thanks Tessa . . . I find that the kidlets always buy-in a ton when they are the center of their project!

  8. Replies
    1. Dude . . . so using this phrase again. Ha! Thank you.

  9. Replies
    1. From one West Coast girl to another . . . Thank you!

  10. I wish I could have joined you that day! SMILES!!!

    1. Thanks . . . the mother helper in my room was crackin' up the whole time. I don't think she knew what to make of me!

  11. LOVE! Seriously!!! This is awesome! Putting it in my basket! :)


  12. This is AWESOME. I'm off to purchase.

    1. Oh "snap" . . . this is right up your alley . . . time to break out your camera :). Thanks for stopping by Miss Nelson.

  13. You are precious Kelley! I know your kiddos adore you and so do I! Thank you for creating such an engaging packet...I cannot wait to go grab it. =)

    Heather's Heart

  14. I saw this post a while back, and when I started teaching adjectives this week I knew I had to come back and find it. I introduced WOW and BLAH sentences today, and my kiddos ate it up! They could not get enough - they actually groaned when I told them it was time to get ready for lunch. I know they are going to be so excited to make the WOW sentences for the bulletin board tomorrow. Thank you, thank you, thank you - from me and my 18 happy firsties!

  15. I love reading this post! Your kids are so precious!
    Crayons and Curls

  16. So, it will be a good thing to examine all those respective elements and we would almost be able to form more of the details in this regard. online copywriter
