March 23, 2014


I have to take a moment to tell all you alls about a FREE classroom resource that I just so happened to stumble across.  GoNoodle definitely peeked my interest immediately when I read about what it had to offer.  This interactive break break Web site has wonderful graphics and really kid friendly elements. I definitely liked what I saw.  Well, I decided to give it a go with my kids this week . . . and . . . it completely BLEW MY MIND.  This one quick and easy addition after our post-lunch period totally revolutionized my afternoon run with the babes.  Seriously folks.  I ain't just blowin' smoke.  What transpired within my four little walls was absolutely magical.  Just take a little look-see . . .

Smiling, moving, and engaged . . . BOOM!
Thanks GoNoodle :)
We tried this for the first time on Tuesday.  I created a class account during my lunch break (it takes minutes) and got the projector all warmed up.  After story and share time, I broke up the "sitting" and fought the lunch food coma with an introduction to GoNoodle.  The kids were greeted with the screen below . . . the graphics had 'em hooked in immediately! 

We clicked play and we chose to roll with a Zumba dance activity.  The song "Move It" came on and cheers erupted.  

My babes were totally engaged and all smiles.  They worked all of those wiggles out and focused on getting those dance moves down.  

After Zumba, we transitioned back into our afternoon math routine.  I handed them a subtraction fluency drill and they did beautifully.  The rest of my afternoon was smooth sailin' for sure.  Talk about all smiles . . . FROM THE TEACHER :)  

Since it was such a success, I just had to bring it back on Wednesday during that dreaded post-lunch period.  When the screen came up the kids hooted and hollered {mmmm . . . I think they like it}!

This time we tried out Bodyspell.  We just so happen to be studying long a vowel teams and they had the perfect version for us (they have oodles of different spelling options).  

They loved this . . . and so did I :)
They are spelling CLAY!

Just as I was about to exit out for the day, I happened to scroll down a bit and they saw this . . . 

OMGOSH friends . . . my babes freaked and begged to try it out.  Well, we aim to please in Room 13, so I clicked immediately.  This is what happened.  My crew was in heaven and my heart melted. 

I know what you're thinking . . . Dolling, you're crazy!  How do you get 'em back after the Happy Song???  Oh, there is a way.  An oh so easy way.  GoNoodle has calming brain breaks too.  Here's a picture of my crew one minute after the Happy Song.  

Here's the break Airtime in all it's glory.
Breathing, focused, and calm.  Sigh :)
Following this run, I had the BEST afternoon that I've had all year long.  They were engaged, focused, and happy as all get out.  I am a believer.  

Here's why I am SO happy about the discovery of GoNoodle.  A little background {if you will} on where I am coming from.  I'll be honest, afternoons this year have not been the easiest.  My kids just can't seem to focus after they eat.  In previous weeks {albeit slightly embarrassing to admit}, a handful math lessons have been cut short due to my sweet crew's inability to attend.  Despite how hard I tried, their little eyes would droop, their shoulders would start to slump, and their brains seemed to shut off on me :(  I know better than to beat a dead horse, so I would simply jump ship and run with a spiral review math game or activity.  Although they were getting something out of the deal, it wasn't exactly what I needed them to get at that moment.  In two short days GoNoodle changed this for me.  Following a brain break session my kids were much more focused in on what I was dishin'.  I didn't have to toss anything out and we were able to cruise through the lessons.  Now that's what I call revolutionary.  GoNoodle is a must-have in Room 13 from here on in :) 

Interested in trying this out for FREE with you crew??  Seriously folks . . . there aren't any hidden costs . . . I looked and I am super picky about the stuff I use. Sure, there is a paid side to this program, but the FREE side offers up so much that you don't have to go this route if you don't want to.  The FREE GoNoodle account is updated quite often as well . . . they are always adding new stuff to keep it fresh :)  So cool!!!!

With all this said, what do you have to lose?  Click on the icon below, sign up, and play around for a bit today {you can create a demo class}.  Toss a brain break into the mix next week.  It only takes a few minutes of your day . . . I am sure you will see a grand transformation in your room.  I know I did.    

Alright, I am out of here.  Thanks for listening to me shout from the rooftops today.  I couldn't help myself.  I just had to share.  I'll see you soon with a little freebie and an Earth Day Packet update :)  Hugs!!



  1. Wow - this sounds great! I will definitely check this out - thanks! :)

  2. Thanks for showing what this can do! I've seen it through our health curriculum Health Teacher but never checked it out... I often pull up Youtube Just Dance videos, but often times we have to wait for ads and I have to be very vigilant. This will be fabulous to get some new brain breaks into our day. Thanks!!

    Tales of a Teacher

  3. I love finding new ways to give them brain breaks! We will definitely try this one-thank you for sharing with us! :)


  4. My mind was just blown! I love, love it! I am going to try it out with my class and then share with my team. So much better than just dance videos. Thank you!!!!!

  5. My students love Go Noodle! I used it as a reward incentive for the whole class on a daily basis.

    What I Have Learned

  6. OMG! I LOVE this! I'm on Spring Break (yay) but I'm excited to use this when we return 3/31. It's that time of the year when things need to be shook up a little bit & this is the perfect way to do just that. "Happy" is absolutely darling! Thanks so much for sharing. Now I'm off to spread your word.....

