March 12, 2014


Picture this . . . you're walking through a sea of people as you "window shop." You have no real intention of buying anything, but you browse just the same. All of a sudden, the mass parts and something immediately catches your eye. Your heart begins to pound, you feel a sudden hot flash, and you notice a newfound spring in your step as you are drawn to that "gotta have it item." Yup.  That's exactly what happened when I spied the amazing SitSpot booth at the Southern California Kindergarten Conference. 

My thought process as I approached this booth . . .
1.  What in the world?
2.  Whoa . . . So cool!
I know it sounds crazy, but it was one of those classroom products that just invites new ideas.  Let me explain . . .  

SitSpots are super strong velcro pieces that come in all sorts of shapes and vibrant colors.  They stick to most classroom carpets and can withstand the janitor vacuum as well as the yearly shoody carpet cleaning.  In addition, you can pop these amazing little devils in the . . . . WASHING MACHINE.  {Be still my heart!}

Okay . . . so this is a dippy photo.
I walked up and took a picture immediately as the "wheels" started churning.

With all this said, the eva-fabulous creator had me at "super strong" and I was ready to give up my first born for a set by the time she got to the cleaning FAQs.  I snagged myself a set and tossed them into the mix in good old Room 13 as soon as I could!!!  

The possibilities are endless and I have OODLES of ideas for these bad boys. For my first "go" with these, I created an indoor math fact fluency game.  I wrote a bunch of those tricky math facts on the spots in Sharpie Paint Pen and created a "course" around the room.  My little cuties' eyes lit up as soon as they walked in the room after lunch.

Here's the progression of the activity.  The kiddo running the "course" got to take his/her shoes off.  {Hook. Line. Sinker.}  The rest of the crew would yell, "Ready. Set. GO!"  The runner would hop through the course (from red to blue spots) calling out the answers as he/she landed on them.  The rest of the crew would cheer their teammate on!  It was perfect for a rainy afternoon :)

Here are some action shots. She was all smiles behind that hair :)

We played four times on Monday (each round with a different runner) and they begged to play again on Tuesday.  And, you can bet that we will play again on Wednesday and Thursday.  I am gonna milk this sucker for all it's worth ;)  The kids just love this one too.

My favorite shot . . . my crew is SO into supporting their friend :)
This was only ONE idea that I came up with.  I am going to use a handful of silly shaped SitSpots to create line up spots in my room . . . you know . . . that place where the kids go when the center rotation timer sounds.  I am also going to use a set to create a huge carpet ten-frame next year - an interactive one.  It will be SO amazing at the beginning of first great.  I'm gonna use another set to create team word sorts.  I could go on for days . . . but, I'll hold up for now.  I promise to share them as I utilize them in my classroom. 

I must add that I showed these amazing spots off at my school as soon as I returned from the conference.  The glimmer I noticed in darn near every one's eye spoke for itself.  AMAZING.  Let's just say that the entire kinder wing wants a set for line-up routines and oodles of other teachers want to purchase a set to use in place of a class carpet.  

Now's your chance!  Nine of us Cali Gals have teamed up with SitSpots to bring you a SitSpots Blog Hop and Giveaway!  Just follow the bouncing blog buttons at the end of this post to hop to your next SitSpot-sational idea! 

You can enter to win on any of our blogs, but you must comment on all 9 for your chance to win a class set of 32 SitSpots! Don't worry, we're keeping it easy...Think Spring Break!

Just head to the Rafflecopter below for up to 21 chances to win.
That's right...Lucky 21! Plus, the winner will be announced on Monday, March 17th ~ St. Patrick's Day.  Lucky!

With dozens of designs to choose from, you'll have a ton of fun spotting up your classroom space just like us!

Don't want to wait to see if you're one of the lucky 9?  Well, guess what?
SitSpots has a deal just for you!  Enter Coupon Code CALIGALS14 during checkout on their site and save 25% OFF!  This offer expires March 31, 2014.  

Still not sure? SitSpots offers a FREE sample before you purchase. Just head to their site to request your complimentary Sit Spot today!

Ready for your next creative Cali Gal?  Head over to Katie Knight @ Teacher to the Core to see their SitSpots in action and leave a comment to win!  Good luck my friends!


  1. Love these!! Would be great for building fact fluency!

  2. My sport spring break spot is hanging out at the beach in Tampa Bay area of Florida because of the beautiful sunshine and mama and papa restaurants.


  3. Love these! Would love a class set!
    Favorite Spring Break place...home! I live in Florida!

  4. Love, love, love these. Would dearly love them for my class. Spring break means spring cleaning for me.

  5. Wow! These are very, very cool! My ideal Spring Break would be someplace warm up in the mountains with a good book. I would love to take long walks and go fishing every chance I could! Maybe I will make that happen this Spring Break! It's only 2 weeks away!!

  6. These look awesome! I love all the great ideas. We just had winter break 2 weeks ago, a snow day today. We are already losing 1 day of break because of today's snow day.

