June 28, 2014


Stop the presses . . . I am blogging twice in a week!  It's a miracle I tell ya :) Who knew that summer vacation {we are two weeks in} would be so dang busy??  It has been a whirlwind of a week and I'm here to showcase the haps for the gal over at The Factory.  Without yammering on for even a moment more, I bring you Five for Friday . . .   

Usually I just clean up for a day or two and then exit until August when I know I am teaching the same grade.  Well, this year is a little different.  Yes, I am teaching the same grade, but I will be team or co-teaching with one of my besties next year.  I am still working to get my feet back under me after my surgery last winter and the boss man okayed a job share - yay!!  I am so very thankful to be able to split each week with such an awesome educator and friend :) Not only am I stoked to rest up and create while I am off, but I can't wait to glean new ideas from a very savvy lady.  With this said, Courtney and I have been laboring away since school got out to cram her 12 years of teaching into my 8. Oh me . . . OH MY!!!  This was no easy task, but we finished it up yesterday and the room is ready to decorate :)  You ROCK, Court!!!

Here is a BEFORE picture . . . and this was two workdays into the mess.
We killed it every time we worked together - it was mind blowing.
We purged the junk and filled the new holes with great goods.
This is the start of a BEAUTIFUL team!!!

Guess what??  I got to take a bloggy relationship to the next level this week. Yup.  Molly at Lucky To Be In First and I got up close and personal on Wednesday.  I live ONLY 3 hours away from Miss Molly and we struck up a convo many months back as she lives in one of my favorite cities - San Francisco . . . swoon.  We talked quite often via the electronic box and started to get to know one another.  One day in early spring, I noticed an Insta shot of her at a Giants game and I whined that I wished I was there.  Well, shortly after my little fit, she invited me to one.  And, well . . . the rest is history.  Molly scored her uncle's amazing seats and we met up for a day at the ballpark.  Sure we spent way too much time chatting at the bar across the street and missed the first three innings of what turned out to be a NO-HITTER, but we had SO much to talk about :)  It was an absolute blast and I am so thankful to have met Molly.  I can't wait to get down to the city again soon so we can cause more trouble together!!!

It was windy and oh so cold!
But, I didn't notice too much . . . I was having too much fun :)

I finally got my creative spark back.  Good Golly it felt like it has been fizzled forever.  And, every time I felt the overwhelming urge to create, I had to be somewhere for something.  Well, after working with Court (team teacher), I am soooooooooooo excited about things and the spark is B-A-C-K.  I am in the middle of working on elements for our new back to school theme . . . Rock Stars.  We had a life altering brainstorm session yesterday and the ideas are oozing out of me - bouncing ideas off someone proved to be a quick fix!  So, all in all, things are very good in the bloggy department and my wrist isn't hurting {sigh of relief}.    

Summer has afforded me lots of extra time to golf thus far.  It is definitely my new passion.  We joined the local country club and I go out at least three times a week.  Last week I broke 50 and pared the last three holes.  Yesterday, I got 51 (grumble . . . grumble).  However, I sank a 30 foot putt and chipped better than I ever have - BOOM!!!  It's so peaceful out of the course and it's a sport my body can handle.  I absolutely love it!!

I'm NEVER throwing this card away!
One of these days I'll challenge my dad's 38 . . . mark my WORDS!!!!

I am presenting at the upcoming TPT Conference with TPT's very own Head of Data - Ryan Van Meter.  We met yesterday via Google Chat to put a few final touches on our power point.  On Monday we will be doing our first run through.  I can't believe it's almost time for VEGAS 2014!!!!    

We are Session T-09 {10:45-Noon}
Come see us - you can still sign up!!!
Presentation sneak peek . . . one slide . . . NO MORE :)
We have oodles of insider tips that will make you a better seller.
OODLES I tell ya!!
Alright, that's it for little old me today . . . I am off to create a bit more, hit the gym, and then golf nine with my better half.  It's gonna be an epic Saturday for sure.  Merry weekend y'all.  See you soon :)


  1. You sure have been busy this week! I can't imagine combining two veteran teachers collection of school stuff into one classroom. That must have been quite a feat. You are so lucky to have been at the Giants game for a no-hitter. I wish I was able to go to the TpT conference, but my best friend is getting married at the same time. Maybe next year! I'd love to learn how to be a better seller.
    The Traveling Teacher

    1. Thanks for popping by! It was definitely a game to be at!! They have been on a losing streak since our bums were in the seat . . . I think Molly and I better get season tickets :)

  2. So jealous you got to see Timmy's no-no live! I'm heading to tonights game! Go Giants!

  3. Replies
    1. She is indeed! Thanks for saying hello, Aris :)

  4. Where in California are you? I am 3 hours north. Giants games are a blast to go to, my husband and son are big fans. I'm actually an A's fan, but go along for the pure enjoyment of being at a game. I'll see you at the conference, I am signed up for your session.

    Fantastic First Grade Froggies

    1. No way . . . Renee!!!! I am in Red Bluff {such a thrilling place}. Where are you??

    2. I'm in Chico and taught at Bidwell Elementary (in Red Bluff) for two years! Let's definitely meet up.

  5. Replies
    1. Dude . . . we are finally going to make it official :) I can't wait to meet you in the flesh. Hugs, Jennifer!!!!!

  6. The Giants clearly need us - we need to go to more games!! That was such a blast, my friend! Thank you for braving traffic and the big City! Pack a bag a stay next time! xoxo

    1. GIRL . . . you were worth every second in that car. Next time I am definitely packing a bag. The five hour drive home (yes, it took two flippin' hours to get from the stadium to the bridge) made my butt hurt. However, the tunes were a rockin' and I had a huge grin on my face from all the fun :)

  7. How fun! Love the no hitter...just not the Giants:-). At a Seattle game I saw a no hitter....but it took 6 pitchers! Can't wait to see your finished room.
    Chickadee Jubilee

    1. I'll let this one slide, Laurie . . . hehehehehe. However, I don't have much of a leg to stand on lately . . . the Giants have been HORRIBLE!!!!!!! Thanks for always taking the time to say hello. Big hugs to ya :)

  8. Hey Kelley,
    Long time since I've been reading blogs. Just wanted to say Hi. You will do great presenting. Wish I was going to Vegas. I'm also jealous of your co-teaching. That will be fun!