    1. Thanks Cari . . . it's amazing. You're gonna love it :)

  7. I just explored some of the features...and LOVE it! Thanks for sharing :)


  8. Looks so fun. Thanks for sharing your videos. So sad, I can't get youtube at school! Maybe we can get them to change that sometime.

  9. AMAZING! I just signed up and I'm sharing with our staff. xxoxo

  10. Ummm we are all over this! We were just talking that our kids are one foot out the door for spring break and we still have 3 weeks until then! This will be perfect. Thanks for sharing sweets!
    ~Christy & Tammy

  11. I will definitely try this out. With budget cuts we lost one coach so my students see her once and then I'm the "coach" twice a week. Right now when we have "indoor" PE they do Just Dance videos and Cosmic Kids Yoga. It will be nice to try something new.

  12. Thanks for sharing! My kids have grown tired of our normal wiggle songs...and I have too! We've been doing some Just Dance Kids but having to pull them up on YouTube can get risky because of those pesky ads...if you know what I mean. I can't wait to try this out!

    Antoinette :)
    Shoelaces and Sugar Cookies

  13. Thanks so much for sharing- I had heard of it, but had not checked it out yet.
    ✿Tiffani Time 4 Kindergarten

  14. I'm so excited! I've already signed up! My students love Brain Breaks. I use them throughout the day between recess and the end of the day. I love using a kids yoga app and HaveFunTeaching videos. I noticed one of our favorite videos on Go Noodle. Thanks for sharing this!

    Super Sparkly in Second

  15. I am SO excited about this! Next week is the week before spring break and I know my kiddos are gonna LOVE this and I will LOVE that I may actually get some learning into those minds! :)

  16. Just signed up and will be sharing with all my teacher friends tomorrow!! Thanks for the tip! My kiddos NEED this!! :)

  17. I started and account a few weeks ago, but haven't used it in my class. You have me sold. My afternoons have been really tough this year too! Thanks. Here's to smooth sailing for the rest of the year!
    A Burst of First

  18. I started using it last week during the morning time. Our mornings are long, my kids love it. On the second day, they were asking when are we doing GoNoOdle.

    Suzanne Horton

  19. I started using it last week during the morning time. Our mornings are long, my kids love it. On the second day, they were asking when are we doing GoNoOdle.

    Suzanne Horton

  20. This is GREAT! Thanks for sharing!

  21. Can't wait to try it! We do writing and LA in the afternoon with Flex and they get so dang tired!

  22. I have been using it for two weeks now and my kids LOVE go noodle! They know when we are going to do calming activities or get up and move brain breaks. I use it probably three times a day. Our little monster has already grown and has muscle. The kids are sold and I'm a happier teacher too! They really do focus more! Glad more people are using this awesome resource!

  23. This is so cool. I can't wait to use it with my kiddos next week. I just know they will love it. Thanks for the wonderful resource.

  24. This looks fabulous! We suffer from the dreaded post-lunch blues. My kids have so much trouble staying focused. I can't wait to try this on Monday! Thanks so much!

    Learning in Room 203

  25. So cool! I'm always looking for ways to help the kids get the wiggles out and get them focused back on the learning! This will keep it fun and different, especially for the last 9 weeks of the year when we all have spring-itis!

  26. This is just what I need to get me through the week before spring break, can't wait to try it tomorrow!!

  27. I signed up last week and my 1st graders love it! I use it as an incentive to be good and get things done!!! :) Give it a try!

  28. I'm with you on the afternoon food comas.....and the extra energy that lunch provides for some! Thank you for sharing, I have already created an account for myself and I can't wait to give it a try this week! Thanks!

  29. I am so excited to try this!! The time right after lunch is a killer for me, too...and it's so hard to get them back "into the swing" for the afternoon. This sounds perfect. Thanks for sharing :)

    First Grade Fairytales

  30. Did you pay to use the Body Spell? When I tried to use it, it said I needed to purchase the upgrade to use it.

    1. I bought the upgraded package. Wasn't sure what was included - it doesn't tell ya. Bodyspell must be in there.

  31. How cool! Thank you :) Will be trying this in my class!

  32. I am SO HAPPY I found this!!! I am trying this out TOMORROW!!!!!!! We are all going to be addicted for sure :)

  33. Thank you! !!!! I just signed up and excited to try this tomorrow!

  34. I tried this yesterday and my first graders loved it! Especially the Justin Beiber song!
    I shared it with other teachers at my school too!

  35. Thanks for sharing! We tested it out yesterday and oh my gosh, the kids LOVED it! It was awesome!

  36. Thanks for sharing this site!! I just signed up for an account and can't wait to use it with my Kinders when we return from Spring Break! :)

  37. I just discovered this too. My kids are now looking forward to their brain break between reading and language. Love the Happy song the best!

  38. I have been using this and my kiddos love it too!

  39. GoNoodle is fantastic! I'm going to share with the other teachers at my school.