  7. I can't wait to try these! For spring break I would love to go back to the Oregon coast where I got married last summer! :)

  8. I hadn't thought of all of those great ideas for using Sit Spots! I'd looove to have a set!! :)


  9. This would be great for indoor recess. I would love to go someplace warm for spring break, but it will probably just be at home reading a good book!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Love, love the ten frame idea and the other ideas too!

  12. Spring Break...someplace without snow! :)

  13. Spring Break...Florida or somewhere south. Love the spots!

  14. These are amazing!

  15. These sit spots are AMAZING and so colorful! My favorite Spring vacation spot it typically my patio or my couch. I don't travel as much as I would like but if I could it would definitely be to some place warm and sunny!

    Thanks for the giveaway!


    A New Box of Crayons

  16. These would be amazing to use with my firsties! My spring break spot would be somewhere on a beach but unfortunately I'll be at home.

  17. I bought these recently and love them! They get used mostly for sitting spots, but occasionally I change it up and do some type of game with them either with vocabulary words or math facts. I'd love to have a set just for our games. My favorite Spring break spot is my house so I can relax and recover from the business of the weeks before. :)

  18. I want footprints for a measurement activity!

  19. Hi!

    Just today I told myself not to buy anything else for my classroom. And now...Hope to win so I can keep my resolve. This looks like a super product. Can't wait. I love just staying home on Spring break here in Florida. What could be better?

  20. These are so cool! I love the 10 frame idea. Favorite spring break..... Anywhere BUT Michigan. It just snowed 8 inches and we had snow day #12.

  21. My firsties would think these are the coolest! (I already do!)

  22. I was able to give a set away too. . . but I didn't get any for myself. . . boo hoo! You can read my blog post if you want.
    I'd love to be the winner of this set.
    My favorite spring break spot is Clearwater Beach, FL. . . it's right on the gulf and oh so perfect!

  23. We don't get a spring break but I will say Florida!

  24. My comfy chair with a pile of books next to it! Still snow and mud here at that time.

  25. Next year I will be a first year teacher at a private school. The school does not have the budget to afford carpets for each classroom. These would be the perfect solution!!!! I would love to win these! Oh, and for Spring Break...definitely Florida.

  26. Sit spots look awesome!! I need to have them in my classroom!! I am going to Mexico and can't wait for spring break!!

  27. I went to Antigua a few year ago and it was amazing! This year I just want to be somewhere warm after this long and terrible winter! :)

  28. I love this game. So smart and interactive!!!!
    Teacher to the Core

  29. I like to spend Spring Break on the beach in Florida.

  30. these spots are awesome! i would love to be able to space my students out more on the carpet :) I like the idea of using them for a game!

  31. For spring break, I love anywhere that includes a beach!
    I loved reading all of the great ideas y'all have come up with for using Sit Spots in your classrooms! I'd looove to have a set!! :)

  32. What a fun math game! I can see SO MANY uses for these and really hope I can get a set soon!!

  33. Spring?? Is there really I spring? All I have been seeing in cold, hard piles of snow!!
    My wheels were turning as I read your post about the SitSpots. I'm off to check them out. Thanks:)

  34. I am eager to see how you create 10 frames using these!! I'm originally from South Texas and we always went to South Padre for Spring I'm in Michigan and sure do miss the beach!!!

  35. My favorite Spring break spot is at home with my kids.
    I'd like bright red and bright green circles.
    Thank you for an awesome giveaway.
    Tanya Rubezhov

  36. Tany M. I feel like I am following you in these hops. I love all the pictures there are with the sit spots. It's funny how no one has two of the same. Love this product. I'm going to need more next year!

  37. My fav spring break spot is the Texas Hill Country with all my boys (there's 5 of them) and my fabulous hubby! Some spots would be simply spotty!!

  38. My favorite spring break spot is wherever my family is...either hiking in the Sierras or relaxing on the couch. Even a day of snow boarding at Heavenly if we still have snow is great!

  39. Perfect timing as I have to give back my borrowed carpet at the end of this year! This will actually fit all of my kids and the washable factor is irresistible!!

  40. Spring break is spent at home with my tiny tots! Too short to go anywhere this year!

  41. My favorite spring break spot it my house! I love being able to sit around and relax!

  42. These look wonderful!!! So many uses!!!! My favorite Spring Break place (or pre Spring Break depending on when it falls) is Savannah for St. Patrick's Day. We go every year and it's always so much fun!

  43. My favorite Spring Break Spot is the beach!

  44. My favorite spring break spot is Maui.

  45. Fave Spring Break spot is relaxing at home!

  46. Fave Spring Break spot is relaxing at home!

  47. LOVE these.... great ideas :) TY for sharing.. :)

  48. We don't live very far from Kansas City, and often enjoy tripping over there during Spring Break to shop at the plaza (and eat at the Cheesecake Factory), visit LegoLand &/or Great Wolf Lodge, and dine at the Dinosaur Restaurant (can't remember the name, but that's what kids call it!). Loving this blog hop---soooo many cool ideas!

