February 2, 2014


Right after the holidays, I had the idea to kick out a little Winter Olympic collection.  Well, life happened, aaaaand the packet didn't.  Christmas Break came and went and I watched as the cutest little Winter Game packs started to roll out. I was still itchin' to put something together {I still have the coffee-stained handwritten list to prove it}, but planning for a long term sub left me NO wiggle room in the creating department.  So, here I am weeks later with a bit of time on my hands {finally} and the Winter Olympics are knockin' on my door. Let's be honest.  The TPT market already has wonderful Classroom Olympic Packs, Math + Literacy Center Packs, and Printable Packs . . . so, I opted for something a little different that would supplement many of these wonderful collections.  I present to you, Caught Goin' For Gold . . . a Character Building/Teamwork Mini Pack :)

Here's my thought process on this one.  Over the years I have noticed that the kids tend to need a refresher course on the whole notion of respect, teamwork, and being their "best selves" when January hits.  Well, the Winter Olympics just so happened to be the PERFECT "sizzle" I needed to launch a kindness spiral review (if you will).    

I came up with a fun class project in which your babes become "kindness judges" throughout the duration of the Winter Games.  As these student "judges" witness classmates making good choices, helping others, showing kindness, and/or being their "best selves," they complete a Gold Medal Card in their friend's honor.  At the end of the day, these medal cards are shared with the class and these babes are celebrated.  These medals will then be hung in a "Caught Goin' For Gold" display area.  I am going to challenge my babes.  My goal is to get our classroom doors covered with golden medals by the time Closing Ceremonies hit - I know we can do it!


This packet also comes with a corresponding writing/craft activity that will elicit some positive student reflection (with a hint of cute).  I left this pretty open ended and tossed in three different templates to help meet your academic needs.  However, with my firsties, we will be using the Step Up to Writing model to compose a paragraph on how we can be their "best selves."  My topic sentence . . . There are three ways that I can be a gold medal student at school. How you like them torches?  It all ties together with a neat little bow.  The cool thing about this craft/pack is that you don't have to wait until 2018 to use it again.  This will indeed work for the Summer Games too . . . holla!!!  

On a mildly related, and rather dippy side note, it took me ALL day to make this one little person.  The hair was almost the death of me - NOTE . . . dudes just ditch the pony!  Seriously folks, it was almost comical how bad I was at this {well, I can laugh now}. The head was too fat, the eyes were too small, the mouth didn't look right, I didn't have any gold glitter . . . I was a hot mess. However, I think it all came together alright in the end.  It's simple, but I like it. But one thing is for certain . . . #iaintnocupcake :)

In addition to this Character pack, I also made a collection of Mini Books with Winter Game themes.  Although these are winter specific, purchasers will receive the file update for free as well as a new South Korea mini reader.  

My goal here was pretty straightforward.  I wanted to create a series of mini books to help get my kiddos excited about the upcoming games.  I designed these to be utilized in a small or whole group setting.  There's one on Russia, another highlighting the basics/history of the Winter Olympics, and a third one showcasing many of the Winter Game sports.   

Alright, so that's what I have for you tonight.  It is so late here, but I couldn't sleep.  It think the typing helps  . . . my eyelids are getting droopy.  {Hopefully, I made sense and didn't talk too much - I'm good at that when I'm wide awake!!}  I have received a few emails asking about Good Morning Work for 2nd Grade.  The math and reading sets were both posted earlier this week :)

Before I go, I joined forces with my Blog Hoppin' girls and put my store on sale for SUPER SUNDAY!!! I am beside myself about the big game.  I am a football junkie and a Manning LOVER!  Life is good in Casa de Dolling today. (Well, except the fact that the Mr. is rooting for Seattle.  I just ignore him . . . hehehehehe.)  Big hugs my friends.  I'll be back with some rockin' goods very soon.  Thanks for visiting.      

Thanks for the cute button Ashley Hughes!!!


  1. What a great idea! My class totally needs that type of reinforcement this year.

    What I Have Learned

    1. Thanks Jessica . . . mine does too (more than usual this year). Thanks for taking the time to pop on in :)

  2. Replies
    1. I can't even reply to this comment now . . . uh . . . How about that weather?? Hehehehehe . . . love you Oregon!

  3. I love the idea of "Goin' for Gold" in respect to character building and teamwork - this is precisely what I am working on - but with middle school. I think it would definitely still work - just with a few age tweaks. Thanks for the post!

    1. I love hearing stuff like this . . . that one little idea sparks another for a totally different set of kiddos! Let me know how it turns out :)
