May 4, 2014


Well, hello my bloggy friends!!!  How you be?  Here's to getting another week tucked neatly under our belts.  I am still floored that it's already May {I have no idea where April went}.  As we enter this final push, things are really starting to heat up . . . I am sure you are feeling it too!  We were busy as all get out this week as Open House is only a week and a half away **gulp!!**  I see oodles of coffee and late nights headed my way ;)

My wrist is still on the mend, so I am going to do a quick throwback post from last year.  It has been nearly a month of limited computer time and I am starting to get really emotional about it.  It sounds so dippy, but it's true.  I don't know how much longer I can take being away from all of the teaching excitement.  Despite this overwhelming feeling, I must be smart and give it a little more time.  BOO!  Anyway, time to stop being such a sad sack {life it too dang short for all that} and get down to business.  Heaven knows y'all are crazy busy too.  On that wild note . . . how about a little End of the Year Survival Info??

Last year I decided to create a little pack to help me fill that post Open House period that nearly kills me each and every year.  You know . . . those 2.5 weeks that nearly put you in the nut house??  Yup.  That run.  Well, this saved my bacon last year and it could be just the ticket for you as well . . . 


This collection is stuffed with more than 140 pages of "teacher calming" goodness.  All the activities have been designed to fill any planning "hole" that you may have.  Best of all, they are low-prep, engaging, and fun for kids!  Many also align to the common core standards (your sweet students will still be reviewing concepts and skills and won't even realize it).  

I tried a few of these activities with my babes just to make sure I was on track. We ran with Home Run Review and the Princess + The Dragon last week.  My kiddos were delighted and I had them eating out of the palm of my hand!  I was able to slip in oodles of math review (despite it being 90 degrees and beautiful right outside our window).  I'd call that a HUGE win for the teacher!!

So, that's what I have for you today.  A crazy (monster big) Survival Pack. However, I just couldn't in good conscious post a mega pack costing y'all a ton of cash this late in the game (heaven knows we have spent enough money by this year).  Therefore, I listed this baby listed for only $9 . . . with 17 different activities . . . this is a smokin' deal.  The best part is that with TPT's BIG Teacher Appreciation Sale coming (Monday and Tuesday), it will be reduced even further.  Boom!  How you like them pineapples??

If you want to get a feel for this packet, I am offering up a FREEBIE on Facebook.  I teamed up with some very special gals to bring you a taste of some serious end of the year goodness.  My freebie is called Awesome Awards {I see the Lego Movie song taking this to a whole new level this year}.

These simple awards are so much fun for the kids . . . it makes for such a heart-warming activity.  We really do it up too.  The keep-it-a-secret huts go up and we finish the designs off with a little GLITTER.  

My kids draw a random name of a classmate and secretly design an AWESOME AWARD for them.  These are presented to one another at the End of the Year Family Celebration, but this could be done in class as well.  Click the snazzy blog hop button below to snag a copy of the directions + award template you just gotta like my Facebook Page {not a bad trade off if ya ask me}!!  And, while you're at it, I suggest hopping through his one . . . you don't want to miss all of the great the goods!!! 

I promised a post on end of the year videos and I vow to get it posted this next week.  I am half way through my video and I cry every time I work on it. Goodness me . . . I love my crew.  

Alright, I am out of here.  Thanks so much for visiting the "broken" blogger :)  I promise to not to go on and on and on about my wrist in the next post.  See you soon!!!  Oh, and be sure to visit the great big Teacher Appreciation Sale on TPT this Tuesday and Wednesday.  We're talking up to 28% off when you use the special code.  My own shopping cart is already stuffed :)  Night friends.