  49. My ideal Spring Break spot would be somewhere warm on a beach...however by break will be spent doing homework for grad school :)

  50. Sit Spots Look Awesome! So many uses! My favorite Spring Break spot is Florida! Love the break from the cold harsh winters of New England! :o)

  51. Amazing! I'm glad I have taken the time to read about all of the different ways to use Sit Spots.

  52. Sit Spots look super fun! My favorite SB spot is a BEACH!

  53. I'd love a class set. Thanks for the chance to win!

  54. I love to go anywhere I can get a tan!

  55. Super cool share!! I would love to win some of these puppies. I can't believe I hadn't heard about them before. My mind is also reeling with possible ideas.

    1. Whoops!! I forgot to include my fav SB spot --
      Anywhere warm and tropical with a beach. R&R is a must!

  56. These loom fun. I would love to be in Florida.

  57. So fun! Can't wait to try. .and anywhere with my two girls!

  58. My favorite place to lay in the sun and forget about the never-ending snow in Indiana is Treasure Island, FL. I have been going here for 15 years with my family. SitSpots would be such a great addition to my classroom management plan in my classroom as a new teacher! :) I love the idea of using them as a movement activity!

  59. Can't tell you how much I love these. I have a set for my students to line up and I am craving another set for my carpet time. They are awesome! I love nice cold pools on hot hot days.
    Ms. K/1 ELL

  60. Spring Break - somewhere quiet and peaceful!

  61. spring break is next week :o) love the cute shapes and pretty colors!!

  62. My fave spring break spot is Lake Geneva with my family.

  63. My fave spring break spot is Lake Geneva with my family.

  64. My favorite Spring Break spot would probably be any beach with white sand and beautiful, clear water!

  65. it sounds like it'll be my new favorite product!

  66. My favorite spring break spot is in sunny Arizona! :)

  67. My favorite spot is at home with my family and fur babies. Relaxing and playing.

  68. I love to stay home for Spring Break and take longer than 5 minutes to eat my breakfast!

  69. Favorite Spring Break spot is traveling anywhere!! I love to travel!

  70. I love spending my Spring Break at the beach watching my kids play.

  71. Love all these possible ideas! Now I really want them!!

  72. Dude...!! So many ideas racing through my brain. The "sock hop" was brilliant. Need. Want. Must Have!!! <33

    ❤ -Stephanie
    Falling Into First

  73. We've had a lot of indoor recess days this winter...I've used up all my great ideas! If we get any rainy days this spring, I would love a set of SitSpots to add to the games we play.

  74. I've been using electrical tape, and it peels off too easily. I would love to use sitspots!

  75. I also love the ten-frame idea. These are awesome.

  76. I love the possibilities and would love to have a set of these!

  77. These look amazing! Already ordered a sample to see if they'll work on my carpet!

  78. My favorite spring break spot is the Gulf of Mexico beach in Florida. Thanks for the chance to win these SitSpots. They're fabulous!

  79. My favorite spring break spot would be somewhere warm, but we only get 1 day, so not enough time to go far. These would be great!!

  80. The sit spots look like the answer to my prayers! Fav spring break spot is Disneyland!

  81. Favorite Spring Break spot? St. Augustine, Florida! Favorite new thing I MUST try? Sit Spots!!

  82. Spring break next week! Not going anywhere, but going to enjoy it anyway! I would love these!

  83. And I like anywhere with less snow than here in Minnesota!

  84. Spring Break - my house/yard, NOT commuting!

  85. Love these spots! My favorite place for a break is anywhere on the California or Oregon Coast.

  86. This is such a fantastic idea! Spring break for me is anywhere that isn't white!

  87. Your idea is just as freakin' creative as all the others! I am in heaven here trying to think of the variety of things I could use these for in my classroom! So happy to see quite a few posts with a variety of ideas.

    To answer the question.. I'd love to be on a beach right about now for Spring Break.. but it's not for another 5 weeks for us!

    Miss V's Busy Bees

  88. I love to visit anywhere hot but the Caribbean would be my favorite!!!

  89. The beach, any beach!!! I love the spots!

  90. Love these Sit Spots! What a cute and useful idea! Spring Break to me would be anywhere that has sun, surf, sand, and lot of warmth.

  91. Love these! my Spring Break would be anywhere without snow!

  92. These sit spots are amazing! Thanks for sharing!

  93. I can't wait for a set of these or spring break!

  94. Love the sit spots & the ideas that can go with it!

  95. I absolutely love this! I am currently a student teacher and will be a first year teacher this coming fall in Texas. I am starting to collect "classroom stuff" now so that I am not running around like a chicken with its head cut off during August .. well, at least not as much! :) These are a must have!

  96. These spots look awesome. Can't wait to try them out myself!
    First Grade Shenanigans

  97. These look great and very useful.
