March 16, 2014


I don't know about you, but my head started spinning around when I began to lesson plan my next couple of weeks.  WHAT DO YOU MEAN EASTER IS WEEKS AWAY???  Uh, okay . . . great.  Well, what am I supposed to do until then? Sure, I have a fun weather/spring theme, but that still leaves me a with a span of time without much to hook those spring-fever feelin' babes into what I'm dishin' their way. With this said, an idea suddenly popped into my brain-o last week.  My wheels started turning and I decided to use the upcoming NCAA basketball tournament as a way to leverage some themed learning.  The kids always dig the sports theme . . . sounds like a win!

It just so happens that I love the tourney too.  I have won some serious ciz-ash over the years in office pools and I love having the games on in the background while I work on the weekends.  I don't typically watch until the final 10 minutes of the games . . . call me a snob . . . but, it's the perfect little break.  Alright, back on track, Dolling.  I am rambling {blarg}. 

There isn't a ton out there with a basketball theme, so I just decided to start making activities that I wanted to start using with my sweet little babes.  I know I have said it before, but I will say it again {quickly, so I don't get caught griping}.  Our math program has me working overtime this year {barf} . . . so, I created all of my basketball goods around a math theme.  Believe me . . . I need all the help I can get during our afternoon math block.  SO, I have been working overtime these past few days and here's what I came up with {there's a freebie hiding down there} . . . 

First up, I have an out of the box pack called, Get In the Game.  It is comprised of 9 different common core flavored math games and activities.  I see these as just what the "coach" ordered to break up my tedious math program.  Now, when I say out of the box, I mean OUT of the box.  It's active.  It's different. It's rigorous.  And . . . it's totally fun!  

This bad boy has everything from place value relay races and math "time outs" to timed tens/ones drills {watch out for the shot clock buzzer} and garbage can basketball sorts.  My babes will be trying out these games throughout the week and I promise to report back with pictures and stories.  Sound like something you may want to try?  Learn more about this wild collection, HERE

Next up, I needed some homework and other spiral review pages to help even out the packet outlined above.  Therefore, I put together a ditty called, "Score With Common Core."  This packet contains oodles of spiral review sheets that were designed to target 1st and 2nd grade common core standards.  

My favorite thing about his packet is the easy and oh so cute math craft.  My math board has been empty for two weeks now and it's driving me CRAZY. With this said, I came up with this little word problem booklet to help save the day :)  These are gonna rock our wall!!!  Click here to check this one out.

Alright, now I can't just offer up paid goods.  It just ain't my style.  So, I pulled one of the games that I came up with and put it into it's own special pack.  

Puttin' Up the Points is a great afternoon team game that you can use to review just about any math concept you can think of.  I provided the detailed directions, all of the elements you need to get going, and some starter question cards.  I even tossed in an EDITABLE template so you could tailor the game to meet you needs.  Don't want to type cards out . . . no worries . . . this can be done off the top of your head {it's how I usually roll with this one}.  Click on over and snag your copy!!  It's always a crowd pleaser :) 
OMWORD . . . how is it 4 pm??!!  Yikes.  I just gots to go my friends.  Report card comments are calling . . . whoops.  I promise to be back soon to show these games in action later this week!!!  Oh, and before I go.  Don't forget about the awesome giveaway going on over at Blog Hoppin' today and tomorrow.  You don't want to miss out!!!!  


  1. Wow! These packs all look amazing! Thanks for the great freebie. We lose 3 days of our spring break because of snow days, but this game will definitely help cheer them up! :)

