April 21, 2014


Being away from the computer has been so strange.  If you read my last post, you know that I am struggling with a "wrist/hand something or other."  I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and I have been trying to take 'er easy since I am pretty sure it's computer related.  And, let's be honest.  A burning wrist doesn't feel so good :(  Boo . . . hiss . . . BLARG!   

Even with this said, I couldn't take another day away.  So, here I am.  It's gonna be a quick little catch up . . . okay . . . make that a quick little picture dump.  I will be back soon with something useful, meaty, and oh so timely - PROMISE. Until then, here's a little look at my last 12 days . . .   

Freshwater Habitat Fun
They loved this pond craft - it's gonna be perfect for Open House. 
Frog and Toad Fun!
They loved this flip book retell activity. 
Yup . . . that's a duckling in her pocket.
We love being in Ms. Silva's wing . . . she always brings the best "shares."
We're really diggin' the new bean bags!
Frogs & Toads are so fun to learn about.
I'll have more on this next time!
Ms. Silva shared some pond creatures with us.
A pregnant fish and snail eggs blew our minds!
It was Rodeo Week . . .
The red meat was in full force and I couldn't help but have some.
This was at the annual Chili Cook-Off thank you dinner.
The hubs was in charge of the event, so I am on the "hook" too :)
In addition to helping my hubs plan the Cook-Off, I helped in a booth too!
My first boss is running for Super of Schools and he was dishin' out beans :)
A bunch of teacher friends came out to support the old "boss man!  
Earth Day had to settle for one day of learning this year, but we did it up right.
Love this Heal the Planet Craft!
It was the Spring Music Performance too!
Easter Extravaganza . . . we dyed eggs.
Too many kids had NEVER done it before - say whhhaaa??
Easiest and cutest card EVER!
Thanks From the Pond :)
Hosted the annual egg hunt with Mrs. Haedrich's class.
We chucked mini foil covered eggs out into the field and let 'em go!
The beloved RB Round-Up . . . it was such fun.
My phone was playing the music at our annual BBQ, so this is one of few pictures.
We served up tri-tip to 30 people on Saturday.
Our house was spotless . . . now it's a mess (hehehehehe).
Can't wait for next year :)
Alright, that's it for me.  This girl is pooped after all the fun . . . gonna go veg on the couch and binge watch episodes of Parenthood (we are almost through Season 3 and I am so hooked).  I'll be back soon with habitat fun and freebies as well as Good Morning Work for May.  Thanks for visiting friends.